Bernie Sanders Goes Independent...


Eh, if Bernie actually believed the political system was rigged against the people and wanted to do something about it, he'd have the balls to run as an independent instead of a patsy to the super delegate, voter suppressing Democratic Party.

When the dust settles, I predict Bernie will bend over and submit and prove his words and rhetoric are pure crap hypocrisy and define his millions of supporters as merely gullible morons.... :laugh:
How so?

Perhaps you should ponder a while....:wink_2:
Im not gonna waste too much time on something i'm sure you do not have the ability to logically explain.

Okay then, which part are you particularly confused about?

Eh, if Bernie actually believed the political system was rigged against the people and wanted to do something about it, he'd have the balls to run as an independent instead of a patsy to the super delegate, voter suppressing Democratic Party.

When the dust settles, I predict Bernie will bend over and submit and prove his words and rhetoric are pure crap hypocrisy and define his millions of supporters as merely gullible morons.... :laugh:
How so?

Perhaps you should ponder a while....:wink_2:
Im not gonna waste too much time on something i'm sure you do not have the ability to logically explain.

Okay then, which part are you particularly confused about?
How do you think Bernie is going to bend over and submit?
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's

Eh, if Bernie actually believed the political system was rigged against the people and wanted to do something about it, he'd have the balls to run as an independent instead of a patsy to the super delegate, voter suppressing Democratic Party.

When the dust settles, I predict Bernie will bend over and submit and prove his words and rhetoric are pure crap hypocrisy and define his millions of supporters as merely gullible morons.... :laugh:
How so?

Perhaps you should ponder a while....:wink_2:
Im not gonna waste too much time on something i'm sure you do not have the ability to logically explain.

Okay then, which part are you particularly confused about?
How do you think Bernie is going to bend over and submit?

Okay, just not have the balls to run as an Independent and continue his movement but instead submit to the Democratic Parties obvious corruption, as he defines it.
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's
How is Bernie a Commie? Also, are you a vet? I'm guessing you are from your avatar... As a vet, whats up with your footer message? 'The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

Wasn't it your job to protect and help? Isn't the same true for our police and fire department??
He claims to be an independent, why not run as one? I doubt he will, though if he does it would likely prevent the most corrupt lying pol (that is saying a lot) from getting her fat ass back in the WH. Just might prevent WWIII from happening too, since no one is more of a warmonger than Cankles.

My guess is the Ds will prevent him from going third party, by bribing and/or threatening him.

No Independent will win a national election.

Eh, if Bernie actually believed the political system was rigged against the people and wanted to do something about it, he'd have the balls to run as an independent instead of a patsy to the super delegate, voter suppressing Democratic Party.

When the dust settles, I predict Bernie will bend over and submit and prove his words and rhetoric are pure crap hypocrisy and define his millions of supporters as merely gullible morons.... :laugh:
How so?

Perhaps you should ponder a while....:wink_2:
Im not gonna waste too much time on something i'm sure you do not have the ability to logically explain.

Okay then, which part are you particularly confused about?
How do you think Bernie is going to bend over and submit?
He has already sucked Barry's ass and he will suck the hildabeasts ass... Lol
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's
How is Bernie a Commie? Also, are you a vet? I'm guessing you are from your avatar... As a vet, whats up with your footer message? 'The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

Wasn't it your job to protect and help? Isn't the same true for our police and fire department??
There's a reason generally the military folk do not vote for progresses… LOL

Perhaps you should ponder a while....:wink_2:
Im not gonna waste too much time on something i'm sure you do not have the ability to logically explain.

Okay then, which part are you particularly confused about?
How do you think Bernie is going to bend over and submit?

Okay, just not have the balls to run as an Independent and continue his movement but instead submit to the Democratic Parties obvious corruption, as he defines it.
I don't think it's a matter of having balls... It is the same argument for Bernie as it is for Trump. A third party run splits the vote from the major party and pretty much gives the election to the opponents. If Bernie runs Third party he is giving the election to Trump... How does that help his cause? Same for Trump, he goes third party and that gives the election to Hillary... That does not help the Republicans... Frankly, I don't think Trump really cares about the Republicans. He isn't a public servant, who has been fighting for his causes, he is a businessman, and TV personality, he will happily go right back to that and enjoy the profits from his new popularity. He is better friends with Hillary than with Lyin Ted... He'd probably be just fine with Hillary winning if it isn't him.
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's
How is Bernie a Commie? Also, are you a vet? I'm guessing you are from your avatar... As a vet, whats up with your footer message? 'The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

Wasn't it your job to protect and help? Isn't the same true for our police and fire department??
There's a reason generally the military folk do not vote for progresses… LOL
Yes, Republicans fund the millitary, it isn't rocket science...
So here's the thing.

