Bergdahl's Health: What's So Bad About It ?

looks like the boy does have to account for being a traitor. congrads dad

Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a "mujahid," or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

Don't you think he (or anyone) can be excused for saying reproachable things while under the duress of captivity by known killers?

in this case no. he can't even speak english or so his muzzie dad claims. men died trying to find him. there's really no proof he was a captive. he should stand trial and face those who served with him. if found innocent he's excused.
but why can't he speak english ???
looks like the boy does have to account for being a traitor. congrads dad

Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a "mujahid," or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

Don't you think he (or anyone) can be excused for saying reproachable things while under the duress of captivity by known killers?

in this case no. he can't even speak english or so his muzzie dad claims. men died trying to find him. there's really no proof he was a captive. he should stand trial and face those who served with him. if found innocent he's excused.
but why can't he speak english ???

Word games by dimocraps.

Bergdahl a captive? How can he be called a captive when he went looking for the Taliban?

How can he be called a captive when he walked off post and was asking people where he could find someone who spoke English so he could talk to the Taliban.

Word games by dimocraps. He wasn't a captive. He was a defector
CBS breathtakingly supported the WH claim his life was in immanent danger. After reviewing the video clips they aired hundreds of time, they determined that in fact, he stuttered, lost some weight and can actually be seen holding an arm, which could indicate an injury.
I'm with you there. And note what Sen Lindsey Graham said today. They get more information from Fox News than they do in their Senate meetings. I heard from a few of those men Bergdahl served with, on Fox News today. Lots of straightfoward talk there.

he took off and left all his gear behind. sounds incriminating to me. and im bettin' daddy O back here told him to run

Former team leader: Bergdahl tried to seek out Taliban


Leaving without his weapons indicates he was not deserting, why would he leave behind what could help the radicals?
Because you twit he at least had enough brains to know intuitively that if he was spotted by some of those nice taliban camel fuckers hiding in the hills they would very likely shoot his fucking head off........if he was carrying his gun. IF on the other hand they saw some one prancing around unarmed and doing 'arabesques' in the sand they would be likely to walk over and ask what the fuck he was up to.
Got it now?
looks like the boy does have to account for being a traitor. congrads dad

Bergdahl declared jihad in captivity, secret documents show

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a "mujahid," or warrior for Islam, according to secret documents prepared on the basis of a purported eyewitness account and obtained by Fox News.

Don't you think he (or anyone) can be excused for saying reproachable things while under the duress of captivity by known killers?

in this case no. he can't even speak english or so his muzzie dad claims. men died trying to find him. there's really no proof he was a captive. he should stand trial and face those who served with him. if found innocent he's excused.
but why can't he speak english ???
He can speak english. And he will. He'll of course wait until Obama is french kissing him in the Rose Garden before the cameras. Then 'a miracle' will happen and he'll start to recite all the major ballet positions.
CBS breathtakingly supported the WH claim his life was in immanent danger. After reviewing the video clips they aired hundreds of time, they determined that in fact, he stuttered, lost some weight and can actually be seen holding an arm, which could indicate an injury.

I heard he had a hangnail.
One can only wonder what in the world the Obama people could be thinking. Can you imagine if FDR, in 1944, said "OK, war's over", and then pulled all the troops home ?

I did agree with the first paragraph of your post. But this sentence you seem to be in favor of prolonging the 10+ year war in Afghanistan? That is mind boggling to me. We could be there a hundred years and it wouldn't matter. They would still fight us as the occupiers.

There is no "prolonging". The jihadists will never stop fighting against all non-Muslims until they have conquered the whole world, and set up a worldwide caliphate. We WILL be fighting them 100s of years from now, just as they have BEEN fighting their madness war for 1400 years already. And the US wasn't occupiers when all this jihad warfare was going on >>

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD
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Well... this just points out that the Taliban takes better care of their men than we do. And that is a damned shame.

We need to keep the VA medical care scandal fresh in our minds, and keep up the pressure to improve it. Good point.
Very good. I agree.

Also, I'd like your opinion on this: If the fanatics in Afghanistan manage to get hold of a nuclear weapon, do you think they will use it on the United States or Israel?

You asked me that in Post # 71, and I answered it in Post # 76. Try to keep up.

Of course they'll use it against Israel, the US, and many other nations. That's the main reason why US troops have been in Afghanistan, all these years. You don't click links, huh ?
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Why he looks healthy as a horse.

Unlike some of those who tried to save his deserting ass, he is still very much alive.

Except no one died looking for him! Just another GOP/FOX scripted lie.
Sure, right up there with "served honorably with distinction". Of course soldiers were put in harms way and died looking for his deserting ass. Everybody's lying except the oh-so-truthful Susan Rice.:cuckoo:
Unlike some of those who tried to save his deserting ass, he is still very much alive.

