Bernie Sanders--the last Republican Hope for the White House


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
It looks like Donald Trump is well on his way to win the nomination. He is leading in S.C. by double digits, and he run the south and carry momentum into Super Tuesday.

But the real question is? Can Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, The answer to that is a solid NO. Trump and his supporters have chased off 17% of the population when the GOP nominee has historically needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year they need 46% of this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point lead as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the majority voting block. In fact it was they that secured Obama's second term in office--due to the right wing of the party continually campaigning on abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal legitimate rape questions.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So this math and election history is indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night.

Republicans ONLY hope in this race is that BERNIE SANDERS is the nominee for the Democrat party--who would get creamed in a National Election by any GOP candidate. He's a socialist--and this country would never vote for any candidate that was out there campaigning on free college tuition. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates. A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump.

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minus eight in vermont right now, and sinking like a democrat in a primary. where's climate change bernie ? hillary no doubt is landing somewhere under sniper fire.

Trump hasn't said much about hillary.... yet. :)
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Why do you say this? bernie in the polls is beating nearly the entire republican field by twice as much as clinton.

Clinton is a moderate republican of 20 years ago for crying out loud...certainly, she won't cut the shit out of government but she won't do what we need and that can only come Bernie.
minus eight in vermont right now, and sinking like a democrat in a primary. where's climate change bernie ? hillary no doubt is landing somewhere under sniper fire.

Trump hasn't said much about hillary.... yet. :)
Trump is too busy right now to say anything about hillary.
who do you think is laying down that sniper fire?
People of this country elected a muslim black dude named "Hussein" to the white house
and the same people reelected the same muslim black dude for a second term

And reps were at home watching it happening eating pop corns...

Now they will watch a communist jew get elected for the white house
at home eating pop corns.................. :lmao:
Why do you say this? bernie in the polls is beating nearly the entire republican field by twice as much as clinton.

Clinton is a moderate republican of 20 years ago for crying out loud...certainly, she won't cut the shit out of government but she won't do what we need and that can only come Bernie.
^ that

Hillary is Repub lite
I realize that everyone concedes that the Latino vote is very important, and that Trump won't do well with them.

But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. And he is going to do far better than the Mormon Governor of Massachusetts with Evangelicals all across the Heartland....mainly because the Evangelicals are so alarmed about the direction of this country...that they have quit looking for a desperate they are willing to embrace Trump while he hollers Pussy and Fuck at them.

And young people, traditionally Democrats because they are still young & foolish...are offended by everything they learn about Mrs. Clinton. Young people make up for being inexperienced by being idealistic...Hillary Clinton has no Ideals...unless avarice and mendacity are Ideals...and the young people see that.

I also find the Latino emphasis difficult to understand. Most Latinos live in 5 states...Texas (they haven't turned it Blue yet)...California, New York & New Jersey, which have all turned Deep Blue (Feeling the Bern Blue) long ago...and lastly Florida. If Trump wins nomination he will likely pick Rubio as his VP.....which should get him Florida...and more Latino votes all around than are currently expected...if it matters. Colorado is the next state where there are a lot of Latinos...and either side can win without Colorado.

In short, the argument that Republicans must get 47%, or any percentage, of Latino votes seems suspicious to me. The majority of them live in Texas, California, New York, and New Jersey---and it doesn't matter what percentage either Party gets in those States.

History, and Stats based on History, may not count anyway. This may be more of a Revolution than an election.
I realize that everyone concedes that the Latino vote is very important, and that Trump won't do well with them.

But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. And he is going to do far better than the Mormon Governor of Massachusetts with Evangelicals all across the Heartland....mainly because the Evangelicals are so alarmed about the direction of this country...that they have quit looking for a desperate they are willing to embrace Trump while he hollers Pussy and Fuck at them.

And young people, traditionally Democrats because they are still young & foolish...are offended by everything they learn about Mrs. Clinton. Young people make up for being inexperienced by being idealistic...Hillary Clinton has no Ideals...unless avarice and mendacity are Ideals...and the young people see that.

I also find the Latino emphasis difficult to understand. Most Latinos live in 5 states...Texas (they haven't turned it Blue yet)...California, New York & New Jersey, which have all turned Deep Blue (Feeling the Bern Blue) long ago...and lastly Florida. If Trump wins nomination he will likely pick Rubio as his VP.....which should get him Florida...and more Latino votes all around than are currently expected...if it matters. Colorado is the next state where there are a lot of Latinos...and either side can win without Colorado.

