Berkeley: “Global Warming Greater Threat Than WWII”


May 23, 2014
Berkeley City Council put out a declaration that global warming is a greater threat to mankind than WW 2. They demand “humane population reduction.” Might I suggest that the start by sterilization of the members of the city council and the professor’s at that screwed up Marxist training center they have in their midst. That way we can have humane idiot control.
Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control
Well, we do need population control. There are far too many liberals on this planet.



We have already seen this from the left with National Socialism and the Holocaust.
I’m sure this “population reduction” put forth by Berkeley socialist would be ran by government. Sounds pretty Orwellian.
I think all the shit on San Francisco sidewalks contributes to global warming because of the methane gas it releases. :9:

More gun free zones in the big cities might reduce the population.


Berkeley City Council put out a declaration that global warming is a greater threat to mankind than WW 2. They demand “humane population reduction.” Might I suggest that the start by sterilization of the members of the city council and the professor’s at that screwed up Marxist training center they have in their midst. That way we can have humane idiot control.
Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control
/----/ The greater threat to humanity is Liberalism.
liberalism find a cure.jpg
Berkeley City Council put out a declaration that global warming is a greater threat to mankind than WW 2. They demand “humane population reduction.” Might I suggest that the start by sterilization of the members of the city council and the professor’s at that screwed up Marxist training center they have in their midst. That way we can have humane idiot control.
Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control
Well, at least now they are focusing on the real solution to the fake problem.
Berkeley City Council put out a declaration that global warming is a greater threat to mankind than WW 2. They demand “humane population reduction.” Might I suggest that the start by sterilization of the members of the city council and the professor’s at that screwed up Marxist training center they have in their midst. That way we can have humane idiot control.
Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control

I think you misunderstand. He's just trying to encourage the teaching of history. Learning from the mistakes of history isn't a threat to anyone, except those who want to be ruler over you.

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