Except no one died looking for him! Just another GOP/FOX scripted lie.
Sure, right up there with "served honorably with distinction". Of course soldiers were put in harms way and died looking for his deserting ass. Everybody's lying except the oh-so-truthful Susan Rice.:cuckoo:

Except Bergdahl was PROMOTED after his capture, twice!

Captured U.S. soldier receives second promotion in two years -

A U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan in 2009 has received his second promotion while in captivity, U.S. Central Command announced Friday.
With the promotion, Bowe Bergdahl, 25, rises to the rank of sergeant. He was last promoted in June 2010 to the rank of specialist, according to Central Command.
Brig. Gen. Rick Mustion, the adjutant general of the Army, traveled to Bergdahl's hometown of Hailey, Idaho, on Thursday to deliver the promotion certificate to his parents.
The Army has been giving Bergdahl promotions that would have come to him had his Army career gone as planned. If he returns home safely, the Army will give him all the back pay that he has earned while in captivity.
Bergdahl was a private first class when he disappeared in June 2009, after finishing his guard shift at a combat outpost in southeastern Afghanistan's Paktika province.
Except no one died looking for him! Just another GOP/FOX scripted lie.
Sure, right up there with "served honorably with distinction". Of course soldiers were put in harms way and died looking for his deserting ass. Everybody's lying except the oh-so-truthful Susan Rice.:cuckoo:

Except Bergdahl was PROMOTED after his capture, twice!

Captured U.S. soldier receives second promotion in two years -

A U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan in 2009 has received his second promotion while in captivity, U.S. Central Command announced Friday.
With the promotion, Bowe Bergdahl, 25, rises to the rank of sergeant. He was last promoted in June 2010 to the rank of specialist, according to Central Command.
Brig. Gen. Rick Mustion, the adjutant general of the Army, traveled to Bergdahl's hometown of Hailey, Idaho, on Thursday to deliver the promotion certificate to his parents.
The Army has been giving Bergdahl promotions that would have come to him had his Army career gone as planned. If he returns home safely, the Army will give him all the back pay that he has earned while in captivity.
Bergdahl was a private first class when he disappeared in June 2009, after finishing his guard shift at a combat outpost in southeastern Afghanistan's Paktika province.
He was officially missing and was promoted in-line with military law. Does that mean he did not desert his post or that soldiers weren't killed trying to find him? I have no idea of what your point is.
Sure, right up there with "served honorably with distinction". Of course soldiers were put in harms way and died looking for his deserting ass. Everybody's lying except the oh-so-truthful Susan Rice.:cuckoo:

Except Bergdahl was PROMOTED after his capture, twice!

Captured U.S. soldier receives second promotion in two years -

A U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan in 2009 has received his second promotion while in captivity, U.S. Central Command announced Friday.
With the promotion, Bowe Bergdahl, 25, rises to the rank of sergeant. He was last promoted in June 2010 to the rank of specialist, according to Central Command.
Brig. Gen. Rick Mustion, the adjutant general of the Army, traveled to Bergdahl's hometown of Hailey, Idaho, on Thursday to deliver the promotion certificate to his parents.
The Army has been giving Bergdahl promotions that would have come to him had his Army career gone as planned. If he returns home safely, the Army will give him all the back pay that he has earned while in captivity.
Bergdahl was a private first class when he disappeared in June 2009, after finishing his guard shift at a combat outpost in southeastern Afghanistan's Paktika province.
He was officially missing and was promoted in-line with military law. Does that mean he did not desert his post or that soldiers weren't killed trying to find him? I have no idea of what your point is.

The point is nobody was killed because of Bregdahl. It is a rumor spread by liars.
Except Bergdahl was PROMOTED after his capture, twice!

Captured U.S. soldier receives second promotion in two years -

A U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan in 2009 has received his second promotion while in captivity, U.S. Central Command announced Friday.
With the promotion, Bowe Bergdahl, 25, rises to the rank of sergeant. He was last promoted in June 2010 to the rank of specialist, according to Central Command.
Brig. Gen. Rick Mustion, the adjutant general of the Army, traveled to Bergdahl's hometown of Hailey, Idaho, on Thursday to deliver the promotion certificate to his parents.
The Army has been giving Bergdahl promotions that would have come to him had his Army career gone as planned. If he returns home safely, the Army will give him all the back pay that he has earned while in captivity.
Bergdahl was a private first class when he disappeared in June 2009, after finishing his guard shift at a combat outpost in southeastern Afghanistan's Paktika province.
He was officially missing and was promoted in-line with military law. Does that mean he did not desert his post or that soldiers weren't killed trying to find him? I have no idea of what your point is.

The point is nobody was killed because of Bregdahl. It is a rumor spread by liars.
Outside of your extremely convoluted logic, it is despicable that you would label those who, unlike Bergdahl, served with honor and distinction as liars. The really sad part is that you're not doing this because of your concern with Bergdahl, but covering for yet another Obama clusterfuck. That's what this is all about and everybody knows it.

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