Bernie Sanders Made $1 Million In 2016 Selling Socialism To College Kids

This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

Don't care why he needs it. I want to know how he earned it as a sitting senator and presidential candidate. Quite a bit of money for being in public service

Would it kill you to actually read the OP blog, bad as it is? Right there in the middle is the gist of the blogger's whine -- proceeds from writing a book. That, and the horrible decadence of his wife having a retirement fund. In fact it's sitting right above in the post you quoted. And you can't figure out how to read it? Really?

*NEITHER* a book publishing deal *NOR* a retirement fund indicates any kind of "corruption", nor is either an unusual occurrence.

Partisan hackery sure makes people stoopid. FFS during the campaign you whiners were whining about Sanders not having enough money. Now it's too much. Hypocrisy much?
Bernie Sanders is made of hypocrisy… Jack weed
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
Bernie is mostly pissed off because if he won and got his program through he would have made a billion this year.
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

Don't care why he needs it. I want to know how he earned it as a sitting senator and presidential candidate. Quite a bit of money for being in public service

Would it kill you to actually read the OP blog, bad as it is? Right there in the middle is the gist of the blogger's whine -- proceeds from writing a book. That, and the horrible decadence of his wife having a retirement fund. In fact it's sitting right above in the post you quoted. And you can't figure out how to read it? Really?

*NEITHER* a book publishing deal *NOR* a retirement fund indicates any kind of "corruption", nor is either an unusual occurrence.

Partisan hackery sure makes people stoopid. FFS during the campaign you whiners were whining about Sanders not having enough money. Now it's too much. Hypocrisy much?
Bernie Sanders is made of hypocrisy… Jack weed
Compared to con man Trump and bought off GOPers- you're joking lol...enjoy the giant tax cut- for the rich- and getting screwed again, Jethro
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
Bernie is mostly pissed off because if he won and got his program through he would have made a billion this year.
Can you make any sense at all?
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
Bernie is mostly pissed off because if he won and got his program through he would have made a billion this year.
Can you make any sense at all?
Probably not to you. I can't bring myself down to that level of dumb.

And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.

You're already paying for it.
Let's see, the bought off GOP/Big Health scam system costs almost 18% of GDP, 50-100% more than single payers...Dupes are so dumb...
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Please remove head from ass.
Actually, modern socialism has never failed. It's always democratic and just fair capitalism everywhere but dumbass GOP dupeworld. See EU, Canada, NZ, OZ, and yes even poor old duped by the GOP USA, with ACA. You have to have a safety net to qualify. Here's something you don't know, dupe. Obama didn't WANT an insurance mandate. Dems in congress added that. Probably a step too far.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids
Bernie is mostly pissed off because if he won and got his program through he would have made a billion this year.
Can you make any sense at all?
Probably not to you. I can't bring myself down to that level of dumb.
So how was he going to earn a billion? 1000 books? lol.
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.

You're already paying for it.
Let's see, the bought off GOP/Big Health scam system costs almost 18% of GDP, 50-100% more than single payers...Dupes are so dumb...
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Please remove head from ass.
Actually, modern socialism has never failed. It's always democratic and just fair capitalism everywhere but dumbass GOP dupeworld. See EU, Canada, NZ, OZ, and yes even poor old duped by the GOP USA, with ACA. You have to have a safety net to qualify. Here's something you don't know, dupe. Obama didn't WANT an insurance mandate. Dems in congress added that. Probably a step too far.
Hilarious. Socialism has never failed! Did you laugh hysterically too when you typed that?
Oh, we must remember. The left are allowed to do any and all things they accuse the republicans of.

For instance, they (the elitists mind you) all claim how evil a wall would be, as they live behind walls.

Like the walls surrounding the Pacific Palisades where many hollywood scumbag hypocrites live.


Once again ---- where did anyone declare being paid for one's work "not allowed"? Can no one answer that?

And wtf does "Hollyweird" have to do with fricking Bernie Sanders? Have any idea how far apart they are, literally and figuratively?

Reminds me of the time I was visiting a friend in LA out to dinner with some Hollyweird types. Describing my commute in Vermont I noted that I could often drive the 27 miles home from work without ever seeing another car.

They thought on that for a moment, and one piped up, "and that's a good thing --- right?"

"Damn straight it's a good thing, and that's why I'll never live here in LA".

------ None of which can be somehow twisted into "I'm not allowed to live in LA" on a message board.
Which fucking group of fucking losers rails against greed you fuck?

