Bernie Sanders Made $1 Million In 2016 Selling Socialism To College Kids

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

I have no idea what he "needs". Neither do you.
But I do know a publisher paying an author to write a book is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know a retirement fund is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know that poorly-planned threads quoting blogs they never stopped to think about whether it makes sense or not, IS "fraud", IS dishonest, and is unfortunately around here --- a normal thing.

Anything else?

So Bernie dollars are just worth more and holier than other dollars, is that it?

No dollars are "holy", despite the national Religion of Money. That's idolatry.

The simple fact remains, there's no story here. A publisher struck a deal with an author, the author got paid for his work and his name, the publisher set up a book tour. That's it. Happens about 364 days every year. SO WHAT?

Diga me Tonto --- how much has Cheetoface made from licensing his name, while writing --- nothing at all?

I think Sanders raised more than 210 million dollars in donations as of May 2016--from the Democrats-so we'll see if he is going to chip in on any other Democrat party campaigns during the 2018 election cycle or just decide to keep himself for his reelection (whenever that is?) Because he never did it before. You all complained and Bernie Sanders campaigned very negatively about the money that was being paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches--but guess where that money was going.

"One particular difference between the campaigns has been generating attention on this site: Clinton raised $18 million dollars for the Democratic National Committee, to be used in the general election to support Democratic candidates, while it appears Bernie Sanders has raised none. This is causing some consternation, with supporters of Clinton claiming that Sanders is not holding up his end of the bargain and is not interested in helping the Democratic party, while Sanders supporters claim he was given no opportunity to fundraise and that there is no reason for him to work for an organization that has been working against him. The money goes into the Victory Fund, to be shared by the national and state parties for whomever gets nominations in 2016"
Why didn't Bernie Sanders raise any money for the DNC?

And you're pulling it out of your ass too. I have never posted on what money was paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches --- or anyone else. Pulled it right out of your ass.

I'm also not aware of Sanders --- or anyone --- raising 210 million from the Democratic Party. Let's see a link. And if it too comes from your proctology report, at least put it in a baggie.
Lib please his entire campaign was about taking from the halves and giving their money to the moochers in exchange for votes.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.

When do we get to the "fraud"/"hypocrite"/"phony" part?

Are you actually saying authors can't be paid for their work, or what?

Book publishers can't do promo tours on your planet? Retired people can't have retirement funds?


Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

Don't care why he needs it. I want to know how he earned it as a sitting senator and presidential candidate. Quite a bit of money for being in public service

Would it kill you to actually read the OP blog, bad as it is? Right there in the middle is the gist of the blogger's whine -- proceeds from writing a book. That, and the horrible decadence of his wife having a retirement fund. In fact it's sitting right above in the post you quoted. And you can't figure out how to read it? Really?

*NEITHER* a book publishing deal *NOR* a retirement fund indicates any kind of "corruption", nor is either an unusual occurrence.

Partisan hackery sure makes people stoopid. FFS during the campaign you whiners were whining about Sanders not having enough money. Now it's too much. Hypocrisy much?
Bernie Sanders is made of hypocrisy… Jack weed
Who needs evidence, hater dupe?
You too? Can't get enough bernie cock?
How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.

You're already paying for it.
Let's see, the bought off GOP/Big Health scam system costs almost 18% of GDP, 50-100% more than single payers...Dupes are so dumb...
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Please remove head from ass.
Actually, modern socialism has never failed. It's always democratic and just fair capitalism everywhere but dumbass GOP dupeworld. See EU, Canada, NZ, OZ, and yes even poor old duped by the GOP USA, with ACA. You have to have a safety net to qualify. Here's something you don't know, dupe. Obama didn't WANT an insurance mandate. Dems in congress added that. Probably a step too far.
Hilarious. Socialism has never failed! Did you laugh hysterically too when you typed that?
You're talking about communism, or some poor 3rd world country...
Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

Don't care why he needs it. I want to know how he earned it as a sitting senator and presidential candidate. Quite a bit of money for being in public service

Would it kill you to actually read the OP blog, bad as it is? Right there in the middle is the gist of the blogger's whine -- proceeds from writing a book. That, and the horrible decadence of his wife having a retirement fund. In fact it's sitting right above in the post you quoted. And you can't figure out how to read it? Really?

