Bernie Sanders is beating every republican in a hypothetical match up among general voters

Won't matter, the fix is in, Hildabeast will be the nominee. NH proved that with the delegates

As long as the right wingers end up with their nose in the corner on a time out, I really don't care which Democratic candidate beats them. I prefer Hillary, but I don't have a problem with Bernie either.

Looks like you only have two choices, unless one choice gets indicted. Carry on...........:bye1:.

Sad for you that your biggest dream will never be more than a dream. There have to be reasons for an indictment. Ridiculous claims by the right aren't reasons for indictment.
Bernie Sanders is beating every republican in a hypothetical match up among general voters

As long as it's hypothetical, Bernie wins. Hillary hasn't hit Bernie Santa with his idea of doubling or tripling taxes to make education free and health care free for everyone.

I learned early that anything free has the value of free. And how much is free worth? Let's put it this way, who gives away stuff with value? Even Republicans who support charities, do it because they get a tax break. That makes it a trade off, not free. Kids who are happy to see their parents taxes double or triple should ask their parents if it matters? If it's..............."free"?

I give because I want to, many donations to charities and religious organizations I don't track. You really have no clue about people do you?
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these


then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

Won't matter, the fix is in, Hildabeast will be the nominee. NH proved that with the delegates

As long as the right wingers end up with their nose in the corner on a time out, I really don't care which Democratic candidate beats them. I prefer Hillary, but I don't have a problem with Bernie either.

So your only choice is between a Commie and a Lying Cun_!

How do you look at yourself in a mirror?
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances


So when did you first realize you hate the constitution and everything the US stands for?
Won't matter, the fix is in, Hildabeast will be the nominee. NH proved that with the delegates

As long as the right wingers end up with their nose in the corner on a time out, I really don't care which Democratic candidate beats them. I prefer Hillary, but I don't have a problem with Bernie either.

So your only choice is between a Commie and a Lying Cun_!

How do you look at yourself in a mirror?

The mirror is easy. I'm better looking every day. Sad that you believe all that crap Hannity and rush tells you.
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances


So when did you first realize you hate the constitution and everything the US stands for?


I hate FDR's 1935 Manifesto which abolished the US Constitution (1787-1935).

National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances


So when did you first realize you hate the constitution and everything the US stands for?


I hate FDR's 1935 Manifesto which abolished the US Constitution (1787-1935).


Then get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.
Won't matter, the fix is in, Hildabeast will be the nominee. NH proved that with the delegates

As long as the right wingers end up with their nose in the corner on a time out, I really don't care which Democratic candidate beats them. I prefer Hillary, but I don't have a problem with Bernie either.

So your only choice is between a Commie and a Lying Cun_!

How do you look at yourself in a mirror?

The mirror is easy. I'm better looking every day. Sad that you believe all that crap Hannity and rush tells you.

So you believe Hill-Beast when she says she always tries to tell the truth.........and Bernies' socialism will be somehow be different this time..........:lmao:.
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances


So when did you first realize you hate the constitution and everything the US stands for?


I hate FDR's 1935 Manifesto which abolished the US Constitution (1787-1935).


Then get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.

Get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.

Won't matter, the fix is in, Hildabeast will be the nominee. NH proved that with the delegates

As long as the right wingers end up with their nose in the corner on a time out, I really don't care which Democratic candidate beats them. I prefer Hillary, but I don't have a problem with Bernie either.

So your only choice is between a Commie and a Lying Cun_!

How do you look at yourself in a mirror?

The mirror is easy. I'm better looking every day. Sad that you believe all that crap Hannity and rush tells you.

So you believe Hill-Beast when she says she always tries to tell the truth.........and Bernies' socialism will be somehow be different this time..........:lmao:.

Famous last words of many socialists, it's never worked and never will. A completely flawed concept
Won't matter, the fix is in, Hildabeast will be the nominee. NH proved that with the delegates

As long as the right wingers end up with their nose in the corner on a time out, I really don't care which Democratic candidate beats them. I prefer Hillary, but I don't have a problem with Bernie either.

