Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

You don't get to decide that, Berkeley's administrators don't get to decide that, and most importantly, a bunch of snivelling leftists dickwads don't get to decide that.

Deal with it, you keyboard commando poseur bitch.
Berkley does get to decide it. They will host her this time because of all the crying going on, but they will be much more careful of who invitations are extended to, for sure. They keep having guests like that and they will have no incoming students.

As a Public University, no, they don't. She was invited by a valid student group.

Are you suggesting the YAF/College Republicans at Berkeley should be shut down?
No I am suggesting Universities have policies in place to make sure invitations are reviewed and approved before being sent. If you let the young GOPers decide they'll have hitler resurrected come speak.

You are suggesting content related restrictions on speech at Public Universities, which is contrary to the first amendment.

Which makes you a fascist dill hole.

"Aries" is a liberal cog on here.i figured it out days ago..

It's like green beard in the Obama care

But it's fun to play these paid posters

You noticed she shut up right?

I have been playing their game for over 25 years...On the net..

As a Public University, no, they don't. She was invited by a valid student group.

Are you suggesting the YAF/College Republicans at Berkeley should be shut down?
No I am suggesting Universities have policies in place to make sure invitations are reviewed and approved before being sent. If you let the young GOPers decide they'll have hitler resurrected come speak.

You are suggesting content related restrictions on speech at Public Universities, which is contrary to the first amendment.

Which makes you a fascist dill hole.
I am suggesting universities can make their own choices on what is and is not appropriate for their community.

If they are a Public University, they can't. It would be unconstitutional.
Not quite. They are a public forum as they receive public funding but they are a "limited public forum"- they make their own rules about speakers. There's wiggle room for either side.

Guess not..

Again for the millionth time they invited her
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
Who decides what the difference is?
That campus.
Maybe we all just let her do her stupid little talk and we all get on with our lives.

Students who don't like her probably have some homework to do.

Is this really all that tough?
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
Who decides what the difference is?
That campus.

You just told us they receive public funding... Idiot

How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.

She'll than of course blame Ann when a bunch of lefties show up and start a riot.

Some "lefties" will be aligning with the "righties" to beat down the "fascists" next week.

If you can't have free speech in America when that's the first thing in our Constitution then all is lost.
Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

And Progressives are an embarrassment to normal Americans - Americans who make their own decisions, take responsibility for them, get up when they fall down, learn how to do it better, and help the ones around them who need it.

Progressives ARE the Americans who make their own decisions, take responsibility for them, get up when they fall down, learn how to do it better, and help the ones around them who need it. You're railing against the Leftists and Democrats
And another group shut her down.

No I am suggesting Universities have policies in place to make sure invitations are reviewed and approved before being sent. If you let the young GOPers decide they'll have hitler resurrected come speak.

You are suggesting content related restrictions on speech at Public Universities, which is contrary to the first amendment.

Which makes you a fascist dill hole.
I am suggesting universities can make their own choices on what is and is not appropriate for their community.

If they are a Public University, they can't. It would be unconstitutional.
Not quite. They are a public forum as they receive public funding but they are a "limited public forum"- they make their own rules about speakers. There's wiggle room for either side.

Guess not..

Again for the millionth time they invited her
Again, no one is silencing coulter. Unfortunately for us, there are numerous appropriate forums for her to spew her BS. Fortunatley for us, if one of our universities rejects her BS, they don't HAVE to host her. Period.

The kids invited her

Not to complicated even for you..

and the vast majority were rightfully offended that their educational institution would consider such a speaker. Vast majority prevails evidently.

You're going to not know which way is up when she goes there next week. That's how clueless you are.

She'll than of course blame Ann when a bunch of lefties show up and start a riot.

Some "lefties" will be aligning with the "righties" to beat down the "fascists" next week.

If you can't have free speech in America when that's the first thing in our Constitution than all is lost.
Unless "all is lost" is the goal.
As a Public University, no, they don't. She was invited by a valid student group.

Are you suggesting the YAF/College Republicans at Berkeley should be shut down?
No I am suggesting Universities have policies in place to make sure invitations are reviewed and approved before being sent. If you let the young GOPers decide they'll have hitler resurrected come speak.

You are suggesting content related restrictions on speech at Public Universities, which is contrary to the first amendment.

Which makes you a fascist dill hole.
I am suggesting universities can make their own choices on what is and is not appropriate for their community.

