Bernie Sanders needs to man up and drop out of this race.

Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.


If it wasnt for those damn super delegates....
Hilary supporters are pathetic!!! At least some in the GOP recognize the fleecing the anti establishment candidates are getting.
HUH??? She's winning by over 2.5 million in votes and about 250 more pledged delegates than Bernie....he isn't even close to winning anything....even WITHOUT THE SUPER DELEGATE votes...
Dems picking a felon over a quasi communist. Sadly, probably the right choice.

I don't know how you can consider fleecing someone when she has a 2.5 million vote lead, and a few hundred delegate lead, that's only going to get much larger next Tuesday.

I have noticed that Trump supporters and Sanders supporters have one thing in common. They're both real sore losers. If he stays in this race, it just proves what Democrats believed about him anyway. He's not a Democrat, & he's not helping the Democrat party by staying in this race. This party needs to unify--Hillary Clinton needs to focus on the General election, not what is coming out of Bernie Sanders mouth.
He's too far left, it's very clear he has very little experience in government matters--especially any executive experience.
WTF?!? He was mayor of the biggest city in Vermont. That's executive experience. He's been in Congress for over 2 decades. That's experience in government.

You struck out on only 2 pitches!
Republicans would target him for his praise of Fidel Castro, they would use his proposals to paint Hillary Clinton as a socialist, a communist. He would be like a 5 thousand pound anchor around her neck.
Republicans have been doing that for months! How is that working out for them?
He should not drop out before she gets indicted.

If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Fine with me, especially Powell (the backstabbing liberal rino).
^^^ Hates the U.S. military.
He's a liberal.
He should not drop out before she gets indicted.

If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Fine with me, especially Powell (the backstabbing liberal rino).
^^^ Hates the U.S. military.
He's a liberal.
He was a highly decorated General in the U.S. Army.
He should not drop out before she gets indicted.

If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Fine with me, especially Powell (the backstabbing liberal rino).
^^^ Hates the U.S. military.
He's a liberal.

No Bernie Sanders is sooo much more than a liberal. There isn't a politician alive in this country that would have praised one of the most brutal--murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, Fidel Castro. One who slaughtered thousands, imprisoned thousands more, burned books, executed teachers and scientists, seized private property and assets, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Now while I am certain that millennials don't remember Fidel Castro, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nation's history--(baby boomers) remember him very well and know what he did.

Now you can see why Bernie Sanders would have been slaughtered in a National Election. Republicans would have used this to steam roll and bury him on election night. If Bernie Sanders became the nominee of the Democrat party--just move the blue over to the USSR of Vermont and New Hampshire and color the rest of this country RED.

This is another reason Bernie Sanders should drop out of this race right now.


Reagan v Mondale 1984
He should not drop out before she gets indicted.

If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Fine with me, especially Powell (the backstabbing liberal rino).
^^^ Hates the U.S. military.
He's a liberal.

No Bernie Sanders is sooo much more than a liberal. There isn't a politician alive in this country that would have praised one of the most brutal--murderous dictators to come out of the 20th century, Fidel Castro. One who slaughtered thousands, imprisoned thousands more, burned books, executed teachers and scientists, seized private property and assets, while thousands more died in homemade rafts trying to make it to the Florida coast.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

Now while I am certain that millennials don't remember Fidel Castro, I can assure you that the largest generation in this nation's history--(baby boomers) remember him very well and know what he did.

Now you can see why Bernie Sanders would have been slaughtered in a National Election. Republicans would have used this to steam roll and bury him on election night. If Bernie Sanders became the nominee of the Democrat party--just move the blue over to the USSR of Vermont and New Hampshire and color the rest of this country RED.

This is another reason Bernie Sanders should drop out of this race right now.


Reagan v Mondale 1984
I was talking about Colin Powell.
He should not drop out before she gets indicted.

If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
Fine with me, especially Powell (the backstabbing liberal rino).
^^^ Hates the U.S. military.
He's a liberal.
He was a highly decorated General in the U.S. Army.
He was sent to the front of the line, courtesy of Affirmative Action.
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.


Bern needs to stay in, senility is funny.
He should not drop out before she gets indicted.

If she is going to be indicted they might as well start an FBI investigation into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails as they have the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Hillary Clinton will not be indicted, the state department has repeatedly stated she did nothing wrong. That the 22 emails were marked "classified" by inter agencies of the government long after she received or sent them. This is the exact same issue that Colin Powell and Condi Rice had happen.

Can't she be indicted for having fat ankles and not spending enough time cooking and cleaning?
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

What, specifically, do you think Hillary will do right for the party?
He is getting ripped off so badly it ain't funny. Hlidabeast won't be able to steal the general....BBBBUUUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

What, specifically, do you think Hillary will do right for the party?

There are millions of Republicans that believe Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump. Republicans are going to vote for conservatism.

She is also a Hawk--she is not as passive regarding terrorism as Barack Obama. In fact, if not for her, Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. She was the one that put the pressure on Obama to do the hit, while Joe Biden and many other said no. Also Leon Panneta praises her in his book.

And she has a lot of Republicans that have praised her in the past.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

What, specifically, do you think Hillary will do right for the party?

There are millions of Republicans that believe Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump. Republicans are going to vote for conservatism.

She is also a Hawk--she is not as passive regarding terrorism as Barack Obama. In fact, if not for her, Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. She was the one that put the pressure on Obama to do the hit, while Joe Biden and many other said no. Also Leon Panneta praises her in his book.

And she has a lot of Republicans that have praised her in the past.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans also despise her.

Ok what exactly do you think she will do domestically that would be good for the American people?

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