Bernie makes outrageous comment on Trump budget

bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Probably because the rich have ways to reduce their share to zero.

According to the IRS, the top 5% of wage earners pay 88% of income taxes collected! Perhaps there should be a minimum tax so the 47% of Americans who currently don't pay income taxes have to pay something so they some skin in the game!

That should tell you about the redistribution if wealth from the poor & middle class to the weathy but instead you want poor people to pay income tax. You did mean invcome tax, right? Because these people do pay taxes.

You have been duped into thinking we should bow down & worship the 1%ers. If we give them money, they will create jobs.

I know all the poor people I have ever worked for ...

On what damn planet is the death tax immoral?

There are but three modes in which surplus wealth can be disposed of. It call be left to the families of the decedents; or it can be bequeathed for public purposes; or, finally, it can be administered during their lives by its possessors. Under the first and second modes most of the wealth of the world that has reached the few has hitherto been applied. Let us in turn consider each of these modes. The first is the most injudicious. In monarchical countries, the estates and the greatest portion of the wealth are left to the first son, that the vanity of the parent may be gratified by the thought that his name and title are to descend to succeeding generations unimpaired. The condition of this class in Europe to-day teaches the futility of such hopes or ambitions. The successors have become impoverished through their follies or from the fall in the value of land. Even in Great Britain the strict law of entail has been found inadequate to maintain the status of an hereditary class. Its soil is rapidly passing into the hands of the stranger. Under republican institutions the division of property among the children is much fairer, but the question which forces itself upon thoughtful men in all lands is: Why should men leave great fortunes to their children? If this is done from affection, is it not misguided affection? Observation teaches that, generally speaking, it is not well for the children that they should be so burdened. Neither is it well for the state. Beyond providing for the wife and daughters moderate sources of income, and very moderate allowances indeed, if any, for the sons, men may well hesitate, for it is no longer questionable that great suns bequeathed oftener work more for the injury than for the good of the recipients. Wise men will soon conclude that, for the best interests of the members of their families and of the state, such bequests are an improper use of their means.

A hundred years ago even an eighth grader knew "The Gospel of Wealth". Educate yourself.

Thank goodness for stealth wealth.
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.

Thanks for being extremely pretentious and the hissy fit.

Nothing is stopping you from donating whatever you like to the government.

Keep your socialism out of my money and my country cupcake..

Here I thought you patriots would want to support your country financially instead of your never ending whining about taxes.
Thank goodness for stealth wealth.
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.

Thanks for being extremely pretentious and the hissy fit.

Nothing is stopping you from donating whatever you like to the government.

Keep your socialism out of my money and my country cupcake..

Here I thought you patriots would want to support your country financially instead of your never ending whining about taxes.

I minimize my takes in every way possible.
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite. the death tax is immoral.

On what damn planet is the death tax immoral?

There are but three modes in which surplus wealth can be disposed of. It call be left to the families of the decedents; or it can be bequeathed for public purposes; or, finally, it can be administered during their lives by its possessors. Under the first and second modes most of the wealth of the world that has reached the few has hitherto been applied. Let us in turn consider each of these modes. The first is the most injudicious. In monarchical countries, the estates and the greatest portion of the wealth are left to the first son, that the vanity of the parent may be gratified by the thought that his name and title are to descend to succeeding generations unimpaired. The condition of this class in Europe to-day teaches the futility of such hopes or ambitions. The successors have become impoverished through their follies or from the fall in the value of land. Even in Great Britain the strict law of entail has been found inadequate to maintain the status of an hereditary class. Its soil is rapidly passing into the hands of the stranger. Under republican institutions the division of property among the children is much fairer, but the question which forces itself upon thoughtful men in all lands is: Why should men leave great fortunes to their children? If this is done from affection, is it not misguided affection? Observation teaches that, generally speaking, it is not well for the children that they should be so burdened. Neither is it well for the state. Beyond providing for the wife and daughters moderate sources of income, and very moderate allowances indeed, if any, for the sons, men may well hesitate, for it is no longer questionable that great suns bequeathed oftener work more for the injury than for the good of the recipients. Wise men will soon conclude that, for the best interests of the members of their families and of the state, such bequests are an improper use of their means.

A hundred years ago even an eighth grader knew "The Gospel of Wealth". Educate yourself.

