Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party, Trump & November

I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig

I just refer to Trump as the blob. I like your nickname better.



I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.
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I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

I like it....I can forsee a Thread entitled.... " The search for the Democratic Party's missing shit "..... LOL
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Good to see you're now saying "both parties".
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

There is a lot of truth to that.
Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Good to see you're now saying "both parties".
I've been saying it all along, and getting bitched at daily by both parties for saying it.

You must have missed that.
I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Ahh.... Great point..... I have some thoughts on this.

When it comes to household interest in the political process you are quite right....the average household is far too distracted by Dancing with the Stars and Tom Brady's dispute with Roger Goodell.

I strongly believe that the elements for a third party are there and not the AOC brand either...but a middle of the road party composed of sane, compromising and reasonable people from all walks and avenues of life. I think the problem is that the money support has been neatly cleaved into to lumps that are definitively controlled by the two parties. For a little while I thought Pelosi and company were going to get steam rolled by the AOC branch of the party....but no the old Sea Hag still has sharp claws and she put the upstarts back in their place....THAT WAS NOT EASY.....

So the old party is still hanging onto control of the money and the influence without which no upstart party can survive I'm afraid. The only remedy would be to rally support from the small people in large numbers. Similar to what Bernie has done....the Dems really don't see Bernie as a Dem...that's why they keep stabbing him in the back when he starts to get off the ground. If he's smart he'll run as a write in this time if they screw him again.
Hey It worked for Murkowski. Don't get me wrong...I despise Bernie's politics but I admire his stamina and his
Trueness to his own positions. Some of the DC Troglodytes could take a lesson from him on that.

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I was listening to a short interview with Bernie Sanders yesterday, and the interviewer asked him how he was going to come up with the $60 TRILLION over ten years that he has promised out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, his answer was something less than clear or compelling. It did include raising taxes on Those Evil Corporations. As with some other Democrats, Sanders appears to be stuck in the 60's, before we were operating in a hyper-competitive global economy. Anyway, that stuff is for a different thread.

Taking a general look at the polls, and a look at the current crop of Democratic candidates, and the base of the Democratic party, those of us who aren't exactly fans of Trump or Trumpism might be getting a little nervous right about now. The Democratic party pretty much lost its shit when Trump won (that's also for another thread) and it does not appear to have located its shit in the interim.

The potential effects of Trump's actions in the subsequent four years pale in comparison (probably) to what happens in our Supreme Court and lower courts. I probably don't have to expand on that. But that's looming out there, pretty clearly.

These are serious times. If the Democrat party doesn't shit-can its loonier elements pretty quickly and clearly, it's possible that this November ain't gonna be good for non-Trumpsters.

There's today's rant. You're nuts for getting this far.

Where you are wrong, Mac, is in your contention that Crazy Bernie is an outlier, out of touch with the leadership of the Democrat Party as a whole. Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas, just about any of the rest, they all are in favor of the same liberal panaceas. Massive increases in taxation, abortion to the moment of birth, reparations to black people, government monopoly on health care. Some of them might have slightly different ways of getting there, and some like Warren might be shy at admitting the crippling tax proposals she wants to push through.

The main difference between Sanders and the rest is that Crazy Bernie doesn't have the same filter when he spouts his nonsense. That's the way a lot of ancient folks are. They just give you their opinions.
Crazy Bernie is an insane douchebag. It is hilarious the DNC thinks they can butt f@ck him again. :p

How’s the RNC treating Joe Walsh and Bill Weld?

Like Crackpots .. TDS-ers, basically Democrats.. :popcorn:

I don't know much about Joe Walsh.....but Bill Weld is a thoroughly Pickled Lush who cannot last thirty minutes without an Alcohol infusion. When he was governor of Mass the asshole couldn't even sober up for public appearances....I had attended a few where he was visibly inebriated an sounded like he just fell off the bar stool. If he's being ignored it's for a reason.

Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Ahh.... Great point..... I have some thoughts on this.
When it comes to household interest in the political process you are quite right....the average household is far too distracted by Dancing with the Stars and Tom Brady's dispute with Roger Goodell. I strongly believe that the elements for a third party are there and not the AOC brand either...but a middle of the road party composed of sane, compromising and reasonable people from all walks and avenues of life. I think the problem is that the money support has been neatly cleaved into to lumps that are definitively controlled by the two parties. For a while I though Pelosi and company were going to get steam rolled by the AOC branch of the party....but no the old Sea Hag still has sharp claws and she put the upstarts back in their place....THAT WAS NOT EASY.....
So the old party is still hanging onto control of the money and the influence without which no upstart party can survive I'm afraid. The only remedy would be to rally support from the small people in large numbers. Similar to what Bernie has done....the Dems really don't see Bernie as a Dem...that's why they keep stabbing him in the back when he starts to get off the ground. If he's smart he'll run as a write in this time if they screw him again.
Hey It worked for Murkowski. Don't get me wrong...I despise Bernie's politics but I admire his stamina and his
Trueness to his own positions. Some of the DC Troglodytes could take a lesson from him on that.