If they are a Public University, they can't. It would be unconstitutional.
Not quite. They are a public forum as they receive public funding but they are a "limited public forum"- they make their own rules about speakers. There's wiggle room for either side.

No, there really isn't, especially since a group of students invited her.
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
Who decides what the difference is?
That campus.
Maybe we all just let her do her stupid little talk and we all get on with our lives.

Students who don't like her probably have some homework to do.

Is this really all that tough?
Only 1 percent of Berkeley don't like the right..But I even read it here that those kids of the 99 percent love different views
And another group shut her down.

You are suggesting content related restrictions on speech at Public Universities, which is contrary to the first amendment.

Which makes you a fascist dill hole.
I am suggesting universities can make their own choices on what is and is not appropriate for their community.

If they are a Public University, they can't. It would be unconstitutional.
Not quite. They are a public forum as they receive public funding but they are a "limited public forum"- they make their own rules about speakers. There's wiggle room for either side.

Guess not..

Again for the millionth time they invited her

Which means they engaged in censorship of ideas they didn't like. That makes them Stalinists.
When you cant win an argument move on to name calling.

Democracy at its finest.

And another group shut her down.

I am suggesting universities can make their own choices on what is and is not appropriate for their community.

If they are a Public University, they can't. It would be unconstitutional.
Not quite. They are a public forum as they receive public funding but they are a "limited public forum"- they make their own rules about speakers. There's wiggle room for either side.

Guess not..

Again for the millionth time they invited her

Which means they engaged in censorship of ideas they didn't like. That makes them Stalinists.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

Gee, I suppose you need to move to Telegraph Ave in Berkeley to defend Coulter's right to be an agent provocateur. The fact is, agent provocateurs & anarchists gravitate to CAL, infiltrate peaceful protests and light fires, toss rocks and engage anyone - police or student - sometimes using violence. They are mostly street people, ne'er do wells, who seem to seek some reason for their existence. Getting press makes them feel special.

Coulter has one mission in life, to be seen, to be heard and to make money. She's bright and well educated, but not all bright and well educated people are honest, moral or sincere. There's a sucker born every minute, and Coulter makes use of this trite but truthful expression.

Those who believe this ^^^, exercise their right to peacefully protest, those who don't ask her to speak. A protest is not an effort to censor, it is simply an expression of the right to offer a rebuttal, for her speech is always the same.
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
Who decides what the difference is?
That campus.

Ah, IOW, since the college Republicans ARE that campus, by your own definition, by extending her an invitation, the free market already decided, it is freedom of speech, not a huckster.
I love the irrational illogic of the RW'ers here: Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance because Coulter has the right of FREE SPEECH!!! LOL
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?

Yes they have the right to protest.

However, they do NOT have the right to shut down speakers and/or rallies especially with the use violence.

Why can't the left grasp that simple concept?
When you cant win an argument move on to name calling.

Democracy at its finest.

And another group shut her down.

If they are a Public University, they can't. It would be unconstitutional.
Not quite. They are a public forum as they receive public funding but they are a "limited public forum"- they make their own rules about speakers. There's wiggle room for either side.

Guess not..

Again for the millionth time they invited her

Which means they engaged in censorship of ideas they didn't like. That makes them Stalinists.

That would be fine if we were a democracy..

But we are not.. Child

I love the irrational illogic of the RW'ers here: Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance because Coulter has the right of FREE SPEECH!!! LOL
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
I love the irrational illogic of the RW'ers here: Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance because Coulter has the right of FREE SPEECH!!! LOL
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?

Yes they have the right to protest.

However, they do NOT have the right to shut down speakers and/or rallies especially with the use violence.

Why can't the left grasp that simple concept?
Because they are cowardly, dishonest authoritarians who are afraid they'll lose the sadistic ideological stranglehold they have on our college campuses.

They have zero (0) interest in challenging our young minds, in actively exposing them to contrary opinions. They want soldiers. That's it. And they'll come up with any excuse to keep those opinions out.
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
Another lie. People like YOU are the problem, not the kids who are being used.

The fact that you lie over and over and over proves the accuracy of my opinions.
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
Who decides what the difference is?
That campus.

Ah, IOW, since the college Republicans ARE that campus, by your own definition, by extending her an invitation, the free market already decided, it is freedom of speech, not a huckster.
Due to all the crying, she will speak. I hope universities put policies in place to review and approve such invites.

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