Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

The rich always threaten to leave. Let 'em.

no-one is going anywhere. and bernie isn't going to be president.

he'll make a brilliant secretary of labor, though.

as for the idiot whining about lyndon johnson... there is no question that johnson was of his era.

there is also no question that he passed one of the most sweeping civil rights reforms in history....

which is the reason the kkk'ers and bigoted losers are republicans now....




Black Americans that liberal democrats hold bigotry towards and discriminate against, like past Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan shamed black Republican supporters to vote Democrat but bigots today is shaming blacks such as:

Ben Carson

Herman Cain

Condoleezza Rice

Gen. Collin Powell

Justice Clarence Thomas

Black Conservatives

Wealthy African Americans in the 1%

Black NRA members

Black gun owners

Black Republicans

Uncle Toms

Black Banks

Blacks in Wall Street

Black Capitalist

Black Trump Supporters

Black Christians



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You had an imaginary dream that you had anything of substance at all to put on an internet message board. I've yet to see it, though your avatar speaks the proverbial volumes.

Take your incessant trolling of Googly Images. Please. You've just put up yet another bogus quote, this time, not content with fake LBJ quotes, by Karl Marx.
To wit:

Link a source or admit your head is firmly up your ass.

It's more likely sourced from Groucho Marx.

Dumb shit.

I submit that if all you have in your rhetorical quiver is an endless diarrheaic rivulet of Googly Images, let alone unvetted ones easily debunked, then you have no business participating in a message board as you've come to battle entirely unarmed, with the predictable result.

You ain't ready for this, Sparkles.

--- Didn't think so.

Bernie Sanders is as old as Colonel Sanders, this country is not going to elect someone for president this old.
You're a special kind of moron aintchya?

I just said your quote is bogus. You didn't address that at all. And vocabulary ain't related.

Further, per you Googly Image, if that's all your intellect can muster in the guise of argument, there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party". And LBJ pushed the CRA anyway.


Oh and btw -- that quote in your image ---- also bogus.

Prove me wrong.

You wanna fuck with me on the facts, Junior, I'll mop the floor with your ass.[/QUOTE]




...you guys rebuttal back with hot air because I took away your ammunition since I exposed Bernie and you no longer can defend him, but now turn on me. Victory!!!!

...if you only rebuttal with full of hot air, it means you don't have anything left in your arsenal to defend him with. Agreeing with a troll makes you a follower, which makes you his troll bitch.

Taking it out on a screen like a 5 yr old throwing a tantrum. How mature, I'll take another order of insults please.

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Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The World Giving Index ranks the world's most charitable countries. The United States and Myanmar share the top spot globally

Communist Russia and communist countries don't even make the list in giving to the poor or for charity. Which is the world's most generous country? - CNN.com

Norway socialism economical drugs may be cheaper but their petrol is more expensive than US. Cost of living in Norway is 37.88% higher than US Cost of Living in Norway

…if socialism is basic for a 3rd grader to understand, which most Americans are at attention span level to follow basics, then why isn't the majority of America for Bernie? Majority can't all be morons, just suspicious.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

The Greeks Finally Run Out of Other People’s Money

“The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his will, but to enquire about his power, the limits of that power...” –Karl Marx

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, andIceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).


Countries who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly compared to America, only Denmark is the only democratic socialism country doing well as the richest country above USA

These countries have social democracy but are ranked lower than USA, with USA ranked higher




Norway (Cost of living is higher than America) Cost of Living in Norway

Cost of Living in Norway

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom


Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."

… Whenever Bernie can run his own worst socialist economic states in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt, then make his socialism argument valid, not 50 more states to bern through? Rich States, Poor States, 2015 Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council

...Bernie will destroy the middle class when the rich move overseas and jobs to avoid the bloated tax plague, leaving America as the Socialist States of Detroit. Impeaching Bernie will be the only way wealth returns to the bankrupt land.

You raise the wages, more taxes on the rich, then more layoffs to offset the cost to pay the employees, then more going out of business, then more jobs created overseas, then America turns into Detroit. Bernie spends the rich money to get your free stuff, when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes. You really think the wealthy and rich corporations are going to stick around America when they are against socialism since it hurts their growth and capitalism. Would you stay with an abusive man if he forced you to do things against your wish? Your argument; its your turn to play vigilante.

...you liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place

Socialism doesn't deal with the illegals fundamental issue that affects the economy:

More illegals causes more prisons to be built because of them causing the crime rates to go up with drugs crossing the border, then getting arrested, drug users and drug dealers and illegals gangs,illegals rapists, illegals molesters, illegals murderers. We have no place to put them but in prisons which are built with your tax money because you don't want to deal with the illegals situation. They are being hired to work cheaper, so your minimum wage won't go up, causing unemployment and our schools are being invaded by them which is overcrowded which they drown all of the educational funding.

