Bernie Is Right: Extreme Wealth Concentration Has Turned America Into Oligarchy: 1% now own one-third of all wealth, as the bottom half hold only 2%

and you turn every thread into an opportunity to bash me instead of discussing the topic at hand

It might seem to you like you're being bashed when, in fact, it's just some of the ridiculous ideas you seem to believe that are subject to ridicule.

Since none of what you espouse is original, only other people's warped ideas, you aren't the subject of an attack.
Conservatism is now fascist capitalism on behalf of oligarchs and criminals.

There is no doubt what the Democratic Party stands for.
(1)Bernie Sanders calls himself a "Socialist" ,
(2)Bernie Sanders praises Cuba and (3)Bernie Sanders complains the rich have too much money, (4)Nancy Pelosi just set up a committee on "Economic Inequality",(5) Vladimir Putin praised the Democrats as
"Ideologically the same as Soviet Communism", and
(6)Sen. Blumenthal went to a Communist Party meeting and praised them publicly.
Why do you want to limit a persons success? If you won 1 billion dollars from the lottery, would you then become a fascist?
Sperm Bingo

How is inheriting money being a success? Notice that the Progressives never mention that as the evil thing; in fact, that's the only wealth they want. They are Preppy Progressives. For two centuries the Left's leaders have come primarily from the upper class. They even admit it, justifying their false flagging by saying that those who would inherit Daddy's business have a lot to lose under socialism, so they're more sacrificing than the working class, who have nothing to lose. But since they are the leaders, the way it works out, and was planned that way from the beginning, is that they actually get a lot more power from the revolution. If richkid Castro had been satisfied with just his padre's hacienda, he would have been a bigshot only in a county-size area of Cuba.

Marxists don't criticize the HeirHeads, only the HeirDads, because Daddy made his money through evil Capitalism, while the son is innocent of that.
So the Oedipus Complex is involved in this richkids' ideology.

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