Bernie Sanders needs to man up and drop out of this race.

Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.


I don't mind Bernie staying in as long as it stays clean. It makes the GOP race look like children...

Bernie's supports have a lot of passion and that will be useful in the national campaign
Except Bernie is winning in every general election poll and if we want to beat Trump we need Bernie, I say that as some one who isn't a big fan of either Bernie or Hillary.

But Bernie is the only viable general election candidate we have. Against Clinton everything north of Missouri is in play for Trump, the most hated (by polling) candidate in our history could win a Reagan like sweep against hillary.

All of her attacks on Republicans fall short when Trump is going to throw the Clintons personal actions in her face every time she says the word mysoginist, racist, or elitist.
"If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election."

Actually not.

Sanders’ attacks are nothing new, they’ve been used against Clinton for years with little positive results for her attackers, democratic or republican, which will likely have little adverse effect during the GE.

Indeed, Trump will face the same problem as has Sanders: that not only are the attacks against Clinton unfounded and without merit, but they’ll likely not have the desired effect, and might actually backfire against Trump.

‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails’ alone aren’t going to win Trump the GE.

No that's not correct, it's one thing to have someone on the opposite side of the isle attack you. That's normal.

But when you have a candidate that is supposedly on the same side of the isle, that has no possibility of winning the nomination and wants to continue to harp on things that the overwhelming majority are voting against, you're only not making an idiot out of yourself, but you are also doing damage to the party at the same time.

Sanders needs to drop out of this race for the good of the Democrat party. This party will not unify until he drops out. Hillary Clinton needs to focus on the General election, & not what is coming out of this nursing home candidate's mouth.

Yes, Bernie Sanders Will Become President. Hillary Clinton's FBI Investigation Isn't a 'Nothingburger'
You've been fooled by this H A Goodman and all of his support for Bernie Blogs Liminal....he's a Republican PLANT, A couple of republican PACS including Karl Roves, have been running ads and blogs in support of get his voters to hate a google on HA Goodman and read what the Sanders supporters have been saying about Goodman....they don't trust him, they feel his articles are filled with lies and half truths and think he is being ridiculous and lying aqnd distorting all kinds of Polls, and even asked to have his blogs not shown on their Sander sites because he is meant to deceive....

Just be careful, republicans are sneaky and personify why Politics is called DIRTY POLITICS.....Karl Roves PAC is running the "support of Bernie" propaganda....

Not saying you should not support Bernie, just be aware that there are Republican plants out there trying to deceive and divide.
"If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election."

Actually not.

Sanders’ attacks are nothing new, they’ve been used against Clinton for years with little positive results for her attackers, democratic or republican, which will likely have little adverse effect during the GE.

Indeed, Trump will face the same problem as has Sanders: that not only are the attacks against Clinton unfounded and without merit, but they’ll likely not have the desired effect, and might actually backfire against Trump.

‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails’ alone aren’t going to win Trump the GE.

No that's not correct, it's one thing to have someone on the opposite side of the isle attack you. That's normal.

But when you have a candidate that is supposedly on the same side of the isle, that has no possibility of winning the nomination and wants to continue to harp on things that the overwhelming majority are voting against, you're only not making an idiot out of yourself, but you are also doing damage to the party at the same time.

Sanders needs to drop out of this race for the good of the Democrat party. This party will not unify until he drops out. Hillary Clinton needs to focus on the General election, & not what is coming out of this nursing home candidate's mouth.

Yes, Bernie Sanders Will Become President. Hillary Clinton's FBI Investigation Isn't a 'Nothingburger'
You've been fooled by this H A Goodman and all of his support for Bernie Blogs Liminal....he's a Republican PLANT, A couple of republican PACS including Karl Roves, have been running ads and blogs in support of get his voters to hate a google on HA Goodman and read what the Sanders supporters have been saying about Goodman....they don't trust him, they feel his articles are filled with lies and half truths and think he is being ridiculous and lying aqnd distorting all kinds of Polls, and even asked to have his blogs not shown on their Sander sites because he is meant to deceive....

Just be careful, republicans are sneaky and personify why Politics is called DIRTY POLITICS.....Karl Roves PAC is running the "support of Bernie" propaganda....

Not saying you should not support Bernie, just be aware that there are Republican plants out there trying to deceive and divide.
All Hilary supporters are corrupt and dishonest.
In 2008, Hillary pretty much did the same thing.

That is why she is NOT telling him to drop out.

Case closed---now go soak in a tall glass of milk or whatever cookies like to do!!
rankly, I couldn't really think of a position in the cabinet or any other that he's really qualified for. A senator that has been in the senate for 25 long years, and does not know that the Federal Reserve banks and the Federal Government operate separate and independent of one another, has got some very serious issues with what he doesn't know.

It's 9 years actually, not 25, with 18 prior years in the House. And he knows perfectly well how the system works; it's been his main theme throughout his career. He's a ranking member on the Senate budget committee as well.

So you don't know the name of the political party and you know nothing about the candidate's history either. Why are we unsurprised.

Look, if he's not your choice, simply don't vote for him. Ain't rocket surgery. But you don't get to sit in your barcalounger dictating who can run and who can't, Dim Dong. Especially when you know nothing about either the candidate or the organization.
It would spell political suicide for Hillary Clinton to choose Bernie Sanders as a running mate for VP. He's too far left, it's very clear he has very little experience in government matters--especially any executive experience.

About 32 years, although only about a third of that was "executive", running a city.

How's that compare to a candidate who's got a total of one half-finished Senate term and a rich blusterfluff clown who's never actually held a real job in his life, the two guys with the most delegates in the other party? My math says that's an average of about a year and a half, unless you want to count Rump's "experience in government matters" as knowing how to bribe, in which case it shoots way up.

