Bernie Sanders has heart surgery. Campaign on hold

Dems are shell shocked, their candidates are falling like dominoes.
Bernie's Health
Joe's corruption
Kamala's corruption
Warren has no credibility about anything and even lowly street Dems understand that there is NO way to pay for everything she has promised.
Pete can't even run a City let alone a Nation
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.

Guess who that leaves kids?
Dems are shell shocked, their candidates are falling like dominoes.
Bernie's Health
Joe's corruption
Kamala's corruption
Warren has no credibility about anything and even lowly street Dems understand that there is NO way to pay for everything she has promised.
Pete can't even run a City let alone a Nation
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.

Guess who that leaves kids?

Dems are shell shocked, their candidates are falling like dominoes.
Bernie's Health
Joe's corruption
Kamala's corruption
Warren has no credibility about anything and even lowly street Dems understand that there is NO way to pay for everything she has promised.
Pete can't even run a City let alone a Nation
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.

Guess who that leaves kids?
With the impeachment circus tarnishing Biden's reputation beyond repair, Warren is now the frontrunner, but if Biden drops out of the race, as I expect he will, everything will depend on who will get the majority of his present supporters. I doubt it will be Warren.
Dems are shell shocked, their candidates are falling like dominoes.
Bernie's Health
Joe's corruption
Kamala's corruption
Warren has no credibility about anything and even lowly street Dems understand that there is NO way to pay for everything she has promised.
Pete can't even run a City let alone a Nation
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.

Guess who that leaves kids?


Why do you think she's making the rounds on all the TV shows?
Dems are shell shocked, their candidates are falling like dominoes.
Bernie's Health
Joe's corruption
Kamala's corruption
Warren has no credibility about anything and even lowly street Dems understand that there is NO way to pay for everything she has promised.
Pete can't even run a City let alone a Nation
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.

Guess who that leaves kids?


Why do you think she's making the rounds on all the TV shows?
Because the more prominent she is in politics, the more books she and Bill can sell that the more money they can charge for speaking engagements.
i don’t like the guy but I don’t wish death on anyone.

Link coming in two minutes
Not surgery. He had a stent put in. It's inserted through an artery. They don't cut you open. No biggie; I have two of them. He'll be back on the train in a few days.
Dems are shell shocked, their candidates are falling like dominoes.
Bernie's Health
Joe's corruption
Kamala's corruption
Warren has no credibility about anything and even lowly street Dems understand that there is NO way to pay for everything she has promised.
Pete can't even run a City let alone a Nation
The rest aren't even worth mentioning.

Guess who that leaves kids?


Why do you think she's making the rounds on all the TV shows?
Because the more prominent she is in politics, the more books she and Bill can sell that the more money they can charge for speaking engagements.

Mark my words, the Dems will have a Brokered Convention.
"Coronary stenting is one of the most common procedures in the United States. It involves feeding a wire up the femoral artery in the groin and into the heart, then inserting and expanding metallic coils to hold open the arteries that supply blood to the heart. It is used to treat coronary artery disease, the partial or complete blockage of the arteries and the most common cause of death worldwide.

The fact that only one of Sanders’s arteries was stented is likely meaningful, too. If multiple blood vessels are involved, the disease is usually more serious, and sometimes requires open-heart surgery for coronary-artery bypass grafts. Many people have undergone bypass surgery and continued to work for decades, including David Letterman and Bill Clinton. This is not apparently the case, which bodes well for Sanders.

there is no reason to suspect that, if all goes as well as expected, Sanders would be unable to appear on a debate stage in 12 days—and much less that he would be unable to campaign or perform the duties of the office of the president."

he wont make it in 12 days! right?

The Significance of Bernie Sanders’s Heart Disease
"Coronary stenting is one of the most common procedures in the United States. It involves feeding a wire up the femoral artery in the groin and into the heart, then inserting and expanding metallic coils to hold open the arteries that supply blood to the heart. It is used to treat coronary artery disease, the partial or complete blockage of the arteries and the most common cause of death worldwide.

The fact that only one of Sanders’s arteries was stented is likely meaningful, too. If multiple blood vessels are involved, the disease is usually more serious, and sometimes requires open-heart surgery for coronary-artery bypass grafts. Many people have undergone bypass surgery and continued to work for decades, including David Letterman and Bill Clinton. This is not apparently the case, which bodes well for Sanders.

there is no reason to suspect that, if all goes as well as expected, Sanders would be unable to appear on a debate stage in 12 days—and much less that he would be unable to campaign or perform the duties of the office of the president."

he wont make it in 12 days! right?

The Significance of Bernie Sanders’s Heart Disease
With Biden to soon dorp out and doubts about whether Bernie is up to the rigors of the presidency, Warren will surge and make all others irrelevant. President Pocahontas? I don't think so.
Guess he missed his chance of becoming a "good communist."

Next time.

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