*NEITHER* a book publishing deal *NOR* a retirement fund indicates any kind of "corruption", nor is either an unusual occurrence.

Partisan hackery sure makes people stoopid. FFS during the campaign you whiners were whining about Sanders not having enough money. Now it's too much. Hypocrisy much?
Bernie Sanders is made of hypocrisy… Jack weed
Who needs evidence, hater dupe?
You too? Can't get enough bernie cock?
Any clue? What evidence? Rush said so?
Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

I have no idea what he "needs". Neither do you.
But I do know a publisher paying an author to write a book is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know a retirement fund is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know that poorly-planned threads quoting blogs they never stopped to think about whether it makes sense or not, IS "fraud", IS dishonest, and is unfortunately around here --- a normal thing.

Anything else?

So Bernie dollars are just worth more and holier than other dollars, is that it?

No dollars are "holy", despite the national Religion of Money. That's idolatry.

The simple fact remains, there's no story here. A publisher struck a deal with an author, the author got paid for his work and his name, the publisher set up a book tour. That's it. Happens about 364 days every year. SO WHAT?

Diga me Tonto --- how much has Cheetoface made from licensing his name, while writing --- nothing at all?

I think Sanders raised more than 210 million dollars in donations as of May 2016--from the Democrats-so we'll see if he is going to chip in on any other Democrat party campaigns during the 2018 election cycle or just decide to keep himself for his reelection (whenever that is?) Because he never did it before. You all complained and Bernie Sanders campaigned very negatively about the money that was being paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches--but guess where that money was going.

"One particular difference between the campaigns has been generating attention on this site: Clinton raised $18 million dollars for the Democratic National Committee, to be used in the general election to support Democratic candidates, while it appears Bernie Sanders has raised none. This is causing some consternation, with supporters of Clinton claiming that Sanders is not holding up his end of the bargain and is not interested in helping the Democratic party, while Sanders supporters claim he was given no opportunity to fundraise and that there is no reason for him to work for an organization that has been working against him. The money goes into the Victory Fund, to be shared by the national and state parties for whomever gets nominations in 2016"
Why didn't Bernie Sanders raise any money for the DNC?

And you're pulling it out of your ass too. I have never posted on what money was paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches --- or anyone else. Pulled it right out of your ass.

I'm also not aware of Sanders --- or anyone --- raising 210 million from the Democratic Party. Let's see a link. And if it too comes from your proctology report, at least put it in a baggie.

"With about a dozen contests left before the convention in July, Sanders has now released his latest numbers. In a press release, Sanders has announced that his campaign has raised $26 million in April, and has raised a total of $210 million for his entire campaign."
Bernie Sanders Campaign Breaks $210 Million In Donations
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.

Socialism is always democratic and not communism. Since at least the fifties, everywhere but USA dupeworld. ""We're all socialists now" Finland PM when ACA passed. That guy must earn over 250k. No Dem would sock the middle class again.
I have no idea what he "needs". Neither do you.
But I do know a publisher paying an author to write a book is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know a retirement fund is legal, involves no "fraud" and is a normal thing. And I do know that poorly-planned threads quoting blogs they never stopped to think about whether it makes sense or not, IS "fraud", IS dishonest, and is unfortunately around here --- a normal thing.

Anything else?

So Bernie dollars are just worth more and holier than other dollars, is that it?

No dollars are "holy", despite the national Religion of Money. That's idolatry.

The simple fact remains, there's no story here. A publisher struck a deal with an author, the author got paid for his work and his name, the publisher set up a book tour. That's it. Happens about 364 days every year. SO WHAT?

Diga me Tonto --- how much has Cheetoface made from licensing his name, while writing --- nothing at all?

I think Sanders raised more than 210 million dollars in donations as of May 2016--from the Democrats-so we'll see if he is going to chip in on any other Democrat party campaigns during the 2018 election cycle or just decide to keep himself for his reelection (whenever that is?) Because he never did it before. You all complained and Bernie Sanders campaigned very negatively about the money that was being paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches--but guess where that money was going.