Thank goodness for stealth wealth.
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.
is it legal money ? what's the problem. give away to the government whatever you think is amoral, i'd say about a hundred acres.
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Probably because the rich have ways to reduce their share to zero.

According to the IRS, the top 5% of wage earners pay 88% of income taxes collected! Perhaps there should be a minimum tax so the 47% of Americans who currently don't pay income taxes have to pay something so they some skin in the game!

That should tell you about the redistribution if wealth from the poor & middle class to the weathy but instead you want poor people to pay income tax. You did mean invcome tax, right? Because these people do pay taxes.

You have been duped into thinking we should bow down & worship the 1%ers. If we give them money, they will create jobs.
Paying into a pool is abused 100% of the time… Fact
On what damn planet is the death tax immoral?

There are but three modes in which surplus wealth can be disposed of. It call be left to the families of the decedents; or it can be bequeathed for public purposes; or, finally, it can be administered during their lives by its possessors. Under the first and second modes most of the wealth of the world that has reached the few has hitherto been applied. Let us in turn consider each of these modes. The first is the most injudicious. In monarchical countries, the estates and the greatest portion of the wealth are left to the first son, that the vanity of the parent may be gratified by the thought that his name and title are to descend to succeeding generations unimpaired. The condition of this class in Europe to-day teaches the futility of such hopes or ambitions. The successors have become impoverished through their follies or from the fall in the value of land. Even in Great Britain the strict law of entail has been found inadequate to maintain the status of an hereditary class. Its soil is rapidly passing into the hands of the stranger. Under republican institutions the division of property among the children is much fairer, but the question which forces itself upon thoughtful men in all lands is: Why should men leave great fortunes to their children? If this is done from affection, is it not misguided affection? Observation teaches that, generally speaking, it is not well for the children that they should be so burdened. Neither is it well for the state. Beyond providing for the wife and daughters moderate sources of income, and very moderate allowances indeed, if any, for the sons, men may well hesitate, for it is no longer questionable that great suns bequeathed oftener work more for the injury than for the good of the recipients. Wise men will soon conclude that, for the best interests of the members of their families and of the state, such bequests are an improper use of their means.

A hundred years ago even an eighth grader knew "The Gospel of Wealth". Educate yourself.

Thank goodness for stealth wealth.
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.
is it legal money ? what's the problem. give away to the government whatever you think is amoral, i'd say about a hundred acres.

If it is going back to the king turn it all over

Nancy P will take it
Warner nailed the slimy budget dire tor.

He is calling for repeal of the estate tax yet has income from the estate tax in his budget calculations.

Inheritance is income for the beneficiaries. There is a limit on how much money you can give your children before it is taxable. Why should it matter if you are living or dead when you give it?

The tax is only valid on larger estates "t's official—for 2016, the estate and gift tax exemption is $5.45 million per individual, up from $5.43 million in 2015. That means an individual can leave $5.45 million to heirs and pay no federal estate or gift tax. A married couple will be able to shield $10.9 million from federal estate and gift taxes.

hands off my hard earned money.

How many times does it get taxed?

Are you not paying attention? Capital gains that are passed down ARE NOT TAXED.
you want to tax them ?
Bernie Sanders called Trump's budget "grotesquely immoral". Thank God this socialist scum bag didn't get elected or else we'd be talking about increased taxes on the middle class and rich and more big government. Sanders: Trump budget is 'grotesquely immoral'
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Then they need no tax cut..
Thank goodness for stealth wealth.
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.
is it legal money ? what's the problem. give away to the government whatever you think is amoral, i'd say about a hundred acres.

If it is going back to the king turn it all over

Nancy P will take it
yeah, what about the fifty million dollar woman ?
Bernie Sanders called Trump's budget "grotesquely immoral". Thank God this socialist scum bag didn't get elected or else we'd be talking about increased taxes on the middle class and rich and more big government. Sanders: Trump budget is 'grotesquely immoral'
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Then they need no tax cut..

I wasn't giving them one.

I would like one for me?
Thank goodness for stealth wealth.
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.

Thanks for being extremely pretentious and the hissy fit.

Nothing is stopping you from donating whatever you like to the government.

Keep your socialism out of my money and my country cupcake..

