Bergdahl's Health: What's So Bad About It ?

We need to look more closely at the kind of pressures these soldiers are exposed to in Afghanistan -- where we have no good reason to be in the first place.

We have more good reason to be in Afghanistan than any place we have ever been, in any war we have ever fought, including World War II. It is the most critically important deployment in American history. The withdrawl from it, unless corrected by very fast redeployment, will likely result in the complete ANNIHILATION OF THE USA.

Do you know why we're there ?
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CaféAuLait;9210086 said:
CaféAuLait;9209883 said:
Carter and his aggressive national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski is directly responsible for much of the mess we are in with the Middle East. Remember that.

1953 onward is what caused this mess. We ousted their president for the Shaw and Carter embraced, toasted him and allowed him to go to the US, further inflaming the situation leading to the hostage crisis.

The Shah came into power in 1947 actually. All US Presidents toasted him, until........the radicals overthrew him.

I was speaking about the 28 Mordad Coup of 1953 ( lead by the CIA and MI5 or the overthrow of Prime Minister/Premier Mohammad Mosaddegh- he was overthrowing- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ( the Shah) . The US and the UK stuck their fingers where they did not belong - due to oil. Iranians were ticked we greeted him with open arms after his ouster which was stopped when the Iran wanted it in 53.
We loved the Shah, that is true. Despite all his abuses, he always had a "friend" in the USA. The Saudis are much the same after the Shah, PETROLEUM comes first.
The Obama folks have based their end around of Congress on the Bergdahl release, on the idea that Bergdahl was in such poor health that 30 days of waiting would have been too long. Many members of Congress have been saying that once Bergdahl is here, his health needs to be examined to see if this claim has any justification.

On the surface, we can judge for ourselves. The video of the release is all over the world, and Bergdahl does not appear to be sick, injured, or even the slightest bit incapacitated. He was standing upright and walking without so much as the assistance of a cane. When PFC Jessica Lynch was medically evacuated, she was carried out on a stretcher, and the look on her face spelled out one word > PAIN.

My guess is that once Bergdahl is back and checked out, it will be by military medical personnel firmly in the political grasp of their Commander in Chief, and the "analysis" will reflect that to the hilt (AKA a LIE).



daddy say he has trouble speaking english. daddy also supports the Taliban. like father like son ?? 2 peas in a muslim pod ??
The Obama folks have based their end around of Congress on the Bergdahl release, on the idea that Bergdahl was in such poor health that 30 days of waiting would have been too long. Many members of Congress have been saying that once Bergdahl is here, his health needs to be examined to see if this claim has any justification.

On the surface, we can judge for ourselves. The video of the release is all over the world, and Bergdahl does not appear to be sick, injured, or even the slightest bit incapacitated. He was standing upright and walking without so much as the assistance of a cane. When PFC Jessica Lynch was medically evacuated, she was carried out on a stretcher, and the look on her face spelled out one word > PAIN.

My guess is that once Bergdahl is back and checked out, it will be by military medical personnel firmly in the political grasp of their Commander in Chief, and the "analysis" will reflect that to the hilt (AKA a LIE).



daddy say he has trouble speaking english. daddy also supports the Taliban. like father like son ?? 2 peas in a muslim pod ??

Looks like that so far. Time will tell more.
CaféAuLait;9210086 said:
CaféAuLait;9209883 said:
Carter and his aggressive national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski is directly responsible for much of the mess we are in with the Middle East. Remember that.

1953 onward is what caused this mess. We ousted their president for the Shaw and Carter embraced, toasted him and allowed him to go to the US, further inflaming the situation leading to the hostage crisis.

The Shah came into power in 1947 actually. All US Presidents toasted him, until........the radicals overthrew him.

I was speaking about the 28 Mordad Coup of 1953 ( lead by the CIA and MI5 or the overthrow of Prime Minister/Premier Mohammad Mosaddegh- he was overthrowing- Mohammad Reza Pahlavi ( the Shah) . The US and the UK stuck their fingers where they did not belong - due to oil. Iranians were ticked we greeted him with open arms after his ouster which was stopped when the Iran wanted it in 53.


The Obama folks have based their end around of Congress on the Bergdahl release, on the idea that Bergdahl was in such poor health that 30 days of waiting would have been too long. Many members of Congress have been saying that once Bergdahl is here, his health needs to be examined to see if this claim has any justification.

On the surface, we can judge for ourselves. The video of the release is all over the world, and Bergdahl does not appear to be sick, injured, or even the slightest bit incapacitated. He was standing upright and walking without so much as the assistance of a cane. When PFC Jessica Lynch was medically evacuated, she was carried out on a stretcher, and the look on her face spelled out one word > PAIN.

My guess is that once Bergdahl is back and checked out, it will be by military medical personnel firmly in the political grasp of their Commander in Chief, and the "analysis" will reflect that to the hilt (AKA a LIE).



daddy say he has trouble speaking english. daddy also supports the Taliban. like father like son ?? 2 peas in a muslim pod ??

Looks like that so far. Time will tell more.

so will the men he served with. their opinions and stories should be told, under oath in an open court. im more likely to believe them than some stinkin' smelly politican
daddy say he has trouble speaking english. daddy also supports the Taliban. like father like son ?? 2 peas in a muslim pod ??

Looks like that so far. Time will tell more.

so will the men he served with. their opinions and stories should be told, under oath in an open court. im more likely to believe them than some stinkin' smelly politican

I'm with you there. And note what Sen Lindsey Graham said today. They get more information from Fox News than they do in their Senate meetings. I heard from a few of those men Bergdahl served with, on Fox News today. Lots of straightfoward talk there.
CaféAuLait;9209980 said:
Peach makes sense.

Cafeaulait and Zander are preaching the sith propaganda line, and they blame everyone else but their own breed for the GOP losses.