"One particular difference between the campaigns has been generating attention on this site: Clinton raised $18 million dollars for the Democratic National Committee, to be used in the general election to support Democratic candidates, while it appears Bernie Sanders has raised none. This is causing some consternation, with supporters of Clinton claiming that Sanders is not holding up his end of the bargain and is not interested in helping the Democratic party, while Sanders supporters claim he was given no opportunity to fundraise and that there is no reason for him to work for an organization that has been working against him. The money goes into the Victory Fund, to be shared by the national and state parties for whomever gets nominations in 2016"
Why didn't Bernie Sanders raise any money for the DNC?

And you're pulling it out of your ass too. I have never posted on what money was paid to Hillary Clinton for speeches --- or anyone else. Pulled it right out of your ass.

I'm also not aware of Sanders --- or anyone --- raising 210 million from the Democratic Party. Let's see a link. And if it too comes from your proctology report, at least put it in a baggie.

"With about a dozen contests left before the convention in July, Sanders has now released his latest numbers. In a press release, Sanders has announced that his campaign has raised $26 million in April, and has raised a total of $210 million for his entire campaign."
Bernie Sanders Campaign Breaks $210 Million In Donations

How in the fuck is that raising money "from the Democratic Party"? Hm?

And where's that quote of me posting about Hillary Clinton's speaking fees?

Do you ever read a fucking thing you post at all?
Why does Bernie need $1MM -- in a single year!?

Don't care why he needs it. I want to know how he earned it as a sitting senator and presidential candidate. Quite a bit of money for being in public service

Would it kill you to actually read the OP blog, bad as it is? Right there in the middle is the gist of the blogger's whine -- proceeds from writing a book. That, and the horrible decadence of his wife having a retirement fund. In fact it's sitting right above in the post you quoted. And you can't figure out how to read it? Really?

*NEITHER* a book publishing deal *NOR* a retirement fund indicates any kind of "corruption", nor is either an unusual occurrence.

Partisan hackery sure makes people stoopid. FFS during the campaign you whiners were whining about Sanders not having enough money. Now it's too much. Hypocrisy much?
Bernie Sanders is made of hypocrisy… Jack weed
Who needs evidence, hater dupe?
You too? Can't get enough bernie cock?
Vulgar, brainwashed and dumb- the dupe trifecta.
This might win the award for the most retarded thread of the year. As long as he pays his fair share of taxes on his income, he has just the same right as anyone else to make money.
No actually. Under Bernie's tax plan, everyone's taxes would have gone up to pay for universal healthcare. That tax hike in turn would replace private insurance premiums people pay now.


And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.


Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

And them we'd have a health care system comparable to Venezuela or Cuba
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.


Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

Democrats don't refer to themselves as a Democrat "Socialist"--not unless they want to scare the hell out of everyone. Look--you got screwed over by a politician that was promising very unrealistic things that had zero to no chance of passing in a Republican or a Democrat congress. I can't think of one single campaign promise of Bernie Sanders that would have ever come to fruition.

Free College education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.
Breaking up the BIG BANKS was the biggest lie I have ever seen any candidate campaign on. Sanders knew dam good and well that the Federal Government has no authority over Federal Reserve Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

You got screwed over--learn from this lesson and move on--and don't ever again look at Presidential candidates, or any candidate for that matter, without being very skeptical of wild campaign promises--(before you break out your checkbooks and or vote for them.)

Hillary Clinton was the only one that was campaigning on issues that she knew she had an opportunity of getting done, and she was very honest about what she knew couldn't be done. You didn't listen.


So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.


Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

Democrats don't refer to themselves as a Democrat "Socialist"--not unless they want to scare the hell out of everyone. Look--you got screwed over by a politician that was promising very unrealistic things that had zero to no chance of passing in a Republican or a Democrat congress. I can't think of one single campaign promise of Bernie Sanders that would have ever come to fruition.

Free College education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.
Breaking up the BIG BANKS was the biggest lie I have ever seen any candidate campaign on. Sanders knew dam good and well that the Federal Government has no authority over Federal Reserve Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

You got screwed over--learn from this lesson and move on--and don't ever again look at Presidential candidates, or any candidate for that matter, without being very skeptical of wild campaign promises--(before you break out your checkbooks and or vote for them.)

Hillary Clinton was the only one that was campaigning on issues that she knew she had an opportunity of getting done, and she was very honest about what she knew couldn't be done. You didn't listen.