So your only choice is between a Commie and a Lying Cun_!

How do you look at yourself in a mirror?

The mirror is easy. I'm better looking every day. Sad that you believe all that crap Hannity and rush tells you.

So you believe Hill-Beast when she says she always tries to tell the truth.........and Bernies' socialism will be somehow be different this time..........:lmao:.

I don't just believe, but I know that the claims that have been made by the right wing echo chamber about all democrats don't depict reality.
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

So as usual you ignore the actual demographics and make the lame, tired claim that Bernie is supported by parasites. I know it makes you feel less insecure and superior when you make these baseless claims, but you really just come across as pathetic.

So the answers to Americans' problems are guns? Are you really that much a rightwing nut job?
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances


So when did you first realize you hate the constitution and everything the US stands for?


I hate FDR's 1935 Manifesto which abolished the US Constitution (1787-1935).


Then get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.

Get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.


You do a perfect chicken hawk impression.
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

Name a functioning libertarian country. I'll wait
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

So as usual you ignore the actual demographics and make the lame, tired claim that Bernie is supported by parasites. I know it makes you feel less insecure and superior when you make these baseless claims, but you really just come across as pathetic.

So the answers to Americans' problems are guns? Are you really that much a rightwing nut job?

As usual you ignore the cause of freedom .

And make the lame, tired claim that the berners are not parasitic government supremacists .

Then you deny that freedom lovers have a right to stand their ground using deadly force.

National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

Name a functioning libertarian country. I'll wait

So as a member of a minority political group I have no rights?

National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

So as usual you ignore the actual demographics and make the lame, tired claim that Bernie is supported by parasites. I know it makes you feel less insecure and superior when you make these baseless claims, but you really just come across as pathetic.

So the answers to Americans' problems are guns? Are you really that much a rightwing nut job?

As usual you ignore the cause of freedom .

And make the lame, tired claim that the berners are not parasitic government supremacists .

Then you deny that freedom lovers have a right to stand their ground using deadly force.

I know you struggle with actual facts but try and keep up:

  1. "Bernie Sanders:
  2. - Highly-educated (about 45% have at least a college degree, about one-sixth are post grads, higher than American average)
  3. - Supporters have fairly high incomes (47% earn at least $50,000 a year)
  4. - Highest support among young white men (younger than 28 y/o)
  5. - Supported by far-left liberals, progressives, and socialists/social Democrats.
  6. - High support from Christians, Jews, Atheists/Agnostics"
2016 Candidates' Supporter Demographics -
Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances


So when did you first realize you hate the constitution and everything the US stands for?


I hate FDR's 1935 Manifesto which abolished the US Constitution (1787-1935).


Then get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.

Get your treasonous ass out of our country. We don't need you.


You do a perfect chicken hawk impression.

You do a perfect howdy doody impression
National Polls Suggest That Bernie Sanders May Be More Electable Than Hillary Clinton

I love rubbing this into conservatives' faces. You people need to face facts that you underestimated him. The evil socialist is (for now) the most electable candidate in this race. Not only that, but he has the highest favorability rating than any other candidate in this race. He has raised more in donations than any republican candidate. Hillary has raised more than Bernie, but she did so with the help of super PACs. Bernie did not use any super PACs which means he has MORE INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS THAN ANY CANDIDATE IN THE RACE.

Like I have stated on numerous occasions.

Americans must understand that the socialists and the parasites will always outnumber taxpayers and producers.

I believe that the answer are not these


the answer are these

View attachment 64070

then restore this


but amend it so as to not allow

political parties

select a Libertarian Supreme Court Justice and allow Libertarian Justices to fill judicial vacancies

separation of the economy and the state

prohibit by amendment the ability of fedgov to form entangling alliances

Name a functioning libertarian country. I'll wait

So as a member of a minority political group I have no rights?

Answer his question.

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