Berkeley's students are an embarrassment to progressivism

I love the irrational illogic of the RW'ers here: Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance because Coulter has the right of FREE SPEECH!!! LOL
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?

Yes they have the right to protest.

However, they do NOT have the right to shut down speakers and/or rallies especially with the use violence.

Why can't the left grasp that simple concept?

If I could figure out the key words to find it I could show you my posts from years ago on here where I say that if people break the law protesting they need to face the consequences, so take my word for that or not.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

Gee, I suppose you need to move to Telegraph Ave in Berkeley to defend Coulter's right to be an agent provocateur. The fact is, agent provocateurs & anarchists gravitate to CAL, infiltrate peaceful protests and light fires, toss rocks and engage anyone - police or student - sometimes using violence. They are mostly street people, ne'er do wells, who seem to seek some reason for their existence. Getting press makes them feel special.

Coulter has one mission in life, to be seen, to be heard and to make money. She's bright and well educated, but not all bright and well educated people are honest, moral or sincere. There's a sucker born every minute, and Coulter makes use of this trite but truthful expression.

Those who believe this ^^^, exercise their right to peacefully protest, those who don't ask her to speak. A protest is not an effort to censor, it is simply an expression of the right to offer a rebuttal, for her speech is always the same.

Again she was invited...
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.

There is a difference between protests and threatening violence to prevent what you are protesting.
And this is how USMB's King of the Straw Man always collapses.

No one said "Berkeley students have no right to protest Ann Coulter's performance".

He's a liar and a coward.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?

Yes they have the right to protest.

However, they do NOT have the right to shut down speakers and/or rallies especially with the use violence.

Why can't the left grasp that simple concept?

If I could figure out the key words to find it I could show you my posts from years ago on here where I say that if people break the law protesting they need to face the consequences, so take my word for that or not.

Berkeley mayor ordered a stand down..

It's really apparent that that he didn't want to arrest thugs that donate to his campaign
No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
Another lie. People like YOU are the problem, not the kids who are being used.

The fact that you lie over and over and over proves the accuracy of my opinions.

Me? All I've been arguing is that people have the right to peacefully, lawfully protest (in contrast to your belief that they are in some cases accessories to murder)

and that my opinion is that Ann Coulter does not have a free speech right to paid performances on campuses or anywhere else

and that no I'm not responsible for cops in NYC getting killed.
How many people here truly believe in freedom of speech and expression, and are thankful to live in a country with those values at its very core?



NYcarbineer ?
Aries ?

There's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom of hucksters to sell snake oil.
Who decides what the difference is?
That campus.

Ah, IOW, since the college Republicans ARE that campus, by your own definition, by extending her an invitation, the free market already decided, it is freedom of speech, not a huckster.

Hucksters and demagogues should be allowed to speak, and not censored. Their words need to be evaluated; in the case of Coulter her words have been written and her ideology is well known, especially among the University crowd. Of course a good demagogue mixes truths with half truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassination, and this is what hucksters and demagogues cash in on - misleading the biddable.

Notice how she manipulated her appearance, she got press, and as any huckster/demagogue knows, as long as they show their face and spell their name correctly, it matters not what is said or written about them.
If you don't want to see her, don't go.

Kinda like "if you don't want abortions, don't have one".

Does that make any sense to you, on any level?
She has no educational value she's a race baiting entertainer. Want to see her? Go elsewhere.

You don't get to decide that, Berkeley's administrators don't get to decide that, and most importantly, a bunch of snivelling leftists dickwads don't get to decide that.

Deal with it, you keyboard commando poseur bitch.
Berkley does get to decide it. They will host her this time because of all the crying going on, but they will be much more careful of who invitations are extended to, for sure. They keep having guests like that and they will have no incoming students.

As a Public University, no, they don't. She was invited by a valid student group.

Are you suggesting the YAF/College Republicans at Berkeley should be shut down?
No I am suggesting Universities have policies in place to make sure invitations are reviewed and approved before being sent. If you let the young GOPers decide they'll have hitler resurrected come speak.

If that were the case, the left would probably go right along with it. Hitler was a progressive. He'd fit right in to today's world.