Which group loves to align themselves with the poor and who claims which group is the "party of the rich?"

Which group of fucking losers claim living behind walls is wrong?

The best is how you fucks claim about taxing the rich and Trump paid more in taxes than a of these fucking hypocrites.

Who, are all free to pay as much as they see it, but never do. In fact that fucking Bernie is nothing but a typical left wing stingy cheap heeb. Yeah, heeb. A pathetic typical whiny cheap hypocritical rich heeb.

Which "group" came forth with the obscure legislation that makes an everyday book publisher advance illegal?

Oh wait --- it was the nobody "group".

And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids

There's no doubt that Bernie Sanders played his supporters perfectly. Free college educations--breaking up the "Big Wall Street Bankers" even though the Federal Government has no authority to do that as the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal government operate separately and independently from one another. It sure didn't stop Sander's from campaigning on it anyway--LOL He even got called out on it, in one debate by Hillary Clinton--his face turned bright red--and the next day he was out campaigning again on breaking up the big banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

The money and donations were pouring in. Sanders like Trump campaigned on a rigged election even though he got his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton by 3,775,437 votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41.622 votes and no one cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Even when he lost New York, & it was clearly over for him, he stayed in until the very last primary making certain those donations kept rolling in. By doing that he is partially responsible for Hillary Clinton's loss. Sanders, in effect, was working for the Trump campaign at that point. Then even after the last vote was counted--Sanders still refused to concede the race and endorse Hillary Clinton, until Democrats booed him off the stage in a meeting. I am certain he also got a kick in the butt phone call from Barack Obama over it also.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

Until these millenials & ignorant ADULTS learn that there are 3 branches of government--the Executive, the Legislative and the Judical--that all have their own authority over certain issues (LIKE MONEY) then they'll continue to fall prey to the likes of Bernie Sanders who will promise them the "Moon and the Stars" for campaign donations and votes. The lesson learned: "If it sounds to good to be true, it is."


One thing is for certain. I doubt the Democrat party will ever allow anyone to change their party status to run on their ticket ever again. Debbie Wasserman exibitied her anger and anxiety toward Sanders campaigning on a rigged election in that email. But when Bernie Sanders changed his party status to Democrat, he signed off and agreed to all Democrat party rules and regulations, including the purpose of those Democrat Super Delegates. So of course, he pissed off a lot of DNC staffers.

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Sanders is the perfect LWNJ hypocrite.

I wonder how much he donated to charity?

Yuh huh. So --- first sentence, "he's a hypocrite", then second sentence you start "wondering" what you'd need in order to establish the first sentence.

Typical USMB partisan hack logic. Start with the conclusion and then "wonder" how you got there.
And I went to get the latest Michael Moore documentary and the store said I had to pay for it!

Socialism is a profitable business for those who sell it to the masses — just look millionaires and billionaires like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont Senator crisscrossed the country speaking to millions of millennials that have been shafted by student loan debt, a bad economy, and over regulation that has crippled their ability at achieving the American dream. While speaking to their ills and preaching about how more socialism will solve all their problems, Sanders netted more than a million dollars for himself, reported Seven Days Vermont.

His salary was drawn primarily from book sales, Sanders earned a $795,000 advance for Our Revolution and $63,750 for his upcoming children’s book Bernie Sanders’ Guide to a Political Revolution.

Bernie Sanders made $1 million in 2016 selling socialism to college kids

There's no doubt that Bernie Sanders played his supporters perfectly. Free college educations--breaking up the "Big Wall Street Bankers" even though the Federal Government has no authority to do that as the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal government operate separately and independently from one another. It sure didn't stop Sander's from campaigning on it anyway--LOL He even got called out on in one debate by Hillary Clinton--his face turned bright red--and the next day he was out campaigning again on breaking up the big banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

The money and donations were pouring in. Sanders like Trump campaigned on a rigged election even though he got his ass kicked by Hillary Clinton by 3,775,437 votes. In comparison Obama defeated Hillary Clinton by a mere 41.622 votes and no one cried foul.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Even when he lost New York, & it was clearly over for him, he stayed in until the very last primary making certain those donations kept rolling in. By doing that he is partially responsible for Hillary Clinton's loss. Sanders, in effect, was working for the Trump campaign at that point. Then even after the last vote was counted--Sanders still refused to concede the race and endorse Hillary Clinton, until Democrats booed him off the stage in a meeting. I am certain he also got a kick in the butt phone call from Barack Obama over it also.
Sanders booed by House Democrats

Until these millenials learn that there are 3 branches of government--the Executive, the Legislative and the Judical--that all have their own authority over certain issues (LIKE MONEY) then they'll continue to fall prey to the likes of Bernie Sanders who will promise them the "Moon and the Stars" for campaign donations and votes. The lesson learned: "If it sounds to good to be true, it is."


