Bergdahl Jury is in!

Another Bergdahl Thread purposefully thrown off-topic because Obama's decision making skills are so poor they are indefensible.

Another Bergdahl Thread purposefully thrown off-topic because Obama's decision making skills are so poor they are indefensible.


She was a pro Palestinian murderers supporter in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still, Israel has right to defend itself. Palestinians are nothing more then a people with terroristic background that has been kicked out of every country they have resided in because they are so stupid.

Not everyone who believes the Palestinians deserve a Homeland of their own supports murderous terrorist. The refugees have always been pawns in a brutal game.

No, you support driving millions of Israelis out of their homeland based on a flawed worldview. Drop by the Israel and Palestine thread sometime. I'll educate you on how much of a right Palestinians have to any of that land. I've heard all of the arguments, from "Palestinians are descended from the Canaanites, and the Canaanites were there before the Hebrews came along" to "The Zionists stole the land from the Palestinian Arabs."


Why would you think that? Because I said Rachel Corrie was not a Palestinian terrorist?

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