Free college is unrealistic? It's happening in New York one of the largest states in the US.

Breaking up the big banks? That's not really what he wanted... but what he wanted is a lot better than Trump who is working to dismantle Dodd-Frank.

Was passing laws against off-shore tax shelters unrealistic? No.
Danish PM tells Bernie to stick it where the sun don't shine: Denmark is NOT a Socialist nation.

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.


Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

Democrats don't refer to themselves as a Democrat "Socialist"--not unless they want to scare the hell out of everyone. Look--you got screwed over by a politician that was promising very unrealistic things that had zero to no chance of passing in a Republican or a Democrat congress. I can't think of one single campaign promise of Bernie Sanders that would have ever come to fruition.

Free College education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.
Breaking up the BIG BANKS was the biggest lie I have ever seen any candidate campaign on. Sanders knew dam good and well that the Federal Government has no authority over Federal Reserve Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

You got screwed over--learn from this lesson and move on--and don't ever again look at Presidential candidates, or any candidate for that matter, without being very skeptical of wild campaign promises--(before you break out your checkbooks and or vote for them.)

Hillary Clinton was the only one that was campaigning on issues that she knew she had an opportunity of getting done, and she was very honest about what she knew couldn't be done. You didn't listen.


Free college is unrealistic? It's happening in New York one of the largest states in the US.

Breaking up the big banks? That's not really what he wanted... but what he wanted is a lot better than Trump who is working to dismantle Dodd-Frank.

Was passing laws against off-shore tax shelters unrealistic? No.

Give me a break--BREAKING UP THE BIG BANKS aka Wall Street Bankers was Sanders main campaign platform. We already have regulations on off shore banking. You people have got to get a clue here--that Main Street keeps it's money on Wall Street and you're not going to get near it.
Tax Rules for Offshore Banking | Worldview Wealth Advisors
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks
So do you just assume successful socialist healthcare systems in nations like Norway or Denmark are failures because you like to cherry pick systems like Venezuela? You are profoundly ignorant

How much is your fantasy free healthcare for everyone going to cost? Or have you even determined if its possible to provide it? The left are legend for making promises they can't keep.

You're already paying for it.
Let's see, the bought off GOP/Big Health scam system costs almost 18% of GDP, 50-100% more than single payers...Dupes are so dumb...
Socialism has never worked long term in the history of the planet… Please remove head from ass.
Actually, modern socialism has never failed. It's always democratic and just fair capitalism everywhere but dumbass GOP dupeworld. See EU, Canada, NZ, OZ, and yes even poor old duped by the GOP USA, with ACA. You have to have a safety net to qualify. Here's something you don't know, dupe. Obama didn't WANT an insurance mandate. Dems in congress added that. Probably a step too far.

A step too far lmao dude, Obamacare is over 2,000 freaking pages long and has generated 10's of thousands of pages of government regulations. An elephant couldn't shit a pile that large. :laugh:
And neither is Bernie Sanders. And neither does your link make that claim. Lying fucktard.

Sanders is, and has always labeled himself a "Democratic Socialist". I know that's inconvenient to your partisan hackery fantasy so you have to lie it away but that's what it is, and that's always been what it is. Your own link doesn't describe the Danish PM mentioning Sanders at all. You completely pulled it out of your ass.

Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.


Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

Democrats don't refer to themselves as a Democrat "Socialist"--not unless they want to scare the hell out of everyone. Look--you got screwed over by a politician that was promising very unrealistic things that had zero to no chance of passing in a Republican or a Democrat congress. I can't think of one single campaign promise of Bernie Sanders that would have ever come to fruition.

Free College education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.
Breaking up the BIG BANKS was the biggest lie I have ever seen any candidate campaign on. Sanders knew dam good and well that the Federal Government has no authority over Federal Reserve Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

You got screwed over--learn from this lesson and move on--and don't ever again look at Presidential candidates, or any candidate for that matter, without being very skeptical of wild campaign promises--(before you break out your checkbooks and or vote for them.)

Hillary Clinton was the only one that was campaigning on issues that she knew she had an opportunity of getting done, and she was very honest about what she knew couldn't be done. You didn't listen.


Free college is unrealistic? It's happening in New York one of the largest states in the US.

