Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.
I haven't seen the poll. What % of students opposed her?
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

The kids invited her as Rw pointed out only 1 percent rioted it
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
Reviewed by what criteria? Isn't free speech inclusive of all?
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.
So what is your answer to my question?
Of course I value freedom of speech. This crusade is a poor example. Berkely does not have to host anyone their community doesn't want to see. Period. If there are a few wackos that like that kind of entertainment, they can watch Coulter elsewhere. Period.
What if there are people in their community who want to see her?

Have they taken a poll and found that 100% of their community want her silenced?
"Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS."

Tell the small minority they can tune into infowars.
Your first problem is acting as though they are kids.
The radicalized Democrats' first problem, is that THEY are acting like kids. Snivelling, squalling brats who think they can keep breaking things, screaming so others can't speak, and throwing temper tantrums until they get their way.
Black bloc - Wikipedia
Black bloc - Wikipedia
A black bloc is a name given to groups of protesters who wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other ...
1999 Seattle WTO protests · ‎Autonomism · ‎Red bloc · ‎Green Mountain Anarchist ...
Inside the black bloc militant protest movement as it rises up against ...
Feb 12, 2017 - So-called black bloc protesters, long a force in Oakland, bring their radical, violent tactics to the massive protest movement sparked by the ...
Inside the Black Bloc Protest Strategy That Shut Down Berkeley
Feb 14, 2017 - It was the first black bloc for Neil Lawrence, a third-year undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley. He had demonstrated ...
'Black bloc' protests return for Trump era, leaving flames, broken ...
Feb 2, 2017 - Black-clad, black-masked activists have been more visible than usual in recent months, but the “black bloc” protesting is nothing new.
While MSM Focuses on Insignificant Alt-Right, They Should Be All ...
3 days ago - Since the election, the Black Bloc has become a major disrupter in our country yet it is barely written or spoken about..04/25/2017 12:45:36PM ...
Unmasking The Black Bloc: Who They Are, What They Do, How They ...
To begin to discuss black blocs, there must first be an understanding of what a black bloc is.

And of the estimated 150 that showed up in their little ninja consumes there was one arrest. The Berkley cops enabled these assholes.
They broke 3 windows and scorched a sidewalk. WAYYY Overblown in dupe world. The dupes think there are riots everywhere lol...

You forgot burning a vehicle and tearing down police barricades. Why were these masked adults not arrested before they ever got close to the event?
Beats me.

I'm sure they'd be happy to......
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?

Deflect much?

The whole idea of a constitutional republic, especially ours, is to protect the rights of a minority. We are not a government of mob rule, you blithering idiot.
They only care about that fact when they're the minority.

Otherwise, do as they say, or you'll pay the price.

The sad thing is most of them don't even realize how fascist they have become.
I'm not quite sure. Look at how they respond - "too bad". Not a reasonable explanation of their behaviors, or even an admission that they really don't support freedom of expression.

That makes me suspect they know what they're doing is wrong, at least at some level.

Methinks you give most of them too much credit.

The leaders realize what they are doing. The lemmings? Nope.
Methinks Universities don't have to host people who their community doesn't want to see. Coulter has plenty of other more appropriate forums, no one is silencing her. When will the faux tears from faux constitutionalists stop?

Some people in the community wanted to hear her speak. Also, since Berkeley is a public university, it has to follow the 1st amendment when it comes to the subject of a speeches content.

The Berkeley Republicans have a right to invite her, even if the majority gets sand in their pee-holes.
They only care about that fact when they're the minority.

Otherwise, do as they say, or you'll pay the price.

The sad thing is most of them don't even realize how fascist they have become.
I'm not quite sure. Look at how they respond - "too bad". Not a reasonable explanation of their behaviors, or even an admission that they really don't support freedom of expression.

That makes me suspect they know what they're doing is wrong, at least at some level.

Methinks you give most of them too much credit.

The leaders realize what they are doing. The lemmings? Nope.
Methinks Universities don't have to host people who their community doesn't want to see. Coulter has plenty of other more appropriate forums, no one is silencing her. When will the faux tears from faux constitutionalists stop?

Coulter doesn't seek out these venues on any sort of intellectual idea based outreach. She seeks them out for their potential to become lucrative publicity stunts.

Which is her right. Deal with it fuckface.
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
Reviewed by what criteria? Isn't free speech inclusive of all?
There are things that are appropriate for a learning institution and things that aren't. Her hate speech is inappropriate for this setting. So no it is not inclusive of all, in this case, for this location, it is inclusive of all things appropriate. Milo and Coulter are not appropriate speakers. There are other republican speakers who keep their racism and violence more subtle. Maybe they would be more appropriate candidates.

example of coulters hate speech: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
if this were reversed, a muslim saying this about our country, and converting us to muslims- would that be acceptable speech at our universities? No. Neither is coulter.
The sad thing is most of them don't even realize how fascist they have become.
I'm not quite sure. Look at how they respond - "too bad". Not a reasonable explanation of their behaviors, or even an admission that they really don't support freedom of expression.

That makes me suspect they know what they're doing is wrong, at least at some level.

Methinks you give most of them too much credit.

The leaders realize what they are doing. The lemmings? Nope.
Methinks Universities don't have to host people who their community doesn't want to see. Coulter has plenty of other more appropriate forums, no one is silencing her. When will the faux tears from faux constitutionalists stop?
If you don't want to see her, don't go.