Socialism only deals with the short term solutions but neglects handling the long term issues:

You obviously, don't comprehend how a snowball effect or domino effect works. It's like the version of the big bubble crisis, internet bubble, housing bubble crisis, bank bubble crisis, whereas illegals are the new bubble crisis which will cause this nation to collapse.

Study some ancient history about how Rome was invaded by the barbarians which flooded the empire illegally then Rome begin to collapse because it was too late for them to control the situation. It's not paranoia or any kind of phobia of fearing a race, its reality.

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair and some people have more than you. You feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

-LBJ, “I’ll Have Those Nig***rs Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years” Bernie Sanders fulfilling Lyndon Johnson prophecy
This is actually a good question to ask, because it addresses on of the concerns of those who are against increased personal income taxation as we continue to move toward a Euro-social democracy.

A few fellow financial advisors and I have been discussing this for a couple of years now, and we've concluded that no, there probably not be a significant capital or talent flight out of the country, IF we wise up and decrease corporate income taxes at least somewhat.

I'd like to see them dropped to 12% or so with a 5% minimum, personally. Achievers and earners achieve and earn because that's who they are, and they're going to do it even if their personal income taxes increase. I'd support adding four new personal income tax margins, at 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9% and 59.9%, with minimum effective taxes up and down the margins, and I don't think those at the higher end of the brackets would squeal. They'd also be more motivated to do some tax-advantaged investing, which will have benefits.

Right now the problem is corporate income taxes. And the presence of Sanders is irrelevant, this is a larger issue than that.
no-one is going anywhere. and bernie isn't going to be president.

he'll make a brilliant secretary of labor, though.

as for the idiot whining about lyndon johnson... there is no question that johnson was of his era.

there is also no question that he passed one of the most sweeping civil rights reforms in history....

which is the reason the kkk'ers and bigoted losers are republicans now....
Bernie has a better chance of becoming president than Clinton. There are a lot of us that if Bernie isn't in there then we will not vote Democrat.

And ya, I'm over the whole .........we'll/they'll leave shpeil. They want all of the rights and none of the responsibilities. They know how to leave.

It's their responsibility to give government 90% of their money?

You going to beg 'em to stay?

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Is it election time? Then somebody is crying.

Sure I would beg them to stay. Take their money out of the country and our country collapses.

Since the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income taxes, who else would pay that tax if they decide to go--you???

Our money isn't good enough? Our education isn't good enough? They do nothing but write and buy policy and tell others how to live and it's primarily for their own benefit. These people decide what services, if any, are available for those that bust their ass in this country. Then decide who sees justice and who doesn't. Those "interests" that we defend in other countries.........well, they decide which one of our children lives and dies and then if they live long enough to come back home then they decide what care they receive. They decide who is elected.

The real work? They don't do. They have someone else do it for them. Those mom and pop corner stores? They don't keep them afloat. They don't get the local tech folks to fix their stuff. They don't do the plumbing. They don't do the electrical wiring. They don't fix the vehicles.
They don't work in the mines. Their children don't go to other countries and die.
Nope. It's beneath them.

They demand royal treatment in a country that is allegedly done with royalty.

It's called the chain of command.

Rock-N-Roll artists do not carry their equipment in the hall and set it up. Roadies do that.

A batting coach for a professional baseball team does not bat for the team. He gets paid to tell other people how to bat.

The professional football team owner does not go onto the football field to throw the ball for touchdowns. He hires quarterbacks to that.

A producer of a film does not act in the film. He tells others how to act.

Your boss does not sweep the floors of Walmart. He tells you what floors need to be swept.

Without hierarchy, you have mass confusion, you have disorganization, you have failure.
no-one is going anywhere. and bernie isn't going to be president.

he'll make a brilliant secretary of labor, though.

as for the idiot whining about lyndon johnson... there is no question that johnson was of his era.

there is also no question that he passed one of the most sweeping civil rights reforms in history....

which is the reason the kkk'ers and bigoted losers are republicans now....
Bernie has a better chance of becoming president than Clinton. There are a lot of us that if Bernie isn't in there then we will not vote Democrat.

And ya, I'm over the whole .........we'll/they'll leave shpeil. They want all of the rights and none of the responsibilities. They know how to leave.

It's their responsibility to give government 90% of their money?

You going to beg 'em to stay?

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Is it election time? Then somebody is crying.

Sure I would beg them to stay. Take their money out of the country and our country collapses.

Since the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income taxes, who else would pay that tax if they decide to go--you???

the top 1/10 of 1% of people in this country own 90% of the wealth. this inequality has worsened dramatically because of rightwing policy.

your idea that our economy collapses if we intervene, via tax policy, to correct at least a small part of that inequality is absurd. that tax policy is what the billionaire buy when they buy politicians. this needs to change.... your being brainwashed to support policies that victimize you, notwithstanding.