Breaking up the big banks? That's not really what he wanted... but what he wanted is a lot better than Trump who is working to dismantle Dodd-Frank.

Was passing laws against off-shore tax shelters unrealistic? No.

Give me a break--BREAKING UP THE BIG BANKS aka Wall Street Bankers was Sanders main campaign platform. We already have regulations on off shore banking. You people have got to get a clue here--that Main Street keeps it's money on Wall Street and you're not going to get near it.
Tax Rules for Offshore Banking | Worldview Wealth Advisors
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

BULLSHIT. There is no rules forcing people to pay taxes on off shore tax shelters. The U.S. has offered many times to give tax breaks to those with these types of accounts if they paid off what they owe on it. And they never do... because the U.S. has no punishment in place to force people to do it.
If the filthy liberals try to tax the 'rich' they will just park their money long term in investments and let it grow tax free like they used to know before the punish the rich taxes were lowered to encourage them to take risks and invest/start new business to create jobs for the middle class. There's nothing more dangerous to the middle class than a well intentioned stupid shit liberal trying to punish someone with tax increases.
Bernie Sanders is a confirmed--(dyed in the wool socialist)--& that's why this country would have never elected him. This country is center that leans a little to the right--and the majority of this country get a foul taste in their mouths when it comes to socialism.


Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

Democrats don't refer to themselves as a Democrat "Socialist"--not unless they want to scare the hell out of everyone. Look--you got screwed over by a politician that was promising very unrealistic things that had zero to no chance of passing in a Republican or a Democrat congress. I can't think of one single campaign promise of Bernie Sanders that would have ever come to fruition.

Free College education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.
Breaking up the BIG BANKS was the biggest lie I have ever seen any candidate campaign on. Sanders knew dam good and well that the Federal Government has no authority over Federal Reserve Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

You got screwed over--learn from this lesson and move on--and don't ever again look at Presidential candidates, or any candidate for that matter, without being very skeptical of wild campaign promises--(before you break out your checkbooks and or vote for them.)

Hillary Clinton was the only one that was campaigning on issues that she knew she had an opportunity of getting done, and she was very honest about what she knew couldn't be done. You didn't listen.


Free college is unrealistic? It's happening in New York one of the largest states in the US.

Breaking up the big banks? That's not really what he wanted... but what he wanted is a lot better than Trump who is working to dismantle Dodd-Frank.

Was passing laws against off-shore tax shelters unrealistic? No.

Give me a break--BREAKING UP THE BIG BANKS aka Wall Street Bankers was Sanders main campaign platform. We already have regulations on off shore banking. You people have got to get a clue here--that Main Street keeps it's money on Wall Street and you're not going to get near it.
Tax Rules for Offshore Banking | Worldview Wealth Advisors
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

BULLSHIT. There is no rules forcing people to pay taxes on off shore tax shelters. The U.S. has offered many times to give tax breaks to those with these types of accounts if they paid off what they owe on it. And they never do... because the U.S. has no punishment in place to force people to do it.

Can you read? This is directly from the IRS> This issue also came up in 2012 with Mitt Romney. The Presidential retirement is held in an off-shore bank account and many people use them more for security reasons than anything else--because they don't want beneficiary's (children--grandchildren's names) leaked due to risk. But American citizens are REQUIRED to pay American taxes on off shore banking accounts.

U.S. citizens, resident aliens and certain nonresident aliens are required to report worldwide income from all sources including foreign accounts and pay taxes on income from those accounts at their individual rates.

"There are many legitimate reasons for holding offshore accounts, including convenience, investing and to facilitate international transactions. By law, U.S. taxpayers are not permitted to use offshore accounts, such as foreign bank and securities accounts as well as trusts, to avoid paying tax.

In most cases, affected taxpayers need to fill out and attach Schedule B to their tax returns. Part III of Schedule B asks about the existence of foreign accounts and usually requires U.S. citizens to report the country in which each account is located. Certain taxpayers may also have to fill out and attach to their return Form 8938, Statement of Foreign Financial Assets, if the aggregate value of those assets exceeds certain thresholds that vary depending on filing status and whether the taxpayer lives abroad. Additional filing requirements apply to those with foreign trusts.

