Bernie Sanders Goes Independent...

Well it's no surprise this nursing home candidate wants more of the limelight. Hillary Clinton clobbered him in New York--insuring that he lost and she won the nomination. So what does he do? Instead of dropping out, with head held high. Nope he gets down in the dirt, knowing there is no mathematical possibility of him winning the nomination and cries (voter suppression in New York.)

Here's what happened. There was a large group of Sanders supporters, who tried to get a Judge to do a temporary restraining order, actually making the claim, that they weren't really registered as Republicans or Independents and were actually trying to get the Judge to open up a Democrat closed primary to them and allow them to vote. Of course the Judge wouldn't allow that. Funny but I have changed my party status online, and I get this card back in the mail, telling me what I am, so I don't forget what I am.

The next issue are the missing 126,000 voters that were purged in Brooklyn. How do 126K people go missing off of the voter rolls.--This is very, very suspicious.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday night, Board of Elections Executive Director Michael Ryan pushed back against the growing criticism, saying, "We're not finding that there were issues throughout the city that are any different than what we experience in other elections."
Of the 126,000 Democratic voters taken off from the rolls in Brooklyn, Ryan said 12,000 had moved out of borough, while 44,000 more had been placed in an inactive file after mailings to their homes bounced back. An additional 70,000 were already inactive and, having failed to vote in two successive federal elections or respond to cancel notices, were removed.

New York primary hit by voter issues, Brooklyn 'purge' -

It appears to me that the only voters that were trying to cheat are Sanders supporters. Of course Bernie is back in the spotlight letting us all know he's still here, and certainly this story should score him some more donations.

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders in New York by 290,614. So this means that Sanders only needs to find 164,614 fraudulent votes in New York to catch up to her. I guess that would be a reason to stay in this race--LOL

Sanders really needs to man up and drop out this race, and stop this ridiculous nonsense.

Well, I least I hope he does..

I believe he should continue his movement ... :tinfoil:

The media blabbed on and on about Trump going independent, why not Bernie?


you might find it helpful to look into *when* someone can "go independent".

but i understand it's the only way the donald wins. but it's not going to happen.

it's so cute seeing your desperation lumpster.

:laugh: .. me desperate, no way .. instigating some discussion for fun ... could be... :wink_2:

poor pathetic lumpster who hasn't been right about anything in a decade. :cuckoo:
Well it's no surprise this nursing home candidate wants more of the limelight. Hillary Clinton clobbered him in New York--insuring that he lost and she won the nomination. So what does he do? Instead of dropping out, with head held high. Nope he gets down in the dirt, knowing there is no mathematical possibility of him winning the nomination and cries (voter suppression in New York.)

Here's what happened. There was a large group of Sanders supporters, who tried to get a Judge to do a temporary restraining order, actually making the claim, that they weren't really registered as Republicans or Independents and were actually trying to get the Judge to open up a Democrat closed primary to them and allow them to vote. Of course the Judge wouldn't allow that. Funny but I have changed my party status online, and I get this card back in the mail, telling me what I am, so I don't forget what I am.

The next issue are the missing 126,000 voters that were purged in Brooklyn. How do 126K people go missing off of the voter rolls.--This is very, very suspicious.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday night, Board of Elections Executive Director Michael Ryan pushed back against the growing criticism, saying, "We're not finding that there were issues throughout the city that are any different than what we experience in other elections."
Of the 126,000 Democratic voters taken off from the rolls in Brooklyn, Ryan said 12,000 had moved out of borough, while 44,000 more had been placed in an inactive file after mailings to their homes bounced back. An additional 70,000 were already inactive and, having failed to vote in two successive federal elections or respond to cancel notices, were removed.

New York primary hit by voter issues, Brooklyn 'purge' -

It appears to me that the only voters that were trying to cheat are Sanders supporters. Of course Bernie is back in the spotlight letting us all know he's still here, and certainly this story should score him some more donations.

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders in New York by 290,614. So this means that Sanders only needs to find 164,614 fraudulent votes in New York to catch up to her. I guess that would be a reason to stay in this race--LOL

Sanders really needs to man up and drop out this race, and stop this ridiculous nonsense.

I think at this point we all know that he isn't going to win the candidacy... however he has the support and the funding to ride this thing out so why would he drop? This is the biggest spotlight he is likely ever going to get, so get has gotta milk it and keep spreading his message. I actually like many of his points and am grateful have has brought income inequality and campaign finance reform to the table. I just hope he cleans it up and lay's off some of the low blows he's been dishing out as of late. The first half of this primary was so on point... They need to get back to that.
Well, I least I hope he does..

I believe he should continue his movement ... :tinfoil:

The media blabbed on and on about Trump going independent, why not Bernie?


you might find it helpful to look into *when* someone can "go independent".

but i understand it's the only way the donald wins. but it's not going to happen.

it's so cute seeing your desperation lumpster.

:laugh: .. me desperate, no way .. instigating some discussion for fun ... could be... :wink_2:

poor pathetic lumpster who hasn't been right about anything in a decade. :cuckoo:

I'm pretty sure I was at least once... :eusa_think:

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