One thing is for certain. I doubt the Democrat party will ever allow anyone to change their party status to run on their ticket ever again. Debbie Wasserman exibitied her anger and anxiety toward Sanders campaigning on a rigged election in that email. But when Bernie Sanders changed his party status to Democrat, he signed off and agreed to all Democrat party rules and regulations, including the purpose of those Democrat Super Delegates. So of course, he pissed off a lot of DNC staffers.


How exactly is this tired cut/pasted rerun post in any way about the actual topic here?
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

I have no idea what he "needs". Neither do you.
But I do know a publisher paying an author to write a book is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know a retirement fund is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know that poorly-planned threads quoting blogs they never stopped to think about whether it makes sense or not, IS "fraud", IS dishonest, and is unfortunately around here --- a normal thing.

Anything else?

So Bernie dollars are just worth more and holier than other dollars, is that it?

No dollars are "holy", despite the national Religion of Money. That's idolatry.

The simple fact remains, there's no story here. A publisher struck a deal with an author, the author got paid for his work and his name, the publisher set up a book tour. That's it. Happens about 364 days every year. SO WHAT?

Diga me Tonto --- how much has Cheetoface made from licensing his name, while writing --- nothing at all?
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

I have no idea what he "needs". Neither do you.
But I do know a publisher paying an author to write a book is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know a retirement fund is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know that poorly-planned threads quoting blogs they never stopped to think about whether it makes sense or not, IS "fraud", IS dishonest, and is unfortunately around here --- a normal thing.

Anything else?

So Bernie dollars are just worth more and holier than other dollars, is that it?

No dollars are "holy", despite the national Religion of Money. That's idolatry.

The simple fact remains, there's no story here. A publisher struck a deal with an author, the author got paid for his work and his name, the publisher set up a book tour. That's it. Happens about 364 days every year. SO WHAT?

Diga me Tonto --- how much has Cheetoface made from licensing his name, while writing --- nothing at all?

I think Sanders raised more than 210 million dollars in donations as of May 2016--from the Democrats-so we'll see if he is going to chip in on any other Democrat party campaigns during the 2018 election cycle or just decide to keep himself for his reelection (whenever that is?) Because he never did it before. You all complained and Bernie Sanders campaigned very negatively about the money that was being paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches--but guess where that money was going.

"One particular difference between the campaigns has been generating attention on this site: Clinton raised $18 million dollars for the Democratic National Committee, to be used in the general election to support Democratic candidates, while it appears Bernie Sanders has raised none. This is causing some consternation, with supporters of Clinton claiming that Sanders is not holding up his end of the bargain and is not interested in helping the Democratic party, while Sanders supporters claim he was given no opportunity to fundraise and that there is no reason for him to work for an organization that has been working against him. The money goes into the Victory Fund, to be shared by the national and state parties for whomever gets nominations in 2016"
Why didn't Bernie Sanders raise any money for the DNC?
You people are so stupid when it comes to Sanders. Bernie is NOT anti-capitalist. It gets so old trying to explain his brand of socialism to you knuckle dragging republicans.

Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.
This pos literally makes me sick. If there's a bigger hypocrite/phony on this planet please let me know, because I'm at a loss.

Walters: Bernie Sanders Made More Than $1 Million in 2016 | Off Message

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

Don't care why he needs it. I want to know how he earned it as a sitting senator and presidential candidate. Quite a bit of money for being in public service

Would it kill you to actually read the OP blog, bad as it is? Right there in the middle is the gist of the blogger's whine -- proceeds from writing a book. That, and the horrible decadence of his wife having a retirement fund. In fact it's sitting right above in the post you quoted. And you can't figure out how to read it? Really?

*NEITHER* a book publishing deal *NOR* a retirement fund indicates any kind of "corruption", nor is either an unusual occurrence.

Partisan hackery sure makes people stoopid. FFS during the campaign you whiners were whining about Sanders not having enough money. Now it's too much. Hypocrisy much?
Bernie Sanders is made of hypocrisy… Jack weed
Who needs evidence, hater dupe?
Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.
So what you're saying, you suck a lot of Bernie cock?

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