Bernie Sanders has my vote. He must win.

That sounds great, and I would love to have ALL deep pocket donors disallowed, Koch brothers, Soros all of them. But this is US politics and big money rules. That's not good but it is what it is.
Hillary will crush Bernie and will do it in short order.

Then all you wanting Sanders will line up and vote for Hillary.


Who do you vote for then? Hillary or the GOP candidate?

Neither. Third party.

Well I like that vote better than you voting for Hillary.

Only because you want the right wing in there. Not because you want the actual issues addressed.

I vote issues, and throw my vote away every election, just like you and we just keep getting worse and worse candidates.
He has zero chance.

Probably a fair statement in 2015 politics.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

Bernie won't win but will expose the corruption in politics if MSM puts him talking on the air. We all saw them edit out Ron Paul. No one smart edits information unless they are wrong. If it was bad information it would be easy to counter and win with information.

Politicians avoid facts and substance just like the people who debate here.

Bernie bring facts and substance with no corporate allowance will change things for sure.
He has zero chance.

Probably a fair statement in 2015 politics.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

Bernie won't win but will expose the corruption in politics if MSM puts him talking on the air. We all saw them edit out Ron Paul. No one smart edits information unless they are wrong. If it was bad information it would be easy to counter and win with information.

Politicians avoid facts and substance just like the people who debate here.

Bernie bring facts and substance with no corporate allowance will change things for sure.
I think he would have a solid shot at winning if his campaign was as well funded as Hillary's.
Get it through your thick head, Jilian, because the idea came from the heritage foundation doest mean a thing. You're a sheep, a dupe, a useful idiot.
One element of Obamacare was part of an article proposed a long time previously in a think tank publication and suddenly that equates to "Republicans supported Obamacare." It is the ignorance and stupidity of the Left on parade. They cannot separate two slightly similar but completely different things.
But it's funny that Obamacare is such a gross and obvious failure that they cannot take responsibility for it but instead blame Republicans. Democrats of course wrote and passed the bill. No Republican input at all.
He has zero chance.

Probably a fair statement in 2015 politics.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

Bernie won't win but will expose the corruption in politics if MSM puts him talking on the air. We all saw them edit out Ron Paul. No one smart edits information unless they are wrong. If it was bad information it would be easy to counter and win with information.

Politicians avoid facts and substance just like the people who debate here.

Bernie bring facts and substance with no corporate allowance will change things for sure.
I think he would have a solid shot at winning if his campaign was as well funded as Hillary's.

Sure. But it's not. And this is the exact thing he is going to expose. Notice his speech that he is running for President evolved around him being too busy working to talk. Not ordinary at all.
He has zero chance.

Probably a fair statement in 2015 politics.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

Bernie won't win but will expose the corruption in politics if MSM puts him talking on the air. We all saw them edit out Ron Paul. No one smart edits information unless they are wrong. If it was bad information it would be easy to counter and win with information.

Politicians avoid facts and substance just like the people who debate here.

Bernie bring facts and substance with no corporate allowance will change things for sure.
I think he would have a solid shot at winning if his campaign was as well funded as Hillary's.

Sure. But it's not. And this is the exact thing he is going to expose. Notice his speech that he is running for President evolved around him being too busy working to talk. Not ordinary at all.
I also foresee the media problem. Ron Paul had trouble getting air time on any network for his campaign. I imagine Sanders will too.
He has zero chance.

Probably a fair statement in 2015 politics.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

Bernie won't win but will expose the corruption in politics if MSM puts him talking on the air. We all saw them edit out Ron Paul. No one smart edits information unless they are wrong. If it was bad information it would be easy to counter and win with information.

Politicians avoid facts and substance just like the people who debate here.

Bernie bring facts and substance with no corporate allowance will change things for sure.
I think he would have a solid shot at winning if his campaign was as well funded as Hillary's.

He would never be well funded because his ideology wouldn't attract mainstream America.
He would never be well funded because his ideology wouldn't attract mainstream America.

Well, that's the frustrating part actually. Because candidates like Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul actually resonate pretty well with the mainstream. Far more so than their lack of party support would indicate.

They're not shut out because they don't have broad appeal. They're shut out because their views threaten the status quo, and the established leadership of both parties is deeply invested in the status quo.

Who do you vote for then? Hillary or the GOP candidate?

Neither. Third party.

Well I like that vote better than you voting for Hillary.

Only because you want the right wing in there. Not because you want the actual issues addressed.

I vote issues, and throw my vote away every election, just like you and we just keep getting worse and worse candidates.

Well, I wasn't planning on being cynical this early.
Good luck with that. What deep pocket donors are going to back Sanders? In US politics it's all about the money.

He isn't looking for deep pocket donors.
LOL! Yeah because anyone can win the election without spending any money.
Honey, you're not just drinking the Kool Aid, you're bathing in it.

No, Sweet Pea, everyone is aware.
Everyone is aware that Sanders isnt looking to raise money? Someone didnt get that memo.
Everyone is aware that your posts are approaching "moron" grade? Yeah, thats true.
I'm behind you 100%. Vote for Bernie! I think many of you progressives should vote your principles.
I'll vote for him in the primary, even though Hillary will win that primary.

The more votes for Bernie, the more legitimate the pressure for her to adopt a platform that's more Liberal, and thus, more American.
And thus she will lose horribly in the general. Practice saying "President Ted Cruz"
I'm saving this one.
Sanders isn't in the race to win anything.

Maybe not. I wonder if it's worth having people like this in the race. It's definitely good to have them at least trying to steer debate to real issues. And to shine a light on the empty hypocrisy of the party mainstays. But in the end, are they raising awareness in a productive way, or implicitly endorsing a thoroughly phony system?

I'd like to think that everyone who supports Sanders would find themselves unable to vote for Hillary in the general, but that seems unlikely.
I'd like to think that everyone who supports Sanders would find themselves unable to vote for Hillary in the general, but that seems unlikely.
I suspect those supporting Bernie at this point will vote Green in the general; however, should another economic collapse like the one that put Obama in the White House materialize next spring, Hillary might have a fight on her hands she's too Rich to win.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News
Who the hell would want a fuckin wacko commie in the White House....
Hey.....Here's a "you heard it here first"...Sanders has NO CHANCE of becoming POTUS.....So forget it.
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News
Sanders may as well become a shill for far left wing issues and take a job at CNN...

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