Bergdahl's Health: What's So Bad About It ?

Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

This story is what some are saying is the real deal there.

The man was deserting. He also sounds like a very screwed up individual, as he couldn't get into the French Foreign Legion. Sounds like he saw too many movies, and when he got a taste of Reality he simply QUIT...................and said I'm out of here..............

That is desertion in the face of the enemy, PERIOD. He deserved no special trade. Already one of the Taliban returned is vowing to get back into the fight.

Obama is a dumbass..........
Private Bergdahl was mistreated? Really?

"The spokesman, Zaibullah Mujahid, told The Associated Press by telephone that Bergdahl was held under "good conditions," and was given fresh fruit and any other foods he requested. "You can ask him in America about his life (in captivity). He will not complain," Mujahid said."

"He said Bergdahl was held in different locations inside Afghanistan, without providing further details. He said the soldier enjoyed playing soccer as well as reading, including English-language books about Islam."

Taliban: Bowe Bergdahl Was Treated Well In Captivity

Friggin incredible. Bergdahl got promoted while AWOL for playing soccer with the enemy. Absolute BS.

It was a brilliant political coupe by the Taliban IMO. They realized, at some point, they had a wacko American soldier prisoner and given the sentimentality of the American people and the weakness of the American President they judged, correctly, they could pull off a trade. What they didn't imagine is that the Americans would actually trade 5 to 1. American's hate to bargain but it's an Asian trait. The best they could hope for was a two for one trade or so they thought. Allah is indeed good to those who are patient, it's written down somewhere I think.

It is revealing to note that Bergdahl is under the care of a psychologist more than an MD.

He is a stain on the honor of the American Armed Forces. Return him back to the
Taliban. But we won't get the terrorists back. At least the Taliban have said what they will do to him if he ever sets foot in Afghanistan again.
I don't know and don't care what his state of health is. They should have dropped a drone on him and his backpatting buddies.
The only thing preserving the DESERTER'S health is the fact he's locked away where no one can get to him. That is his future until he dies, hopefully sooner than later.
The DESERTER wouldn't last two minutes walking down any street in America.
The DESERTER has an uncanny resemblance to the kid in the mental institute in One Flew Over The Cuckoo Nest. Gene pool.
The only thing preserving the DESERTER'S health is the fact he's locked away where no one can get to him. That is his future until he dies, hopefully sooner than later.
The DESERTER wouldn't last two minutes walking down any street in America.

Unfortunately, there is a segment of the population that would throw roses at his feet walking down certain streets in America. If he goes away for desertion, he will become a martyr to the 'Anything anti-America' left. Dopey college kids will be wearing t-shirts with his mug on them within weeks. If he skates (with a helping hand from an administration comprised of the aforementioned left) he will become a Cindy Sheehan-esque PR puppet.
Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

This story is what some are saying is the real deal there.

The man was deserting. He also sounds like a very screwed up individual, as he couldn't get into the French Foreign Legion. Sounds like he saw too many movies, and when he got a taste of Reality he simply QUIT...................and said I'm out of here..............

That is desertion in the face of the enemy, PERIOD. He deserved no special trade. Already one of the Taliban returned is vowing to get back into the fight.

Obama is a dumbass..........
Shortly after the American public began to realize Bush's invasion of Iraq was a fraudulent debacle the rate of enlistment in the Army and Marines decreased dramatically, causing an expedient reduction in standards. I recall reading that in addition to a substantial increase in enlistment bonuses and other benefits the services were accepting enlistees with criminal backgrounds and personality types which ordinarily would be rejected.

So it could be Bergdahl is one who would not have gotten past the psychological evaluation before the standards were reduced. Fellow soldiers' descriptions of his behavior strongly suggest Bergdahl was wholly incompatible with military life.
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Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

This story is what some are saying is the real deal there.

The man was deserting. He also sounds like a very screwed up individual, as he couldn't get into the French Foreign Legion. Sounds like he saw too many movies, and when he got a taste of Reality he simply QUIT...................and said I'm out of here..............

That is desertion in the face of the enemy, PERIOD. He deserved no special trade. Already one of the Taliban returned is vowing to get back into the fight.

Obama is a dumbass..........
Shortly after the American public began to realize Bush's invasion of Iraq was a fraudulent debacle the rate of enlistment in the Army and Marines decreased dramatically, causing an expedient reduction in standards. I recall reading that in addition to a substantial increase in enlistment bonuses and other benefits the services were accepting enlistees with criminal backgrounds and personality types which ordinarily would be rejected.

So it could be Bergdahl is one who would not have gotten past the psychological evaluation before the standards were reduced. Fellow soldiers' descriptions of his behavior strongly suggest Bergdahl was wholly incompatible with military life.

A lot of people are incompatible with military life, that is just the nature of the beast. No one made this kid join. He did it on his own, and when it didn't go along with his fairy tales of War and the Military he just up and quit.

There is no excuse for that. Any. He took an oath and then violated that oath by deserting his post. Men died looking for him.

He is a disgrace to the uniform from the info I'm reading. And should not have been traded for 5 Hard Core Taliban Prisoners.
Looks like the right wing is gearing up to make Bergdahl the latest battle cry since Benghazi's going nowhere. At least Bergdahl joined up and finished boot camp which right there gives him more military experience than the republican dynamic war duo bush cheney combined.
Looks like the right wing is gearing up to make Bergdahl the latest battle cry since Benghazi's going nowhere. At least Bergdahl joined up and finished boot camp which right there gives him more military experience than the republican dynamic war duo bush cheney combined.