Here I thought you patriots would want to support your country financially instead of your never ending whining about taxes.
Why socialism always fails • AEI
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.
is it legal money ? what's the problem. give away to the government whatever you think is amoral, i'd say about a hundred acres.

If it is going back to the king turn it all over

Nancy P will take it
yeah, what about the fifty million dollar woman ?

Winston wants to tax her too
Warner nailed the slimy budget dire tor.

He is calling for repeal of the estate tax yet has income from the estate tax in his budget calculations.

Inheritance is income for the beneficiaries. There is a limit on how much money you can give your children before it is taxable. Why should it matter if you are living or dead when you give it?

The tax is only valid on larger estates "t's official—for 2016, the estate and gift tax exemption is $5.45 million per individual, up from $5.43 million in 2015. That means an individual can leave $5.45 million to heirs and pay no federal estate or gift tax. A married couple will be able to shield $10.9 million from federal estate and gift taxes.

hands off my hard earned money.

How many times does it get taxed?

Are you not paying attention? Capital gains that are passed down ARE NOT TAXED.
you want to tax them ?

Winston wants tax us into prosperity and the age of aquarius
Bernie Sanders called Trump's budget "grotesquely immoral". Thank God this socialist scum bag didn't get elected or else we'd be talking about increased taxes on the middle class and rich and more big government. Sanders: Trump budget is 'grotesquely immoral'
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Then they need no tax cut..

I wasn't giving them one.

I would like one for me?
I don't pay taxes, stop doing it years ago, take home all money earned..
Bernie Sanders called Trump's budget "grotesquely immoral". Thank God this socialist scum bag didn't get elected or else we'd be talking about increased taxes on the middle class and rich and more big government. Sanders: Trump budget is 'grotesquely immoral'
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Actually according to the IRS says they pay more than their "share"...

High Income Earners (over $250K a year)
Earn approximately 28% of the total AGI
Pay 55% of the total federal income tax burden

All other earners earn 72% of the total AGI
Pay 45% of the total federal income tax burden
a lot of offshore dough will come back to our banks.

Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.

Thanks for being extremely pretentious and the hissy fit.

Nothing is stopping you from donating whatever you like to the government.

Keep your socialism out of my money and my country cupcake..

Please do not insult my intelligence with AEI. And even worse, a PHD in Economics from George Mason ain't worth two shits.

Here I thought you patriots would want to support your country financially instead of your never ending whining about taxes.
Why socialism always fails • AEI

Please do not insult my intelligence with AEI. And even worse, a PHD in Economics from George Mason ain't worth two shits. Might as well call it a Koch blowjob degree.
Bernie Sanders called Trump's budget "grotesquely immoral". Thank God this socialist scum bag didn't get elected or else we'd be talking about increased taxes on the middle class and rich and more big government. Sanders: Trump budget is 'grotesquely immoral'
bernie is a bit of a hypocrite.
Yet, the rich should pay their share.

And the IRS says they do.
Actually according to the IRS says they pay more than their "share"...

High Income Earners (over $250K a year)
Earn approximately 28% of the total AGI
Pay 55% of the total federal income tax burden

All other earners earn 72% of the total AGI
Pay 45% of the total federal income tax burden

What percent of the wealth do they own?
Winston thinks he deserves some of it.

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, castro, Obammy, Hillary the Hag, and Crazy Bernie told him so.

You people are absolutely clueless. You got to be rich to know how this shit works. I doubt a single one of you will ever come up against the estate tax. I will. Under this proposal, well I stand to gain more than most of you will make in a lifetime. Hundreds of acres of family land nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains, some of it GRANTED BY THE KING. No estate tax AND the step-up, my kids will never have to strike a lick. That is IMMORAL.

Thanks for being extremely pretentious and the hissy fit.

Nothing is stopping you from donating whatever you like to the government.

Keep your socialism out of my money and my country cupcake..

Please do not insult my intelligence with AEI. And even worse, a PHD in Economics from George Mason ain't worth two shits.

Here I thought you patriots would want to support your country financially instead of your never ending whining about taxes.
Why socialism always fails • AEI

Please do not insult my intelligence with AEI. And even worse, a PHD in Economics from George Mason ain't worth two shits. Might as well call it a Koch blowjob degree.
Only a complete fool would believe Keynesian economics is viable… Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Fact

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