No one said that? So now suddenly you've decided that the students have every right to protest and therefore those attacking them should fuck off?

whoa, a major flip flop.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
Another lie. People like YOU are the problem, not the kids who are being used.

The fact that you lie over and over and over proves the accuracy of my opinions.

Now you're claiming you haven't attacked the Berkeley protesters? Fuckinay, it's flip flop day.
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No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
Another lie. People like YOU are the problem, not the kids who are being used.

The fact that you lie over and over and over proves the accuracy of my opinions.

Me? All I've been arguing is that people have the right to peacefully, lawfully protest (in contrast to your belief that they are in some cases accessories to murder)

and that my opinion is that Ann Coulter does not have a free speech right to paid performances on campuses or anywhere else

and that no I'm not responsible for cops in NYC getting killed.
that my opinion is that Ann Coulter does not have a free speech right

Holly fuck? Are you insane

The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

It's one university out of HOW MANY in this country? My god, the rightwing idiots act like it's 1968 all over again. But that's because they're nothing but sponges and Fox is their bucket of water.

People like Ann Coulter and other high profile authors and pundits go to MANY college campuses to speak. But that doesn't make news on Fox Noise because there's no protestors or fights.

You rely on cable news for your information, you're being spoon-fed what they want you to know.
Period, the end.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

It's one university out of HOW MANY in this country? My god, the rightwing idiots act like it's 1968 all over again. But that's because they're nothing but sponges and Fox is their bucket of water.
Tomi saved your ass..
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

It's one university out of HOW MANY in this country? My god, the rightwing idiots act like it's 1968 all over again. But that's because they're nothing but sponges and Fox is their bucket of water.

Keep in mind these are the same posters who cheered the police using massive doses of pepper spray on students engaged in a SIT DOWN PROTEST.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
Another lie. People like YOU are the problem, not the kids who are being used.

The fact that you lie over and over and over proves the accuracy of my opinions.

Me? All I've been arguing is that people have the right to peacefully, lawfully protest (in contrast to your belief that they are in some cases accessories to murder)

and that my opinion is that Ann Coulter does not have a free speech right to paid performances on campuses or anywhere else

and that no I'm not responsible for cops in NYC getting killed.

But you are


If that were the case, the left would probably go right along with it. Hitler was a progressive. He'd fit right in to today's world.

See? With the above, you can understand why I'm now of the opinion that every forum on USMB has become the rubber room.

Fariness doctrine that's what you want so bad.

No that's what you're implying you want.

You keep on saying Ann doesn't have a 1st amendment right.

And she was born here
So it's all going to Court.

If Coulter wins the RWnuts will say they told you so.

If she loses, the RWnuts will say that 'unelected' judges have no business deciding such things in the first place.
No one said that. You lied. As always.

So do the students have the right to protest or not?
Of course they do.

See, I'm happy to answer questions. Cowards like you avoid them.

So the students have every right to protest, but you've made literally hundreds of posts demonizing them as representing everything that is wrong with this country.
Another lie. People like YOU are the problem, not the kids who are being used.

The fact that you lie over and over and over proves the accuracy of my opinions.

Me? All I've been arguing is that people have the right to peacefully, lawfully protest (in contrast to your belief that they are in some cases accessories to murder)

and that my opinion is that Ann Coulter does not have a free speech right to paid performances on campuses or anywhere else

and that no I'm not responsible for cops in NYC getting killed.

True. Free speech is guaranteed by law for public places, not private colleges or private anything else. That's why, for example, this board will take a good liberal post and send it to the cornfield here by the right wing moderators. Happens to my posts all the time, regardless of how relevant they are to the respective forum I put it in.
The rightwing is right when they say those Berkeley student protestors are snowflakes. It's amazing to me how college students rarely have any self-awareness to how hypocritical and nauseating they come across a lot of the time. I do stress, however, that these college students don't represent the leftwing - they are just wannabe lefties.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- "The Friends of Voltaire"

It's one university out of HOW MANY in this country? My god, the rightwing idiots act like it's 1968 all over again. But that's because they're nothing but sponges and Fox is their bucket of water.

Keep in mind these are the same posters who cheered the police using massive doses of pepper spray on students engaged in a SIT DOWN PROTEST.

That was fun, just how the OWS children were rapping women and crapping on cop cars..

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