Republicans would target him for his praise of Fidel Castro, they would use his proposals to paint Hillary Clinton as a socialist, a communist. He would be like a 5 thousand pound anchor around her neck.

Think so eh? How's that been working out in the primaries?
Last edited:
"If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election."

Actually not.

Sanders’ attacks are nothing new, they’ve been used against Clinton for years with little positive results for her attackers, democratic or republican, which will likely have little adverse effect during the GE.

Indeed, Trump will face the same problem as has Sanders: that not only are the attacks against Clinton unfounded and without merit, but they’ll likely not have the desired effect, and might actually backfire against Trump.

‘Benghazi’ and ‘emails’ alone aren’t going to win Trump the GE.

No that's not correct, it's one thing to have someone on the opposite side of the isle attack you. That's normal.

But when you have a candidate that is supposedly on the same side of the isle, that has no possibility of winning the nomination and wants to continue to harp on things that the overwhelming majority are voting against, you're only not making an idiot out of yourself, but you are also doing damage to the party at the same time.

This your first roundup Hunior? In any primary race, candys of the same party attack each other -- they're competitors.


Sanders needs to drop out of this race for the good of the Democrat party. This party will not unify until he drops out.

Again, you have zero credibility on this pseudo-noble bullshit ---- you don't even know what the name of the party is. Sanders has never been a Democrat but at least he knows it's called the Democratic Party. How long do you think you'd hold a job at Citgo if you kept calling it Shitgo?

Hillary Clinton needs to focus on the General election, & not what is coming out of this nursing home candidate's mouth.

Sanders and Clinton (and Rump) are all around the same age. Obviously if any of them didn't have the constitution for the job, it would be showing in the 24/7 grueling demands of a national campaign. None has shown any such signs. Yet only Sanders gets singled out for being the same age. Why is that?

It's because he's the only one of the three who doesn't color his hair, and in the case of Rump, doesn't color his skin. He's the only one not pretending to be something he's not.

Unlike, say, a message board poster who knows nothing about his own topic.
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.
What, specifically, do you think Hillary will do right for the party?

Doesn't matter. He doesn't even know what the party's called. Clearly has no interest in his claims -- he's prolly a paid hack poster working for Rump. Bernie is Rump's worst nightmare.
at this point he wants to stay in to the end even though he has no chance of winning in the popular vote or pledged delegates and claims he can get super delegates to switch to him yadayadayada.... I think he must be trying to negotiate a position within the party...?
But I wonder how much he can negotiate into the platform and what Hillary will run on IF he continues to attack her on things like bank regulation, where she is actually closer to Warren and Schumer than is he.
Sanders has the biggest microphone he has ever had in his life. If you think he is going to walk away from it now, you're very stupid.
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.
What, specifically, do you think Hillary will do right for the party?

Doesn't matter. He doesn't even know what the party's called. Clearly has no interest in his claims -- he's prolly a paid hack poster working for Rump. Bernie is Rump's worst nightmare.

The Big Quack would eat Bernie for lunch and crap him out. A socialist v. an entrepreneur ... in America
Sanders has the biggest microphone he has ever had in his life. If you think he is going to walk away from it now, you're very stupid.
It's his one chance to be the Fifth Beatle. He's been looking for this since 1960
Bernie, the hil, the donald. This is the best that we can do. The founders are wondering why they even fought the revolution.
Sanders just got slammed dunked in New York. This was a must win state for him. There is absolutely no possibility of him winning this nomination. Next Tuesday, April 26- it's going to be even more embarrassing for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

Tuesday April 26
Connecticut Closed 70 delegates
Delaware Closed 31 delegates
Maryland Closed 118 delegates
Pennsylvania Closed 210 delegates
Rhode Island Mixed 31 delegates

Hillary Clinton is leading by double digits in all of them. After this big win in New York her momentum is going to show itself in the above states.

Sanders has been getting clobbered in these closed Primary states where only Democrats are allowed to vote. He's had a run on several of the smaller caucus states, due to very low voter participation. Typically underdogs will win them, because only underdog supporters will bother to show up for a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Had these states been primary states where several days of voting are allowed along with the use of mail in ballots Hillary Clinton would have won them all, and he would be a distant memory now.

If he stays in this race after losing this badly in New York it only proves what Democrats think of him anyway. That he's no Democrat, and he will not do what is right and helpful for the Democrat Party. If he decides he just wants to stay in the limelight--while launching assaults at Hillary Clinton, he does damage to her in the General Election. It's time for this party to unify, and that's not going to happen if Sanders insists on staying in a race that he cannot win.

I don't mind Bernie staying in as long as it stays clean. It makes the GOP race look like children...

Bernie's supports have a lot of passion and that will be useful in the national campaign

The OP doesn't seem to get this concept but the whole idea of candys competing in the primaries is to bring up favorite issues that wouldn't have gotten aired, especially in Sanders' case. He's been on the same issues for 30 years but nobody's been hearing outside of Vermont and some political junkies. By getting a spotlight, especially in a year with a weak field to compete against, those ideas get far more press than ever before. That's the whole point of what Bernie's doing.

Without the visibility of a national campaign, a lot fewer people were listening to this:

Sanders has the biggest microphone he has ever had in his life. If you think he is going to walk away from it now, you're very stupid.

Thousands and thousands show up at the rally's....
Then they don't vote for him??
Bernie should go Independent...

That works in a city, or a state where you're already known. If he had the name recognition a Donald Rump has, it would be a viable plan. But you don't get that kind of visibility by being an idealist. You get it from being a whore.

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