Separately, taxpayers with foreign accounts whose aggregate value exceeds $10,000 any time during the year must file a Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) electronically through FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System. The FBAR is not filed with a federal tax return and must be filed by June 30 each year."
Offshore Income and Filing Information for Taxpayers with Offshore Accounts

Once AGAIN pulling it out of your ass. Sanders is, and has always described himself as, a Democratic Socialist--- not a socialist. So you're lying again.

And beyond that, your puerile attempts at emotional label hooks, based on a label you just got done deliberately mischaracterizing, are of no consequence to anything. All you're saying is the label you just misapplied, is itself misunderstood, which is why you applied it. Basically you're simply telling everybody you're dishonest. Guess what --- not breaking news.

Democrats don't refer to themselves as a Democrat "Socialist"--not unless they want to scare the hell out of everyone. Look--you got screwed over by a politician that was promising very unrealistic things that had zero to no chance of passing in a Republican or a Democrat congress. I can't think of one single campaign promise of Bernie Sanders that would have ever come to fruition.

Free College education was about as realistic as a 1000 mile wall that Mexico was going to pay for.
Breaking up the BIG BANKS was the biggest lie I have ever seen any candidate campaign on. Sanders knew dam good and well that the Federal Government has no authority over Federal Reserve Banks.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

You got screwed over--learn from this lesson and move on--and don't ever again look at Presidential candidates, or any candidate for that matter, without being very skeptical of wild campaign promises--(before you break out your checkbooks and or vote for them.)

Hillary Clinton was the only one that was campaigning on issues that she knew she had an opportunity of getting done, and she was very honest about what she knew couldn't be done. You didn't listen.


Free college is unrealistic? It's happening in New York one of the largest states in the US.

Breaking up the big banks? That's not really what he wanted... but what he wanted is a lot better than Trump who is working to dismantle Dodd-Frank.

Was passing laws against off-shore tax shelters unrealistic? No.

Give me a break--BREAKING UP THE BIG BANKS aka Wall Street Bankers was Sanders main campaign platform. We already have regulations on off shore banking. You people have got to get a clue here--that Main Street keeps it's money on Wall Street and you're not going to get near it.
Tax Rules for Offshore Banking | Worldview Wealth Advisors
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

BULLSHIT. There is no rules forcing people to pay taxes on off shore tax shelters. The U.S. has offered many times to give tax breaks to those with these types of accounts if they paid off what they owe on it. And they never do... because the U.S. has no punishment in place to force people to do it.

Can you read? This is directly from the IRS> This issue also came up in 2012 with Mitt Romney. The Presidential retirement is held in an off-shore bank account and many people use them more for security reasons than anything else--because they don't want beneficiary's (children--grandchildren's names) leaked due to risk. But American citizens are REQUIRED to pay American taxes on off shore banking accounts.

U.S. citizens, resident aliens and certain nonresident aliens are required to report worldwide income from all sources including foreign accounts and pay taxes on income from those accounts at their individual rates.

"There are many legitimate reasons for holding offshore accounts, including convenience, investing and to facilitate international transactions. By law, U.S. taxpayers are not permitted to use offshore accounts, such as foreign bank and securities accounts as well as trusts, to avoid paying tax.

In most cases, affected taxpayers need to fill out and attach Schedule B to their tax returns. Part III of Schedule B asks about the existence of foreign accounts and usually requires U.S. citizens to report the country in which each account is located. Certain taxpayers may also have to fill out and attach to their return Form 8938, Statement of Foreign Financial Assets, if the aggregate value of those assets exceeds certain thresholds that vary depending on filing status and whether the taxpayer lives abroad. Additional filing requirements apply to those with foreign trusts.

Separately, taxpayers with foreign accounts whose aggregate value exceeds $10,000 any time during the year must file a Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) electronically through FinCEN’s BSA E-Filing System. The FBAR is not filed with a federal tax return and must be filed by June 30 each year."
Offshore Income and Filing Information for Taxpayers with Offshore Accounts

They aren't FORCED to do it. And it isn't JUST about individuals. It's about companies that don't pay taxes on profits overseas. Do you have any clue how much money those corporations owe the U.S. in taxes? This is from 2016. And Sanders wants to eliminate this and FORCE them to pay up, not just make them offers to pay it at a reduced percentage.

Fortune 500 Companies Hold a Record $2.4 Trillion Offshore | CTJReports

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