Sith propaganda? LMAO

Guess his parents and best friends were liars and fabricated emails, all of his uniforms and equipment sent home 2 weeks after arriving in 2009. Then, the man, Michael Hastings, who brought General McChrystal down- fell for their bullshit and published an article about it all in 2012.


Excuse me for my ignorance,but isn't "Sith" a star wars reference?
Yeah I sure didn't see anything imminent in the video of his release. Not exactly taken out on a stretcher. This was just an excuse so Obama can claim there was no intent to break the law.

The truth is, the very committee he needed to notify is the one that had earlier vetoed an exchange involving Bergdahl.

He appears much thinner than when he was captured, and dazed, as though he is in shock. You don't believe he was tortured after he tried to escape?

I have no idea if he was tortured, all's I see here is no evidence so far that his health was to the point that death or an extreme health danger was imminent, and thus why Obama could not even make a phone call to alert the House/Senate committee.
Looks like that so far. Time will tell more.

so will the men he served with. their opinions and stories should be told, under oath in an open court. im more likely to believe them than some stinkin' smelly politican

I'm with you there. And note what Sen Lindsey Graham said today. They get more information from Fox News than they do in their Senate meetings. I heard from a few of those men Bergdahl served with, on Fox News today. Lots of straightfoward talk there.

he took off and left all his gear behind. sounds incriminating to me. and im bettin' daddy O back here told him to run

Former team leader: Bergdahl tried to seek out Taliban

We need to look more closely at the kind of pressures these soldiers are exposed to in Afghanistan -- where we have no good reason to be in the first place.

We have more good reason to be in Afghanistan than any place we have ever been, in any war we have ever fought, including World War II. It is the most critically important deployment in American history. The withdrawl from it, unless corrected by very fast redeployment, will likely result in the complete ANNIHILATION OF THE USA.

Do you know why we're there ?

I've gained a new respect for you Protectionist.
daddy say he has trouble speaking english. daddy also supports the Taliban. like father like son ?? 2 peas in a muslim pod ??

Looks like that so far. Time will tell more.

so will the men he served with. their opinions and stories should be told, under oath in an open court. im more likely to believe them than some stinkin' smelly politican

Why do voters always pick the dregs of America? Your comment says more about the electorate than those who hold office. And, this remains a military matter for now, as it must.
The more I hear about Bergdahl The Deserter ...the more I compare with the coward way those Americans heroes in Benghazi were left to die while Obama slept.... this Administration has a very weird set of prerogatives ..... dangerous clowns that they are!:mad:
so will the men he served with. their opinions and stories should be told, under oath in an open court. im more likely to believe them than some stinkin' smelly politican

I'm with you there. And note what Sen Lindsey Graham said today. They get more information from Fox News than they do in their Senate meetings. I heard from a few of those men Bergdahl served with, on Fox News today. Lots of straightfoward talk there.

he took off and left all his gear behind. sounds incriminating to me. and im bettin' daddy O back here told him to run

Former team leader: Bergdahl tried to seek out Taliban


Leaving without his weapons indicates he was not deserting, why would he leave behind what could help the radicals?
I'm with you there. And note what Sen Lindsey Graham said today. They get more information from Fox News than they do in their Senate meetings. I heard from a few of those men Bergdahl served with, on Fox News today. Lots of straightfoward talk there.

he took off and left all his gear behind. sounds incriminating to me. and im bettin' daddy O back here told him to run

Former team leader: Bergdahl tried to seek out Taliban


Leaving without his weapons indicates he was not deserting, why would he leave behind what could help the radicals?

:lol: He didnt want to get shot by any taliban he encountered. Get a clue.
The foulness of the far right reactionary fascists here are beyond belief.

America is not buying this Fox made propaganda nonsense.
CaféAuLait;9209980 said:
Peach makes sense.

Cafeaulait and Zander are preaching the sith propaganda line, and they blame everyone else but their own breed for the GOP losses.

Sith propaganda? LMAO

Guess his parents and best friends were liars and fabricated emails, all of his uniforms and equipment sent home 2 weeks after arriving in 2009. Then, the man, Michael Hastings, who brought General McChrystal down- fell for their bullshit and published an article about it all in 2012.


Excuse me for my ignorance,but isn't "Sith" a star wars reference?

Sure is, I have no clue why he alleged his parents were involved in "sith propaganda" which showed their son deserted. Its amazing what one will do to prove Obama never makes a mistake, calling his parents liars is laughable.
I'm with you there. And note what Sen Lindsey Graham said today. They get more information from Fox News than they do in their Senate meetings. I heard from a few of those men Bergdahl served with, on Fox News today. Lots of straightfoward talk there.

he took off and left all his gear behind. sounds incriminating to me. and im bettin' daddy O back here told him to run

Former team leader: Bergdahl tried to seek out Taliban


Leaving without his weapons indicates he was not deserting, why would he leave behind what could help the radicals?

Seriously, that is your reasoning? Because he left his weapons and sent his uniforms and gear home, he is not a deserter. The emails his parents released in 2012 showed exactly how he felt and he was leaving- because he hated America and being a soldier. He even told them to find a use for his gear he would no longer be needing.

The FACT the Army stated in 2010 they would not go to any extraordinary efforts to find him is the most telling. If he were not a deserter, the Army would have been all over finding a soldier who was in fact missing due to no fault of his own.
You clearly a big mouth with no cognitive functions supporting its function.

This stupidity confirms your ID. Style without substance. Let us know if you come up with any.

You prove my point, you can't function mentally.

I will let you know when you do.

You prove MY point. Again, style (very poor one) without any substance. You are also OFF TOPIC. My functioning isn't the topic. Bergdahl's health is. Get on topic, or get out of the thread. You're just trolling.

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