Benjamin Netanyahu: Merry Christmas to My Christian Friends

Nah my signature just goes to part of what I believe in politically not religious wise. I just tagged you in a post with a direct link to what I believe in. I KNOW there is no god,no heaven,no hell,no satan etc etc. MOST religions are crutches for weak people. Mine is not.

Why should I bother getting bogged down in "the Creativity Movement," you said it all in this one paragraph.

Oh, boy, you get to live another 40 years hating on people and then you evaporate into oblivion. What a swell way to live one's life. You really have to deny crystal clear signs of the supernatural to hold said position. That is called folly.
I have many such signature pics.
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  • Qrmyv1N.jpg
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Nah my signature just goes to part of what I believe in politically not religious wise. I just tagged you in a post with a direct link to what I believe in. I KNOW there is no god,no heaven,no hell,no satan etc etc. MOST religions are crutches for weak people. Mine is not.

Why should I bother getting bogged down in "the Creativity Movement," you said it all in this one paragraph.

Oh, boy, you get to live another 40 years hating on people and then you evaporate into oblivion. What a swell way to live one's life. You really have to deny crystal clear signs of the supernatural to hold said position. That is called folly.
LOL....You wanted to know I told you and even provided a link for you. I hate my enemies and wish them nothing but death. Oh and no I will spend my life raising my proud white children to be proud white young adults who will go on and have lots of proud white babies. :) I don't have political ties and I am not rich so I have produced as many white kids as me and my wife can handle and I have a trigger finger more than capable of defending my people if need be. I educate and spread the word about the Jewish threat to my race's existence,what we can do to fight it etc. I am an educator,a man that spreads the word. Hopefully when the time comes I will be a soldier in the fight for our very existence.
Nah my signature just goes to part of what I believe in politically not religious wise. I just tagged you in a post with a direct link to what I believe in. I KNOW there is no god,no heaven,no hell,no satan etc etc. MOST religions are crutches for weak people. Mine is not.

Why should I bother getting bogged down in "the Creativity Movement," you said it all in this one paragraph.

Oh, boy, you get to live another 40 years hating on people and then you evaporate into oblivion. What a swell way to live one's life. You really have to deny crystal clear signs of the supernatural to hold said position. That is called folly.
LOL....You wanted to know I told you and even provided a link for you. I hate my enemies and wish them nothing but death. Oh and no I will spend my life raising my proud white children to be proud white young adults who will go on and have lots of proud white babies. :) I don't have political ties and I am not rich so I have produced as many white kids as me and my wife can handle and I have a trigger finger more than capable of defending my people if need be. I educate and spread the word about the Jewish threat to my race's existence,what we can do to fight it etc. I am an educator,a man that spreads the word. Hopefully when the time comes I will be a soldier in the fight for our very existence.

That's still a crappy selfish life, IMO. You still have to play blind to deny God's obvious existence.

Still, I notice you and I agree on other issues! How does that happen?
^ Trump voters at their finest :rofl:

You are just an angry man who has no focus except on expanding his hate list.

You cannot debate. Regardless if you lack the aptitude to do so, your bigger issue is you are always on the side that is the opposite of truth and virtue. have a merry christmas
I guess I got through to you.

Anyways happy Yule, happy Eid, Happy Hannukah, or Merry Christmas to you Turz, whichever one applies. Wish Odium happy holidays too, since without him abd millions just like him, Trump could not have won. :thup:
How is it selfish? If I was selfish I would have never had kids and would only think of myself and not try and educate people. I was raised a christian,several different denominations stopped attending church as a 13 year old,by 17 was looking for my own path...dabbled with Paganism,Odinism,Atheism etc....had a friend that was a Reverend in the Creativity religion and I was an Atheist at the time.Took him over 2 years to convert me. I was already pro white but DESPISED religion. We have a lot in common because even though we differ wildly in religious views we both want traditional values in society and in our families etc. Its the same with my wife and I. She was raised a christian and still is but doesn't attend church and is not into all the religious stuff but she still believes in the tenets.
So tell us. Are you a Muslim? That would explain everything.
1. No not a Muslim,Don't know any Muslims,Not care to know any Muslims or any Jews
2.I am INFORMED. You should try it.
3. I don't believe some book of fiction you idiots call the bible and I don't believe the propaganda from the jew tube.

Oh and would LOVE to see you justify the quotes from the Talmud I posted...that's what Jews REALLY think of you.

I do not believe anything you say.

Not a Muslim hey? Just your regular run of the mill anti-semite I suppose?

I still don't believe it. Only intolerant hyper muslims filled with hate talk the way you do.