Before the Benghazi fiasco that killed 4 Americans, security requests (which obviously were needed) were repeatedly refused by the Obama administration. That's all that really needs to be said to show the incompetence of these clowns. And Bergdahl's boot camp is also more military experience than the dynamic trio of Obama and both Clintons. Moot point. The real point is the American people being lied to AGAIN. Those time about Bergdahl's health (phony excuse for bypassing Congress)
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Looks like the right wing is gearing up to make Bergdahl the latest battle cry since Benghazi's going nowhere. At least Bergdahl joined up and finished boot camp which right there gives him more military experience than the republican dynamic war duo bush cheney combined.

Yep, more rightwing faux outrage.

Bergdahl's health? - what does it matter, we bring 'em home - end of story.

Want more story? If Bergdahl is a troubled young man, he belongs in an AMERICAN hospital. If Bergdahl's a bad boy, he needs to be tried and proven guilty in an AMERICAN court. If Bergdahl's proven guilty of some crime, he should be treated like any other AMERICAN citizen and be given credit for time served.

Rightwing punks should be ashamed of themselves-----ashamed of themselves for using an American POW-----an American POW whose mental evaluation should have spotted his probable mental frailties prior-----prior to being sent into a combat zone

Hike up your skirts Republicans, your ODS is showing - again.
Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

This story is what some are saying is the real deal there.

The man was deserting. He also sounds like a very screwed up individual, as he couldn't get into the French Foreign Legion. Sounds like he saw too many movies, and when he got a taste of Reality he simply QUIT...................and said I'm out of here..............

That is desertion in the face of the enemy, PERIOD. He deserved no special trade. Already one of the Taliban returned is vowing to get back into the fight.

Obama is a dumbass..........
Shortly after the American public began to realize Bush's invasion of Iraq was a fraudulent debacle the rate of enlistment in the Army and Marines decreased dramatically, causing an expedient reduction in standards. I recall reading that in addition to a substantial increase in enlistment bonuses and other benefits the services were accepting enlistees with criminal backgrounds and personality types which ordinarily would be rejected.

So it could be Bergdahl is one who would not have gotten past the psychological evaluation before the standards were reduced. Fellow soldiers' descriptions of his behavior strongly suggest Bergdahl was wholly incompatible with military life.

Ah, it sounds like Bowe Bergdahl was a naive underachiever living in a fantasy world...which pretty much makes him exactly like the average progressive on this board as well as most of Barack Obama's White House staff.

No WONDER the Obama team wanted to get him out of captivity! They obviously felt an innate "kinship" with Bowe Bergdahl! :D:D:D
Looks like the right wing is gearing up to make Bergdahl the latest battle cry since Benghazi's going nowhere. At least Bergdahl joined up and finished boot camp which right there gives him more military experience than the republican dynamic war duo bush cheney combined.! Just because yet ANOTHER scandal has come along to push Benghazi off the front page doesn't mean that investigation is "going nowhere". It's hard to keep track of all the fuck-ups that this Administration has afflicted the US with but sooner or later we'll get around to getting to the bottom of them all. Benghazi is just one more scandal that's in a long line of scandals.

And just between you and me, Jason? Bringing up a lack of military experience when Obama and Biden have ZERO military experience is kind of a loser of an argument! Barry was too busy doing coke and Joe was chasing chicks and partying to do the whole military thing. W. at least was a pilot in the National Guard.
Looks like the right wing is gearing up to make Bergdahl the latest battle cry since Benghazi's going nowhere. At least Bergdahl joined up and finished boot camp which right there gives him more military experience than the republican dynamic war duo bush cheney combined.

Yep, more rightwing faux outrage.

Bergdahl's health? - what does it matter, we bring 'em home - end of story.

Want more story? If Bergdahl is a troubled young man, he belongs in an AMERICAN hospital. If Bergdahl's a bad boy, he needs to be tried and proven guilty in an AMERICAN court. If Bergdahl's proven guilty of some crime, he should be treated like any other AMERICAN citizen and be given credit for time served.

Rightwing punks should be ashamed of themselves-----ashamed of themselves for using an American POW-----an American POW whose mental evaluation should have spotted his probable mental frailties prior-----prior to being sent into a combat zone

Hike up your skirts Republicans, your ODS is showing - again.

1. Shut up, fool ! You don't know if Bergdahl was a POW, or a deserter, or even a collaborator, at this point. AFTER that gets investigated, THEN we can talk about that, not now.

2. If you are airheaded enough to believe that bringing the troops home is the end of the war, or "story" as you call it, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Bringing the troops home is going to ramp up the war, to heights we haven't even seen yet. It is nothing but a catalyst. In the future, you might be able to avoid the label of FOOL, by not so casually using the word "end", especially when there is no indication of that whatsoever, and every indication of exactly the opposite.

3. No charge for the tutoring.
W. at least was a pilot in the National Guard.

I would hardly call that "at least". Bush served 6 years, 1968-1974 (including 2 years in the US Air Force), and received honorable discharges from both the US Air Force and the Texas Air National Guard. Since Bush was born in 1946, he actually spent 4 years time eligible for the draft, in which he could have been drafted and sent to Vietnam.

It might also be noted that during the Vietnam War, almost 23,000 Army and Air National Guardsmen were called up for a year of active duty, and some 8,700 were deployed to Vietnam.

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