Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

Of course they are....they always did. If we confiscated every dollar from the top 100 wealthy people it wouldn't run the country for more than a few weeks....this is not about budgets it's more about jealousy.
#1 talking point of envious braindead billionaire apologists everywhere!
56.75831% Stupidest question going...50 worked great until Reagan changed it to 28% going out the door and screwed us all except for the mega rich of course. It's all guesswork but we know this new GOP crap sucks. Unless we are GOP base drones like you
The rich pay a larger percentage of the total tax bill today than when tax rates were high, Dumbass. There were a shit-ton of deductions back then that are not available know.

But you are too fucking stupid to comprehend such things. Tell us again how we have a flat tax. :auiqs.jpg:
If billionaires can afford to zoom around in rocket ships, to buy superyachts and mansions with 25 bathrooms, yeah, I think they can afford to pay their fair share of taxes.
How much is a "fair share"? How much of the total tax bill should the top 1 pay? Top 10%?
Income tax statistics are total ******** brainwashed functional moron. It is the only progressive tax we have and is about the same amount as the payroll tax which is paid mainly by the non rich. All other taxes hit regular people twice as hard as the rich. Everyone pays about 25% in all taxes when you total them. You Republicans have no clue about reality congratulations
the rich pay payroll taxes too.....they actually max out.

How do all "other" taxes hit them twice as hard? Like what other taxes? Sales tax? Real estate? Cap gains? What?
56.75831% Stupidest question going...50 worked great until Reagan changed it to 28% going out the door and screwed us all except for the mega rich of course. It's all guesswork but we know this new GOP crap sucks. Unless we are GOP base drones like you
Japan at the time was wiping up the floor with us. We peaked in the late 1960's. We blew our wad on the Vit Nam War, the moon program and the Great Society. Include the quotas, diversity and political correctness along with feminism and the Immigration Act of 1965 all ramping up with the Fiat Currency escaping its hold down by the Bretton Woods agreement breaking from the last tedious thread from gold and our nation had a fundamental transformation. The nation was different in 1980 than in 1970. The social programs broke loose in local, state and city governments along with the federal government. The fall of the Soviet Union bought us time and some prestige. But we blew it. We have debts through the wazoo and to balance the budget will take pain in a nation basing education and employment on equity and lower IQ's. Even Putin has warned the West and the United States.
90 percent tax rate for anyone making over 250K$
Guess where all the incomes will stop and the rest goes into hiding? IOW, people adjust to minimize their tax bill. Even the lying liberal millionaires who say they want to pay more taxes do. Heck, a quarter of a million isn't all that much today.
Japan at the time was wiping up the floor with us. We peaked in the late 1960's. We blew our wad on the Vit Nam War, the moon program and the Great Society. Include the quotas, diversity and political correctness along with feminism and the Immigration Act of 1965 all ramping up with the Fiat Currency escaping its hold down by the Bretton Woods agreement breaking from the last tedious thread from gold and our nation had a fundamental transformation. The nation was different in 1980 than in 1970. The social programs broke loose in local, state and city governments along with the federal government. The fall of the Soviet Union bought us time and some prestige. But we blew it. We have debts through the wazoo and to balance the budget will take pain in a nation basing education and employment on equity and lower IQ's. Even Putin has warned the West and the United States.
They can't seem to remember that we had the manufacturing world to ourselves after WWII until the rest of the world caught up. Of course it was great. The dot com boom was great too, until the rest of the world caught up, again.
There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

Bernie is doing fairly well. His wealth is estimated at somewhere between $729,030 and $2,500,000. Plus he owns threee homes.

Long term Congress critters seem to accumulate wealth easily.

Why don't you ask my seem to be falling into a circle...

How is it the middle class disappears if people get too rich?

I agree the middle class is hurting now, more then anyone else, thanks to Xiden inflation
trump buddy.....
Japan at the time was wiping up the floor with us. We peaked in the late 1960's. We blew our wad on the Vit Nam War, the moon program and the Great Society. Include the quotas, diversity and political correctness along with feminism and the Immigration Act of 1965 all ramping up with the Fiat Currency escaping its hold down by the Bretton Woods agreement breaking from the last tedious thread from gold and our nation had a fundamental transformation. The nation was different in 1980 than in 1970. The social programs broke loose in local, state and city governments along with the federal government. The fall of the Soviet Union bought us time and some prestige. But we blew it. We have debts through the wazoo and to balance the budget will take pain in a nation basing education and employment on equity and lower IQ's. Even Putin has warned the West and the United States.
broke loose lol? We don't tax the rich enough to have a healthy society, anything else is baloney...
Bernie is doing fairly well. His wealth is estimated at somewhere between $729,030 and $2,500,000. Plus he owns threee homes.

Long term Congress critters seem to accumulate wealth easily.

He wrote a couple of best sellers. The corruption is on the Big Money GOP side duh...
They can't seem to remember that we had the manufacturing world to ourselves after WWII until the rest of the world caught up. Of course it was great. The dot com boom was great too, until the rest of the world caught up, again.
We also had the GI Bill and trained the labor force. Not now, unlike the rest of the modern world...
Bernie is doing fairly well. His wealth is estimated at somewhere between $729,030 and $2,500,000. Plus he owns threee homes.
He's content, so not seeking far more than enough like (pick any billionaire). As your own link says, "Most of Bernie’s subsequent wealth has come from book deals and sales since he has had multiple hit books." His net worth "is estimated at somewhere between $729,030 and $2,500,000" (as of 10/6/2020 anyway). Plus nothing. One's net worth includes their real estate equity.
He wrote a couple of best sellers. The corruption is on the Big Money GOP side duh...
So you don’t see any corruption in the Biden family? You definitely qualify as a good sheeple.

So you don’t see any corruption in the Biden family? You definitely qualify as a good sheeple.

nothing illegal yet, and not listen to crap. Meanwhile, Jerrod gets a billion for services from Saudi and you fools probably never hear about it...
nothing illegal yet, and not listen to crap. Meanwhile, Jerrod gets a billion for services from Saudi and you fools probably never hear about it...
I just heard about this new scandal today. If the Trumps were involved in influence peddling like the Bidens they ALL should be held accountable.

However it seems there is always a BOMBSHELL about Trump or his family that in a week or so turns out to be a BIG NOTHING BURGER. I will wait and see what happens with this one.
I just heard about this new scandal today. If the Trumps were involved in influence peddling like the Bidens they ALL should be held accountable.

However it seems there is always a BOMBSHELL about Trump or his family that in a week or so turns out to be a BIG NOTHING BURGER. I will wait and see what happens with this one.
Nothing illegal. Just corrupt and like the mob....

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