Berlin: racist-Arab kicked -- 1972 Munich massacre victim's gransdson -- in the face


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Always violent -

and always hateful.

The face of "pro palestine".

Hate crimes.

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Sayaras A link to the actual story is required, not just a screenshot of the headline. Please add this to keep the thread open.

Central Council President warns of ‘no-go areas for Jews.

[“Zentralratspräsident warnt vor »No-go-Areas für Juden«] Spiegel, February 6, 2024.

...However, a companion of Shapira told “Zeit Online” that there had been no argument between the two men. Accordingly, the fellow student recognized Shapira in a bar and followed him when she and Shapira left the bar. On the street, the later attacker asked Shapira about his commitment to Jewish students at the university and then struck.
What a nerve!

That Middle Eastern individual should be very grateful that he is allowed to study in Germany and should be very humble and respectful in his behavior.

If I am not mistaken, some European countries (such as Hungary) do not allow such impertinence and make it clear that Middle Easterners should study elsewhere.

Frau Merkel opened a can of worms when she opened Germany's doors.
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What a nerve!

That Middle Eastern individual should be very grateful that he is allowed to study in Germany and should be very humble and respectful in his behavior.

If I am not mistaken, some European countries (such as Hungary) do not allow such impertinence and makes it clear that Middle Easterners should study elsewhere.

Frau Merkel opened a can of worms when she opened Germany's doors.
Merkel wanted to show how open doors the new Germany is. But in turn, the new racism is more in its IMPORT from the Arab countries.
The victim, Lahav Shapira, 30, was hospitalized and underwent surgery for non-life-threatening injuries to his face. He is the grandson of Israeli athletics coach Amitzur Shapira, who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the Munich Olympics terror attack in 1972.
Amitzur Shapira

What a nerve!

That Middle Eastern individual should be very grateful that he is allowed to study in Germany and should be very humble and respectful in his behavior.

If I am not mistaken, some European countries (such as Hungary) do not allow such impertinence and make it clear that Middle Easterners should study elsewhere.

Frau Merkel opened a can of worms when she opened Germany's doors.
!merkel was terrible in thatbrespect

and nobody dared to contradict her here ,,,,,
Merkel wanted to show how open doors the new Germany is.

Merkel tried to help Austria and as a result 2 million refugees came in 2015 to Germany. 1 million from within Europe, 1 million from outside of Europe. Many of them came from Syria where the USA, Russia, Islamists and others threw bombs down which feeded the people and builded in masses new houses.

But in turn, the new racism is more in its IMPORT from the Arab countries.

I fear the racist idiot is you. Around this time I remember for example that a student murdered another here in Germany with a knife because of different opinions. I never had heard that such a thing ever had happened before in Germany and I asked myselve who this barbars could had been who tried to solve intellectual problems with a violent behavior. It had been two students from the USA.
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The victim, Lahav Shapira, 30, was hospitalized and underwent surgery for non-life-threatening injuries to his face. He is the grandson of Israeli athletics coach Amitzur Shapira, who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the Munich Olympics terror attack in 1972.
Amitzur Shapira

This makes this attack only more unbearable - that's all. In both cases are not only Jews victims - in both cases also Germany is a victim.
!merkel was terrible in thatbrespect

and nobody dared to contradict her here ,,,,,

What's totally wrong. I was on my own for example against this way - and many others thought and said the same - because this will bring Germany to limits. But many other Germans had been very enthúsiastic and supported this. Today exists not any enthusiasm any longer as far as I can see. We had been in 2023 a similar situation. But I also do not see frustration as a solution of such problems.
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people here. are still shocked

I am not shocked. I live my whole life in Germany every single day with the knowledge that a Nazi could wait and knive me in front of my house. When I was 4 years old ist was for me not easy to know that a former SS-soldiers lived directly on the other side of the street. I did not know what is "SS" and I did not really know what are Nazis - but I knew this man will perhaps kill me because the Nazis had murdered so many people of my family. The strange thing: Long years later I saw him dead. He had an heart attack when he was alone at home.
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and that stupid SPD senate women excuses it!

she should rtesign!

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