I think that's at the root of it. A small number of maniacs who control the parties also then control the system. The rest of the country either (a) doesn't care enough or (b) doesn't want to join the shit show, and just stays out of it. They may vote for their party on a regular basis, but they're not engaged in the insane mechanics of it.

I no longer hold out much hope for a viable third party, so I'll just hope that some sanity will return. Ya never know.
Seems like a wash between 4 years of 100% crazy from the blob or 85% crazy from Sanders. I vote for Sanders if hes on the ballot in November. Easy choice.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Good to see you're now saying "both parties".

Heh....there are many of us that don't like " Party " politics....unfortunately however we must all live in the world that is before us until we can find a way to change it. Political parties per se run contrary to the interest of the nation because they preclude the priorities of the national needs in favor of simply being in power. It sucks...
How do we get away from it though?

It does highlight that in our system, two very small states hold unimaginable sway over the choices the rest of the nation gets to make. Let alone the racial demographics of Iowa and New Hampshire, their combined population is smaller than many metropolitan areas. The old saying that there are "3 tickets out of Iowa" and "2 tickets out of New Hampshire" usually holds.

I'm not sure why the Parties allow this to continue. It is the Parties who can allow for a changing of the calendar. It really doesn't seem to benefit the parties to have these people, every four years, trudge through Iowa, to county fairs, etc... or go from hamlet to hamlet in New Hampshire and pretend they are interested in problems Washington really cannot solve. Most of what Washington does (when it works) is do the most good for the most people. One million people in New Hampshire are usually not the "most people" in any case.

Anyway, this should be changed to having 4-5 regional contests where a near equal number of delegates are up for grabs.
I saw Bill Maher to a similar bit yesterday. My question to you is the same he made me think of.

WHat evidence do you have that the loons are not the whole of the Party, at this point? (THe Party structure, not the base, though the Party line is pretty well obeyed all the way down.)

My point being, the Loons are the Dems. This is not about the Dems controlling the fringe and winning and making things better.

THe fringe is who you are now. Trump is, if not the better candidate, at least the lesser evil.
As with any terrorist group.....the most aggressive groups tend to replace the moderates.
It does highlight that in our system, two very small states hold unimaginable sway over the choices the rest of the nation gets to make. Let alone the racial demographics of Iowa and New Hampshire, their combined population is smaller than many metropolitan areas. The old saying that there are "3 tickets out of Iowa" and "2 tickets out of New Hampshire" usually holds.

I'm not sure why the Parties allow this to continue. It is the Parties who can allow for a changing of the calendar. It really doesn't seem to benefit the parties to have these people, every four years, trudge through Iowa, to county fairs, etc... or go from hamlet to hamlet in New Hampshire and pretend they are interested in problems Washington really cannot solve. Most of what Washington does (when it works) is do the most good for the most people. One million people in New Hampshire are usually not the "most people" in any case.

Anyway, this should be changed to having 4-5 regional contests where a near equal number of delegates are up for grabs.

Hmmm.....that's an interesting thought.....I wish there was a way to explore that more but you know as well as I do it would get slapped down and stomped on....but still.....perhaps that idea should be given some daylight.

I'll write in Porky Pig
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Good to see you're now saying "both parties".
I've been saying it all along, and getting bitched at daily by both parties for saying it.

You must have missed that.

Actually, no you haven't. But whatever...good to see you've accepted that republicans mailing bombs to democrats qualifies as their "losing their shit", finally.
Crazy Bernie is an insane douchebag. It is hilarious the DNC thinks they can butt f@ck him again. :p

How’s the RNC treating Joe Walsh and Bill Weld?

As well as they can expect for men that have been able to generate almost no support even after months of campaigning.How much support did the DNC give Randall Terry back in 2012 during his bid against Obama? Probably even less, and Mr. Terry had the support of major, national, pro-life outfits who could have provided diversity to the Democrats. Neither Walsh nor Weld offer anything to the Republicans.
So you're voting for a Democrat then. (Pork) (pig)

(Pork) (pig)

Both parties love their (Pork) and both sides are (pig)s.
It wasn't long ago that I would have told you that if things ever got this fucked up and both parties had completely lost their shit like this, a strong and viable third party would have emerged.

Wrong. Clearly we just don't care enough.

Good to see you're now saying "both parties".
I've been saying it all along, and getting bitched at daily by both parties for saying it.

You must have missed that.

Actually, no you haven't. But whatever...good to see you've accepted that republicans mailing bombs to democrats qualifies as their "losing their shit", finally.
I realize that nutters lack curiosity, but what the hell. Just in case.

This site includes a "Search" feature. I just typed in "both parties" and "Mac1958", hit enter, and poof! About 500 entries came up.

I won't expect you to apologize if you bother to do that and see the results. In fact, I wouldn't want you to.

I wish I could get out of your head.

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