In short, the argument that Republicans must get 47%, or any percentage, of Latino votes seems suspicious to me. The majority of them live in Texas, California, New York, and New Jersey---and it doesn't matter what percentage either Party gets in those States.

History, and Stats based on History, may not count anyway. This may be more of a Revolution than an election.

And Trump is doing better than any other GOP candidate in attracting the support of Latino voters...

A new poll confirms it. In the national survey, which was conducted by Beck Research on behalf of the American Federation for Children, 38 percent of Latinos favor Trump. Ted Cruz got 15 percent. Jeb Bush pulled in 14 percent. And Marco Rubio, the guy who’s supposed to be the one who could unite the party and win? Just 8 percent.

No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos
I realize that everyone concedes that the Latino vote is very important, and that Trump won't do well with them.

But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. And he is going to do far better than the Mormon Governor of Massachusetts with Evangelicals all across the Heartland....mainly because the Evangelicals are so alarmed about the direction of this country...that they have quit looking for a desperate they are willing to embrace Trump while he hollers Pussy and Fuck at them.

And young people, traditionally Democrats because they are still young & foolish...are offended by everything they learn about Mrs. Clinton. Young people make up for being inexperienced by being idealistic...Hillary Clinton has no Ideals...unless avarice and mendacity are Ideals...and the young people see that.

I also find the Latino emphasis difficult to understand. Most Latinos live in 5 states...Texas (they haven't turned it Blue yet)...California, New York & New Jersey, which have all turned Deep Blue (Feeling the Bern Blue) long ago...and lastly Florida. If Trump wins nomination he will likely pick Rubio as his VP.....which should get him Florida...and more Latino votes all around than are currently expected...if it matters. Colorado is the next state where there are a lot of Latinos...and either side can win without Colorado.

In short, the argument that Republicans must get 47%, or any percentage, of Latino votes seems suspicious to me. The majority of them live in Texas, California, New York, and New Jersey---and it doesn't matter what percentage either Party gets in those States.

History, and Stats based on History, may not count anyway. This may be more of a Revolution than an election.

And Trump is doing better than any other GOP candidate in attracting the support of Latino voters...

A new poll confirms it. In the national survey, which was conducted by Beck Research on behalf of the American Federation for Children, 38 percent of Latinos favor Trump. Ted Cruz got 15 percent. Jeb Bush pulled in 14 percent. And Marco Rubio, the guy who’s supposed to be the one who could unite the party and win? Just 8 percent.

No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos

Trump would make Mexicans vote for him and would make them "pay for it" too :D
I realize that everyone concedes that the Latino vote is very important, and that Trump won't do well with them.

But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. And he is going to do far better than the Mormon Governor of Massachusetts with Evangelicals all across the Heartland....mainly because the Evangelicals are so alarmed about the direction of this country...that they have quit looking for a desperate they are willing to embrace Trump while he hollers Pussy and Fuck at them.

And young people, traditionally Democrats because they are still young & foolish...are offended by everything they learn about Mrs. Clinton. Young people make up for being inexperienced by being idealistic...Hillary Clinton has no Ideals...unless avarice and mendacity are Ideals...and the young people see that.

I also find the Latino emphasis difficult to understand. Most Latinos live in 5 states...Texas (they haven't turned it Blue yet)...California, New York & New Jersey, which have all turned Deep Blue (Feeling the Bern Blue) long ago...and lastly Florida. If Trump wins nomination he will likely pick Rubio as his VP.....which should get him Florida...and more Latino votes all around than are currently expected...if it matters. Colorado is the next state where there are a lot of Latinos...and either side can win without Colorado.

In short, the argument that Republicans must get 47%, or any percentage, of Latino votes seems suspicious to me. The majority of them live in Texas, California, New York, and New Jersey---and it doesn't matter what percentage either Party gets in those States.

History, and Stats based on History, may not count anyway. This may be more of a Revolution than an election.
link pussy? (t3h Donald put-down ;) )
But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

I also believe a Bernie nomination will negate this Trump advantage. Bernie can hold these votes, Hillary cannot.

If Bernie is the nominee, Kasich or Rubio or even Bush might have the upper hand.

But I don't think Bernie is going to get the nomination.
But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

I also believe a Bernie nomination will negate this Trump advantage. Bernie can hold these votes, Hillary cannot.

If Bernie is the nominee, Kasich or Rubio or even Bush might have the upper hand.