What religion are you? Care to tell us about God?
You must be under the impression I care what a **** loving piece of shit thinks of me. I don't. I never have. I never will. Sure I am a Creator. I have stated that MANY times. Proud of it as well. In fact my religion has a lot in common with Judaism as far as being a race based religion. Oh and no I am not an Anti Semite. I don't HATE Muslims as much as I hate Jews. I am Anti Jew.

Oh and no I have no interest in talking about your ghost in the sky...I don't believe in any of that hocus pocus.

So what is your religion?

Or are you going to cower out because it will cause you personal embarrassment?
Can you not read English? I said I am a Creator my religion is called Creativity. Tell me your language I will spell it in that and post it. Oh and still crickets from you on the quotes from the Talmud. How about in the Talmud where it says Jesus will burn in hell in boiling semen eh?

If your a creator of your own, then that claims that too is something you can't see as well.
Unless you worship Allister Crowley which there again people believe and worship satan and you can't see that idiot either.
1. No not a Muslim,Don't know any Muslims,Not care to know any Muslims or any Jews
2.I am INFORMED. You should try it.
3. I don't believe some book of fiction you idiots call the bible and I don't believe the propaganda from the jew tube.

Oh and would LOVE to see you justify the quotes from the Talmud I posted...that's what Jews REALLY think of you.

I do not believe anything you say.

Not a Muslim hey? Just your regular run of the mill anti-semite I suppose?

I still don't believe it. Only intolerant hyper muslims filled with hate talk the way you do.

What religion are you? Care to tell us about God?
You must be under the impression I care what a **** loving piece of shit thinks of me. I don't. I never have. I never will. Sure I am a Creator. I have stated that MANY times. Proud of it as well. In fact my religion has a lot in common with Judaism as far as being a race based religion. Oh and no I am not an Anti Semite. I don't HATE Muslims as much as I hate Jews. I am Anti Jew.

Oh and no I have no interest in talking about your ghost in the sky...I don't believe in any of that hocus pocus.

So what is your religion?

Or are you going to cower out because it will cause you personal embarrassment?
Can you not read English? I said I am a Creator my religion is called Creativity. Tell me your language I will spell it in that and post it. Oh and still crickets from you on the quotes from the Talmud. How about in the Talmud where it says Jesus will burn in hell in boiling semen eh?

If your a creator of your own, then that claims that too is something you can't see as well.
Unless you worship Allister Crowley which there again people believe and worship satan and you can't see that idiot either.
There is a link to my beliefs in one of the replies....
I do not believe anything you say.

Not a Muslim hey? Just your regular run of the mill anti-semite I suppose?

I still don't believe it. Only intolerant hyper muslims filled with hate talk the way you do.

What religion are you? Care to tell us about God?
You must be under the impression I care what a **** loving piece of shit thinks of me. I don't. I never have. I never will. Sure I am a Creator. I have stated that MANY times. Proud of it as well. In fact my religion has a lot in common with Judaism as far as being a race based religion. Oh and no I am not an Anti Semite. I don't HATE Muslims as much as I hate Jews. I am Anti Jew.

Oh and no I have no interest in talking about your ghost in the sky...I don't believe in any of that hocus pocus.

So what is your religion?

Or are you going to cower out because it will cause you personal embarrassment?
Can you not read English? I said I am a Creator my religion is called Creativity. Tell me your language I will spell it in that and post it. Oh and still crickets from you on the quotes from the Talmud. How about in the Talmud where it says Jesus will burn in hell in boiling semen eh?

If your a creator of your own, then that claims that too is something you can't see as well.
Unless you worship Allister Crowley which there again people believe and worship satan and you can't see that idiot either.
There is a link to my beliefs in one of the replies....

I posted this right after you mentioned your thoughts up above apologies.
How is it selfish? If I was selfish I would have never had kids and would only think of myself and not try and educate people. I was raised a christian,several different denominations stopped attending church as a 13 year old,by 17 was looking for my own path...dabbled with Paganism,Odinism,Atheism etc....had a friend that was a Reverend in the Creativity religion and I was an Atheist at the time.Took him over 2 years to convert me. I was already pro white but DESPISED religion. We have a lot in common because even though we differ wildly in religious views we both want traditional values in society and in our families etc. Its the same with my wife and I. She was raised a christian and still is but doesn't attend church and is not into all the religious stuff but she still believes in the tenets.

Fine, I will not get to your "Creativity Movement" encyclical any time soon, but neither am I going to get into any proselytization. If you think you are doing someone good, then I believe you. However, that is not the same as to say "you really are doing someone good."

So you despise religion. Cannot even make a distinction amongst them? You should despise almost everyone then because atheism has caused greater harm than any other religion or ideology.

