Bergdahl's Health: What's So Bad About It ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The Obama folks have based their end around of Congress on the Bergdahl release, on the idea that Bergdahl was in such poor health that 30 days of waiting would have been too long. Many members of Congress have been saying that once Bergdahl is here, his health needs to be examined to see if this claim has any justification.

On the surface, we can judge for ourselves. The video of the release is all over the world, and Bergdahl does not appear to be sick, injured, or even the slightest bit incapacitated. He was standing upright and walking without so much as the assistance of a cane. When PFC Jessica Lynch was medically evacuated, she was carried out on a stretcher, and the look on her face spelled out one word > PAIN.

My guess is that once Bergdahl is back and checked out, it will be by military medical personnel firmly in the political grasp of their Commander in Chief, and the "analysis" will reflect that to the hilt (AKA a LIE).


Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl. Obama feared they would again veto it, and he would lose his photo op.
Bet he wishes he would have let them veto it now !
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Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?
Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?

Escape from the people he was seeking?
Or escaping from his unit?
Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?

Escape from the people he was seeking?
Or escaping from his unit?

COLLABERATING might be the word in question (rather than "escape"). ANd if he was collaberating, HOW ? What did he tell his Taliban apparent pals ?
Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?

Escape from the people he was seeking?
Or escaping from his unit?

He tried to escape from the Taliban in 2011. Whatever he did or didn't do, it seems obvious the Taliban do NOT follow the Geneva Concention.
Obama and his team have no problem trotting out Susan Rice to lie for them. Apparently she will read anything they put in front of her. It was a video !! He was on deaths door!

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View the video, now that the anti Obama crowd will not consider this man was tortured, at least see him smile for the first time, when touching other US soldiers.
Protectionist and the rest of the doofi know nothing about Bergdahl's health.

Some of the doofi apparently make threats against the folks of Hailey, ID.

The doofi are going to find, once again, they are the center of interest of LEO.
CiC does not have to answer to Senate for his use of wartime powers.

Dead issue, guys.
They're going to claim insanity----wait for it.

More U.S. troops are committing suicide than are being killed in active service in Afghanistan, shocking figures have revealed.

Even before not-yet-released data from October, the number of suicides among active and reserve army personnel this year has surpassed the number of combined military combat deaths from January to October 22, according to CNS News.

A total of 247 U.S. army personnel are believed to have taken their own lives between January and September this year, army data shows. This compares to 222 deaths from 'hostile causes' in Afghanistan.


More U.S. troops committing suicide than being killed fighting in Afghanistan in 'tough year' for armed services | Mail Online

It would seem that extreme psychological breakdown ("insanity") is not uncommon within the atmosphere Bergdahl was exposed to. So let's not dismiss the possibility that he wasn't responsible for his actions when he walked away.

PTSD doesn't only occur after the soldier is safe at home. We need to look more closely at the kind of pressures these soldiers are exposed to in Afghanistan -- where we have no good reason to be in the first place.
Protectionist and the rest of the doofi know nothing about Bergdahl's health.

Some of the doofi apparently make threats against the folks of Hailey, ID.

The doofi are going to find, once again, they are the center of interest of LEO.

I don't know half of what the hell you're taking about here, but I do know that we sure know plenty more than nothing about Bergdahl's health. We know that he wasn't carried out on a stretcher. We know he wasn't wheeled in a wheelchair. He wasn't walking with a cane. He wasn't limping. He wasn't grimacing or appearing to be in pain (like Jessica Lynch with a broken leg, swollen with infection). And Bergdahl didn't appear to have any visible injuries.

To say we "know nothing about Bergdahl's health" is mindless babbling.
Protectionist and the rest of the doofi know nothing about Bergdahl's health.

Some of the doofi apparently make threats against the folks of Hailey, ID.

The doofi are going to find, once again, they are the center of interest of LEO.

I don't know half of what the hell you're taking about here, but I do know that we sure know plenty more than nothing about Bergdahl's health. We know that he wasn't carried out on a stretcher. We know he wasn't wheeled in a wheelchair. He wasn't walking with a cane. He wasn't limping. He wasn't grimacing or appearing to be in pain (like Jessica Lynch with a broken leg, swollen with infection). And Bergdahl didn't appear to have any visible injuries.

To say we "know nothing about Bergdahl's health" is mindless babbling.
We KNOW he was a zombie with the Taliban, smiled & cried when touched by US soldiers.
Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?
There also is the strong possibility that Bergdahl was subjected to intensive brainwash techniques which are extremely damaging to the psyche in ways which usually are irreversible.

There is much to be learned about this Bergdahl situation -- including what role his father has played in his life.
CiC does not have to answer to Senate for his use of wartime powers.

Dead issue, guys.

He will answer to history. She will be far crueler.

His legacy is already written: "worse than Carter".

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Better than baby Bush. Carter was actually a decent President. Those 21% interest rates were during the Reagan years. Ronnie could CAMPAIGN, that is certain.

Carter and his aggressive national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski is directly responsible for much of the mess we are in with the Middle East. Remember that.

1953 onward is what caused this mess. We ousted their president for the Shaw and Carter embraced, toasted him and allowed him to go to the US, further inflaming the situation leading to the hostage crisis.
CiC does not have to answer to Senate for his use of wartime powers.

Dead issue, guys.

He will answer to history. She will be far crueler.

His legacy is already written: "worse than Carter".

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Better than baby Bush. Carter was actually a decent President. Those 21% interest rates were during the Reagan years. Ronnie could CAMPAIGN, that is certain.
When did the subject change to the economy ? Obama's economy is shit but his foreign policy is worse. His moves as CIC are atrociously inept.

Carter's botched hostage rescue is a perfect analog to this incident . A bad decision made by an unpopular pansy. Obama will be judged harshly for this.

Worse for him, he will spend the rest of his term under a cloud of investigations and scandal.

He Is a fucking DISASTER.

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Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?
There also is the strong possibility that Bergdahl was subjected to intensive brainwash techniques which are extremely damaging to the psyche in ways which usually are irreversible.

There is much to be learned about this Bergdahl situation -- including what role his father has played in his life.

His father seems distraught over his son's imprisonment, I agree we need to know about Bergdah;s' mental condition. The weight loss, the vacant expression & odd zombie like walking, in the Taliban video, all point to torture. Yes, most likely pyschological as well as physical. We will know when we know.

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