Explain how I've been victimized by the wealthy. Wealthy people have not hurt one hair on my head. Wish I could say that about Democrats. Thanks to Democrats, my electricity will be more expensive in the future. Thanks to Democrats, I've lost my company sponsored health insurance. Thanks to Democrats, my cell phone bill is higher because we all have to pay for those free Obama phones. Thanks to Democrats, I now get charged a transfer fee when I switch credit card services.

The wealthy? The wealthy are those people that own companies that use my company's service. They give me work. They support the stock market so I might have a comfortable retirement. They build all those big buildings downtown and erect restaurants so I have someplace for entertainment.

If the tax rate in this country were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate in this country were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

Explain how I've been victimized by the wealthy. Wealthy people have not hurt one hair on my head. Wish I could say that about Democrats. Thanks to Democrats, my electricity will be more expensive in the future. Thanks to Democrats, I've lost my company sponsored health insurance. Thanks to Democrats, my cell phone bill is higher because we all have to pay for those free Obama phones. Thanks to Democrats, I now get charged a transfer fee when I switch credit card services.

The wealthy? The wealthy are those people that own companies that use my company's service. They give me work. They support the stock market so I might have a comfortable retirement. They build all those big buildings downtown and erect restaurants so I have someplace for entertainment.

If the tax rate in this country were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate in this country were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?[/QUOTE]

I agree!

This is to the Liberals:

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair because some people have more than you and you feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.
You're a special kind of moron aintchya?

I just said your quote is bogus. You didn't address that at all. And vocabulary ain't related.

Further, per you Googly Image, if that's all your intellect can muster in the guise of argument, there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party". And LBJ pushed the CRA anyway.


Oh and btw -- that quote in your image ---- also bogus.

Prove me wrong.

You wanna fuck with me on the facts, Junior, I'll mop the floor with your ass.




...you guys rebuttal back with hot air because I took away your ammunition since I exposed Bernie and you no longer can defend him, but now turn on me. Victory!!!!

...if you only rebuttal with full of hot air, it means you don't have anything left in your arsenal to defend him with. Agreeing with a troll makes you a follower, which makes you his troll bitch.

Taking it out on a screen like a 5 yr old throwing a tantrum. How mature, I'll take another order of insults please.



Furthermore stupid --- quit fucking with the quotes.
I agree!

This is to the Liberals:

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair because some people have more than you and you feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

You don't even understand the difference between "Socialism" and "Liberalism" apparently.

Btw nobody's going to read six miles of text without a break. Go learn how to write.
Bernie has a better chance of becoming president than Clinton. There are a lot of us that if Bernie isn't in there then we will not vote Democrat.

And ya, I'm over the whole .........we'll/they'll leave shpeil. They want all of the rights and none of the responsibilities. They know how to leave.

It's their responsibility to give government 90% of their money?

You going to beg 'em to stay?

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Is it election time? Then somebody is crying.

Sure I would beg them to stay. Take their money out of the country and our country collapses.

Since the top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected federal income taxes, who else would pay that tax if they decide to go--you???

Our money isn't good enough? Our education isn't good enough? They do nothing but write and buy policy and tell others how to live and it's primarily for their own benefit. These people decide what services, if any, are available for those that bust their ass in this country. Then decide who sees justice and who doesn't. Those "interests" that we defend in other countries.........well, they decide which one of our children lives and dies and then if they live long enough to come back home then they decide what care they receive. They decide who is elected.

The real work? They don't do. They have someone else do it for them. Those mom and pop corner stores? They don't keep them afloat. They don't get the local tech folks to fix their stuff. They don't do the plumbing. They don't do the electrical wiring. They don't fix the vehicles.
They don't work in the mines. Their children don't go to other countries and die.
Nope. It's beneath them.

They demand royal treatment in a country that is allegedly done with royalty.

It's called the chain of command.

Rock-N-Roll artists do not carry their equipment in the hall and set it up. Roadies do that.

A batting coach for a professional baseball team does not bat for the team. He gets paid to tell other people how to bat.

The professional football team owner does not go onto the football field to throw the ball for touchdowns. He hires quarterbacks to that.

A producer of a film does not act in the film. He tells others how to act.

Your boss does not sweep the floors of Walmart. He tells you what floors need to be swept.

Without hierarchy, you have mass confusion, you have disorganization, you have failure.

So.............just so we are clear.......you want a monarchy.

BULLSHIT. Another bogus quote.

Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated.
  • Unknown source, attributed by Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN) [25] and by Roger L. Roberson, Jr, The Bible & the Black Man: Breaking the Chains of Prejudice (2007), p. 18.<< -- Wikiquote
---- PROVE YOUR SHIT, fucking liar.


See post 32 here. As well as the OP of that thread.
That is, if you can handle something more intellectually chewy than your fucking Googly Image bullshit.

Fucking liar.

Hey! Let's go for the trifecta:

And your link to this is ----- where?

Oh wait ...... you don't have one.
Because, again, the subject never said or wrote that. Yet another in an endless diarrhea of GooglyImage bogus quotes.

Fucking loser.
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