Catholicism civilized a barbaric cruel Europe. It also civilized half the world. It also created an education system, a more advanced and just government, it created hospitals and orphanages and cared for the most oppressed and forgotten amongst them and in mission lands. But if someone will only point out our sins and ignore all that, so much for honesty and the "traditional values" you say you cherish.

I will not attack you on your faith any longer (I would guess) ---- but I will continue to attack when it comes to Judaism and Israel. That, you can expect. Enjoy your holiday break however you choose to recognize it.
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How is it selfish? If I was selfish I would have never had kids and would only think of myself and not try and educate people. I was raised a christian,several different denominations stopped attending church as a 13 year old,by 17 was looking for my own path...dabbled with Paganism,Odinism,Atheism etc....had a friend that was a Reverend in the Creativity religion and I was an Atheist at the time.Took him over 2 years to convert me. I was already pro white but DESPISED religion. We have a lot in common because even though we differ wildly in religious views we both want traditional values in society and in our families etc. Its the same with my wife and I. She was raised a christian and still is but doesn't attend church and is not into all the religious stuff but she still believes in the tenets.

Fine, I will not get to your "Creativity Movement" encyclical any time soon, but neither am I going to get into any proselytization. If you think you are doing someone good, then I believer. But that is not the same as to say "you really are doing someone good."

So you despise religion. Cannot even make a distinction amongst them? You should despise almost everyone then because atheism has caused greater harm than any other religion or ideology.

Catholicism civilized a barbaric cruel Europe. It also civilized half the world. It also created an education system, a more advanced and just government, it created hospitals and orphanages and cared for the most oppressed and forgotten amongst them and in mission lands. But if someone will only point out our sins and ignore all that, so much for the "traditional values" you say you cherish.

I will not attack you on your faith any longer (I would guess) ---- but I will continue to attack when it comes to Judaism and Israel. That, you can expect. Enjoy your holiday break however you choose to recognize it.
I despise the religion not the people that civilized the world. I don't find the sins of religion bad I find religion to be bad because its a crutch and I think Islam and christianity are inventions of the Jewish race to play against each other as they take over the world. Islam is a militant religion christianity is a meek pathetic religion turn the other cheek,give up all your wealth,love your thanks. christianity has turned the white race into weaklings and pussified them to give in. We need to destroy the stranglehold christianity has over our race and return to a warrior mentality. That's why Judaism has worked so well for THOUSANDS of years. Jews have been scattered all over the world but Jews ALWAYS stick together and can find each other and they always have that common link,RELIGION.

During the rule of Emperor Vespasian, the Jews in Judea became rebellious. Emperor Vespasian sent General Titus down there and after a 139 day siege of Jerusalem, the city was sacked, leveled to the ground, and the Jews were either killed or dispersed. It would seem that in a fate similar to that of Carthage, this would be the end of the Jews, But not so. The Jews had one extraordinary thing going for them: and that was the unique religion that bound their race together. Far from being destroyed, the Jews in their cunning and resourcefulness, with their religion uniting and binding them together, planned revenge on the Romans. And revenge they did get. They inflected on the Romans a religion that undermined the will of the Romans to survive as a race and as a nation. With tremendous zeal the Jews propagated among the Romans a new religion with such suicidal ideas as "turn the other cheek, love your enemies, resist not evil" and other self-destructive philosophies that sapped the strength of the Romans and left them naked and defenseless before their enemies. In a few centuries the great Roman civilization completely disintegrated and was defenseless against the marauding vandals who finally sacked Rome in the year 476 A.D. and Rome was no more. However, with his tenacity and zeal for preserving the Jewish race as embodied in his fanatic religion, the Jew did not go down with Rome. No, on the contrary, he fed on the corpse and went from the Roman corpse to scatter and infect the incipient and growing new cultures that were emerging in Western Europe, cultures and civilizations that were blighted from the very beginning with the handicap of the new religion with which the Jew had destroyed Rome. It is true that the Jew is tough. He is cunning and he is treacherous. He is also tenacious and he is persistent. All these qualities fit him well to be the foremost predator and parasite on the body of mankind. But even with all these qualities he would not have survived had it not been for his Mosaic religion. It is the basic ingredients of his religion that bind him together in a holy brotherhood hostile to all mankind, striving, pushing, clawing, always and forever for the good of his race, for the survival of his race, and exhibiting in its raw form one of the strongest laws of Nature: the propagation and survival of its own species. The Jews learned one other significant fact early in their history: There is nothing as powerful in uniting a group (any group) as having a common enemy. Based on this premise, they have seen to it that they have always been at war with other races. In fact, all other peoples are their enemies at all times. It is only a matter of strategy as to who is the prime enemy at any given time
That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
From the Talmud