Kinda like "if you don't want abortions, don't have one".

Does that make any sense to you, on any level?
She has no educational value she's a race baiting entertainer. Want to see her? Go elsewhere.

You don't get to decide that, Berkeley's administrators don't get to decide that, and most importantly, a bunch of snivelling leftists dickwads don't get to decide that.

Deal with it, you keyboard commando poseur bitch.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"
No one is trying to silence Coulter. She can go spew her bs on any countless other forums. That community does not want her speaking, they do not have to host her.
When will the right stop crying about this? Have Coulter get on infowars and you freaks can all watch her exercise her free speech together. That is a much more appropriate forum for her type of ideology.

I thought college campuses were supposed to be about diversity and free speech?
The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
Reviewed by what criteria? Isn't free speech inclusive of all?
There are things that are appropriate for a learning institution and things that aren't. Her hate speech is inappropriate for this setting. So no it is not inclusive of all, in this case, for this location, it is inclusive of all things appropriate. Milo and Coulter are not appropriate speakers. There are other republican speakers who keep their racism and violence more subtle. Maybe they would be more appropriate candidates.

example of coulters hate speech: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
if this were reversed, a muslim saying this about our country, and converting us to muslims- would that be acceptable speech at our universities? No. Neither is coulter.

Again you don't get to decide that, you fascist twat-waddle.
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel.

Then what's your problem?
I'm not quite sure. Look at how they respond - "too bad". Not a reasonable explanation of their behaviors, or even an admission that they really don't support freedom of expression.

That makes me suspect they know what they're doing is wrong, at least at some level.

Methinks you give most of them too much credit.

The leaders realize what they are doing. The lemmings? Nope.
Methinks Universities don't have to host people who their community doesn't want to see. Coulter has plenty of other more appropriate forums, no one is silencing her. When will the faux tears from faux constitutionalists stop?
If you don't want to see her, don't go.

Kinda like "if you don't want abortions, don't have one".

Does that make any sense to you, on any level?
She has no educational value she's a race baiting entertainer. Want to see her? Go elsewhere.

You don't get to decide that, Berkeley's administrators don't get to decide that, and most importantly, a bunch of snivelling leftists dickwads don't get to decide that.

Deal with it, you keyboard commando poseur bitch.
Berkley does get to decide it. They will host her this time because of all the crying going on, but they will be much more careful of who invitations are extended to, for sure. They keep having guests like that and they will have no incoming students.
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel.

Then what's your problem?
I am wondering why the right is still crying?
Methinks you give most of them too much credit.

The leaders realize what they are doing. The lemmings? Nope.
Methinks Universities don't have to host people who their community doesn't want to see. Coulter has plenty of other more appropriate forums, no one is silencing her. When will the faux tears from faux constitutionalists stop?
If you don't want to see her, don't go.

Kinda like "if you don't want abortions, don't have one".

Does that make any sense to you, on any level?
She has no educational value she's a race baiting entertainer. Want to see her? Go elsewhere.

You don't get to decide that, Berkeley's administrators don't get to decide that, and most importantly, a bunch of snivelling leftists dickwads don't get to decide that.

Deal with it, you keyboard commando poseur bitch.
Berkley does get to decide it. They will host her this time because of all the crying going on, but they will be much more careful of who invitations are extended to, for sure. They keep having guests like that and they will have no incoming students.

As a Public University, no, they don't. She was invited by a valid student group.

Are you suggesting the YAF/College Republicans at Berkeley should be shut down?
Methinks Universities don't have to host people who their community doesn't want to see. Coulter has plenty of other more appropriate forums, no one is silencing her. When will the faux tears from faux constitutionalists stop?
If you don't want to see her, don't go.

Kinda like "if you don't want abortions, don't have one".

Does that make any sense to you, on any level?
She has no educational value she's a race baiting entertainer. Want to see her? Go elsewhere.

You don't get to decide that, Berkeley's administrators don't get to decide that, and most importantly, a bunch of snivelling leftists dickwads don't get to decide that.

Deal with it, you keyboard commando poseur bitch.
Berkley does get to decide it. They will host her this time because of all the crying going on, but they will be much more careful of who invitations are extended to, for sure. They keep having guests like that and they will have no incoming students.

As a Public University, no, they don't. She was invited by a valid student group.

Are you suggesting the YAF/College Republicans at Berkeley should be shut down?
No I am suggesting Universities have policies in place to make sure invitations are reviewed and approved before being sent. If you let the young GOPers decide they'll have hitler resurrected come speak.
The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.
Who cares if she speaks there or if she doesn't is how I feel. It should be up to the administration of that campus. I think this issue will go along way in making sure there are policies in place to have speakers reviewed and approved before an invitation is extended. What school wants this kind of mess?
Reviewed by what criteria? Isn't free speech inclusive of all?
There are things that are appropriate for a learning institution and things that aren't. Her hate speech is inappropriate for this setting. So no it is not inclusive of all, in this case, for this location, it is inclusive of all things appropriate. Milo and Coulter are not appropriate speakers. There are other republican speakers who keep their racism and violence more subtle. Maybe they would be more appropriate candidates.

example of coulters hate speech: “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”
if this were reversed, a muslim saying this about our country, and converting us to muslims- would that be acceptable speech at our universities? No. Neither is coulter.

Out of context..

I read all her books..


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