If Bernie goes independent and splits the Democratic vote, he knows he has no chance of winning and would only guarantee the Republican candidate will win the election.

I do not believe for one second Bernie hates Hillary so much that he would do something which would ensure a Republican win.
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's
How is Bernie a Commie? Also, are you a vet? I'm guessing you are from your avatar... As a vet, whats up with your footer message? 'The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

Wasn't it your job to protect and help? Isn't the same true for our police and fire department??
In his younger days Sanders was in a group called Young People’s Socialist League that called for the overthrow of the US government that's SOP for Communist.

Yes I am a Veteran and its not the job of the US military to help the community its to fight this nations wars. Reagan was speaking about big government and its detrimental effect on this country.
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's
How is Bernie a Commie? Also, are you a vet? I'm guessing you are from your avatar... As a vet, whats up with your footer message? 'The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

Wasn't it your job to protect and help? Isn't the same true for our police and fire department??
There's a reason generally the military folk do not vote for progresses… LOL
Yes, Republicans fund the millitary, it isn't rocket science...
Silly rabbit
Why shouldn't Bernie go back to his roots and run on the Communist Party USA ticket ? I'm sure the party would be thrilled to have a true believer instead of the Democratic Party nominee they have supported in ever election since the early 80's
How is Bernie a Commie? Also, are you a vet? I'm guessing you are from your avatar... As a vet, whats up with your footer message? 'The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan

Wasn't it your job to protect and help? Isn't the same true for our police and fire department??
In his younger days Sanders was in a group called Young People’s Socialist League that called for the overthrow of the US government that's SOP for Communist.

Yes I am a Veteran and its not the job of the US military to help the community its to fight this nations wars. Reagan was speaking about big government and its detrimental effect on this country.
Ok, millitary fights wars, what about police and fire departments?

As for the Young Peoples Socialist League. You are defining him as a commie because of a club he joined in College 50 years ago?? In times when civil rights for black people were still being fought for? Do you see the flaw in your logic and how it is a gross misrepresentation of who Bernie is?

While at the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People's Socialist League (the youth affiliate of the Socialist Party of America),[32] and was active in the Civil Rights Movement as a student organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and theStudent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.[17][33] Under Sanders's chairmanship, the university chapter of CORE merged with the university chapter of SNCC.[34] In January 1962, Sanders led a rally at the University of Chicago administration building to protest university president George Wells Beadle's segregated campus housing policy. "We feel it is an intolerable situation when Negro and white students of the university cannot live together in university-owned apartments," Sanders said at the protest. Sanders and 32 other students then entered the building and camped outside the president's office, performing the first civil rights sit-in in Chicago history.[35][36]
Obama/Democrats vs the Military...


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I'm still not understanding how a candidate can win the most votes in a state and the other one walks away with more "delegates." That just tells me that our elections don't really mean anything and that your vote really does NOT count.
Well, I least I hope he does..

I believe he should continue his movement ... :popcorn:

The media blabbed on and on about Trump going independent, why not Bernie?


What do you think that would accomplish? It's clear that his policies are not selling with the overwhelming majority of Democrats. Hillary Clinton is leading him by 2.5 million votes--and it's only going to get a lot larger next Tuesday.

You have an entire party the Democrat Party who would hate him, for running on the Democrat ticket, getting his ass kicked, wasn't man enough to drop out of the race, and then try and split the party, by stating he wants to now change his party status back to independent and run as an independent. He would probably lose more of his base support than what he could possibly gain. He would be the most hated man in Washington D.C.

In fact, the only people who would be cheering a move like this would be Republicans.

I'm seeing a lack of respect for Bernie voters here... all the more reason to go Independent.

The guy is being screwed over by the bought off establishment Democratic Party/Hillary political/media machine. He owes the Democrats zilch.

Eh, he should go Independent.

How does anyone respect voters who support Bernie Sanders? The vast majority of his supporters are youth who have yet to be out actually working and supporting themselves. The Millennials grew up with everything being done for them and given to them. They didn't even have to work at school where instead of demanding results schools have dumbed down their curriculum to the point where no one fails, and no one is disciplined by either the parents or school.
unlike the Republitards, Sanders and the Dems are united. Sanders won't go indie.
Obama/Democrats vs the Military...

View attachment 72172
Use your words... How does a picture of our military being detained after trespassing, with weapons, in foreign waters proving anything?

We could debate this issue on another thread but as I understand it, US policy is warning, helping out when necessary and sending offenders on their merry way. Not arrest, interrogate, threaten lives and taking forced propaganda photos... but I get that Iran's procedures are perfectly acceptable to you and most every other Democrat.

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