Yalkut 245c
Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

1) If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he
is not known and do the evil there. –Moed Kattan 17a
2) If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed.
Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God. –Sanhedrin 58b
3) A Jew need not pay a Gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed
him for work. –Sanhedrin 57a
4) If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile (“heathen”) it does
not have to be returned.
-Baba Mezia 24a also in Baba Kamma 113b
5) When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no
death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may
keep. –Sanhedrin 57a
6) Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God
has “exposed their money to Israel”. –Baba Kamma 37b
7) All Gentile children are animals. –Yebamoth 98a
8) Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
–Abodah Zarah 36b
9) Only Jews are human (“Only ye are designated men”).
–Baba Kattan 114a-114b
10) Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.
–Baba Kamma 113a
11) Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, "We have to recognize that Jewish
blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing."
-NY Times, June 6, 1989
12) Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, "One million Arabs are not worth a
Jewish fingernail." -NY Daily News, Feb 28, 1994


That will be the greatest day in my life.
Looks like it's your mind that is nuked. You are beyond help.
That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
Ok so you went to a neo Nazi site and copy and pasted like a donkey. What will your next trick be? With idiots like you supporting the Paleshitians, do they really need any enemies?
That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
Ok so you went to a neo Nazi site and copy and pasted like a donkey. What will your next trick be? With idiots like you supporting the Paleshitians, do they really need any enemies?
You're right, he's parroting a nazi website.

Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews – Ben Klassen
That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
Ok so you went to a neo Nazi site and copy and pasted like a donkey. What will your next trick be? With idiots like you supporting the Paleshitians, do they really need any enemies?
You're right, he's parroting a nazi website.

Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews – Ben Klassen
Hell all ya had to do was ask for the link. Facts are facts. Course the clown you are quoting can't ask me I put that trash on ignore. Nothing worth me hearing so not worth having off ignore.Oh and dumbass learn what a "nazi" is you ignorant tool. In fact you can scroll down just a bit more in that book and find his chapter on racial socialism vs national socialism but again I am dealing with a moron who is an Israel firster so facts aren't really your thing.
That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
Ok so you went to a neo Nazi site and copy and pasted like a donkey. What will your next trick be? With idiots like you supporting the Paleshitians, do they really need any enemies?
You're right, he's parroting a nazi website.

Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews – Ben Klassen
Hell all ya had to do was ask for the link. Facts are facts. Course the clown you are quoting can't ask me I put that trash on ignore. Nothing worth me hearing so not worth having off ignore.Oh and dumbass learn what a "nazi" is you ignorant tool. In fact you can scroll down just a bit more in that book and find his chapter on racial socialism vs national socialism but again I am dealing with a moron who is an Israel firster so facts aren't really your thing.
Did you know Jews have encryption devices in all keyboards that sends what you type to Mossad?
That the Judaic religion has been the rock of strength around which the Jewish race has rallied for the last 5000 years is
without question. The Jews do not believe in God nor are they foolish enough to put their efforts or beliefs centered in a
hereafter. Golda Meir, the present Prime Minister of Israel, stated succinctly when she said in her speech from the Knesset, the
Israel Parliament in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer, yet no one will be able to root from the heart and mind the conviction that
without the Jewish religion we would have been like all other nations, who once existed and disappeared." From the earliest
glimmerings of childhood the Jewish parents inculcate into their offspring the idea of racial loyalty, the idea that the survival of
the Jewish race is everything, the idea that all other peoples are their enemies to be either exploited or destroyed.
Ok so you went to a neo Nazi site and copy and pasted like a donkey. What will your next trick be? With idiots like you supporting the Paleshitians, do they really need any enemies?
You're right, he's parroting a nazi website.

Masters of Deceit — A Short History of the Jews – Ben Klassen
Hell all ya had to do was ask for the link. Facts are facts. Course the clown you are quoting can't ask me I put that trash on ignore. Nothing worth me hearing so not worth having off ignore.Oh and dumbass learn what a "nazi" is you ignorant tool. In fact you can scroll down just a bit more in that book and find his chapter on racial socialism vs national socialism but again I am dealing with a moron who is an Israel firster so facts aren't really your thing.
Did you know Jews have encryption devices in all keyboards that sends what you type to Mossad?
Cool. I mean I really don't care nor do I know if you are being serious but that's fascinating if true and not really surprising if true. You can always tell who rules over you by finding out who you aren't allowed to criticize!
Just remember, the next time you come crying on the board about what happened to you in your personal life. Bad Karma is a bitch.

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