Bernie Sanders has heart surgery. Campaign on hold

"Srinr surgery" is not really "surgery". It does not require you to be opened up with scalpels and such. Doesn't even require anesthesia. It's a common and routine procedure most of the time.

Putting stints in your heart is surgery
They don't usually go in your heart. They go in your artery(s).​

Even though it’s become common, it’s still surgery, and it does require local anesthesia. At his age any surgery is risky.
He will be out for 6-9 weeks and his movements severely curtailed after that.

Bernie is done... I dont see how he can recover from being out for the next two plus months... And medications he will now be on for the rest of his life.

That boosts Fauxchontas -
Which spooked the markets into dropping 540 points.
Crazy Bernie is done! He’s not physically or mentally fit anymore. That’s it. He must step down from his senate seat and campaign run!
Too Bad He Didn't Go To Canada and use their Socialized Medicine and have to wait for 6 months to a year for that procedure.


I doubt you have to wait for emergent healthcare.
Hope his Driver's License says "Do Not Resuscitate" Kinda like his campaign right now.

I'm not interested in your crazy capitalized mutterings, if you got source for your claim lets see it.
Perhaps Bernie Should Donate his body to The Soviet Union Academy of Science.
i don’t like the guy but I don’t wish death on anyone.

Link coming in two minutes

I don't hate Bernie. I disagree with his slutions, but he voted with us against bad legislation on a great many many an occasion. Which is more than I can say for my conservative peers in D.C.

Anyway, hopefully he'll have a speedy recovery.
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Why didn't he go to Cuba or Venezuela?
May have something to do with the fact that he was in the United States.
..and the fact that he knows / believes that crap he keeps pushing is good enough for the 'rubes', whom he doesn't care if they live or die, but not for him!

No, the US is notorious for very low medical standards. We are ranked only 29th in the world for health care, based on how long we live, how many times malpractice causes mortality, etc. The only thing we are good at is preventing malnutrition, or else we would rate even lower. Even Cuba rates higher.
Why didn't he go to Cuba or Venezuela?
May have something to do with the fact that he was in the United States.
..and the fact that he knows / believes that crap he keeps pushing is good enough for the 'rubes', whom he doesn't care if they live or die, but not for him!

No, the US is notorious for very low medical standards. We are ranked only 29th in the world for health care, based on how long we live, how many times malpractice causes mortality, etc. The only thing we are good at is preventing malnutrition, or else we would rate even lower. Even Cuba rates higher.

Again, why didn't Bernie go to one of the other 28 "better" countries ?
Sanders has a stent.

Fat Fuck Donald has to take statins to keep from keeling over. 40 mg a day of Crestor.

Joe Biden had a ruptured brain aneurysm back in the 80s and he's still in better shape than our morbidly obese president.
Sanders is Caridac unfit for office..
Biden has Sundowners syndrome and forgets everything while losing cognitive ability to think rationally.

I'll take Trumps minor weight problem over your idiots every time..
"Minor weight problem". :71:
Why didn't he go to Cuba or Venezuela?

May have something to do with the fact that he was in the United States.
Evil USA healthcare. What a fucking hypocrite

You misunderstand.
It is NOT the doctors and care givers who are evil, but the insurance companies and corporations who buy up all the medical facilities and prevent access unless you pay exorbitant extortion.
Bernie paid for his own health care.
Lots of people self insure.
But the poor can't.
Why didn't he go to Cuba or Venezuela?
May have something to do with the fact that he was in the United States.
..and the fact that he knows / believes that crap he keeps pushing is good enough for the 'rubes', whom he doesn't care if they live or die, but not for him!

No, the US is notorious for very low medical standards. We are ranked only 29th in the world for health care, based on how long we live, how many times malpractice causes mortality, etc. The only thing we are good at is preventing malnutrition, or else we would rate even lower. Even Cuba rates higher.

Again, why didn't Bernie go to one of the other 28 "better" countries ?

Because he would have died in transit.

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