But I don't think Bernie is going to get the nomination.
The Super Delegates will ensure Bernie is not chosen...............Hillary will be the candidate............the rest is just a side show.
It looks like Donald Trump is well on his way to win the nomination. He is leading in S.C. by double digits, and he run the south and carry momentum into Super Tuesday.

But the real question is? Can Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, The answer to that is a solid NO. Trump and his supporters have chased off 17% of the population when the GOP nominee has historically needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year they need 46% of this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point lead as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the majority voting block. In fact it was they that secured Obama's second term in office--due to the right wing of the party continually campaigning on abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal legitimate rape questions.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So this math and election history is indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night.

Republicans ONLY hope in this race is that BERNIE SANDERS is the nominee for the Democrat party--who would get creamed in a National Election by any GOP candidate. He's a socialist--and this country would never vote for any candidate that was out there campaigning on free college tuition. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates. A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump.


One thing in your calculation that you omitted: the enthusiasm factor.

Hillary couldn't sell out a movie theater while Trump voters are standing room only in much larger places. People are excited about Trump as liberals were when DumBama decided to run.

Democrats don't have that Obama factor this time--Republicans do.

So what it boils down to is who will vote and who will not. Who is excited about their candidate and who is not.

Sure, call me on the phone and ask who I'd vote for, I'll tell you that. What I won't tell you is if I will vote or not. That's the important factor. If I'm not all that moved by my candidate, then it all depends on other things such as what time I get home from work, what the weather is on voting day, if I'm too tired to go to the polls or not.
The Super Delegates will ensure Bernie is not chosen...............Hillary will be the candidate............the rest is just a side show.

I think you are correct. Both sides try to stack the deck in favor of the establishment candidate. That the Democrats can do so blatantly and overtly is a testimony to the nature of their constituency.
I realize that everyone concedes that the Latino vote is very important, and that Trump won't do well with them.

But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. And he is going to do far better than the Mormon Governor of Massachusetts with Evangelicals all across the Heartland....mainly because the Evangelicals are so alarmed about the direction of this country...that they have quit looking for a desperate they are willing to embrace Trump while he hollers Pussy and Fuck at them.

And young people, traditionally Democrats because they are still young & foolish...are offended by everything they learn about Mrs. Clinton. Young people make up for being inexperienced by being idealistic...Hillary Clinton has no Ideals...unless avarice and mendacity are Ideals...and the young people see that.

I also find the Latino emphasis difficult to understand. Most Latinos live in 5 states...Texas (they haven't turned it Blue yet)...California, New York & New Jersey, which have all turned Deep Blue (Feeling the Bern Blue) long ago...and lastly Florida. If Trump wins nomination he will likely pick Rubio as his VP.....which should get him Florida...and more Latino votes all around than are currently expected...if it matters. Colorado is the next state where there are a lot of Latinos...and either side can win without Colorado.

In short, the argument that Republicans must get 47%, or any percentage, of Latino votes seems suspicious to me. The majority of them live in Texas, California, New York, and New Jersey---and it doesn't matter what percentage either Party gets in those States.

History, and Stats based on History, may not count anyway. This may be more of a Revolution than an election.

And Trump is doing better than any other GOP candidate in attracting the support of Latino voters...

A new poll confirms it. In the national survey, which was conducted by Beck Research on behalf of the American Federation for Children, 38 percent of Latinos favor Trump. Ted Cruz got 15 percent. Jeb Bush pulled in 14 percent. And Marco Rubio, the guy who’s supposed to be the one who could unite the party and win? Just 8 percent.

No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos

You are confusing the issue. That poll is for the nomination, and not how many will support those people for president over the Democrats.
I realize that everyone concedes that the Latino vote is very important, and that Trump won't do well with them.

But, he is likely to make up for that loss with previous Democratic voters, like Union workers in the rotting cities of the north who chaff under 40 or 50 years of Democratic mis-government--in places like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania. And he is going to do far better than the Mormon Governor of Massachusetts with Evangelicals all across the Heartland....mainly because the Evangelicals are so alarmed about the direction of this country...that they have quit looking for a desperate they are willing to embrace Trump while he hollers Pussy and Fuck at them.

And young people, traditionally Democrats because they are still young & foolish...are offended by everything they learn about Mrs. Clinton. Young people make up for being inexperienced by being idealistic...Hillary Clinton has no Ideals...unless avarice and mendacity are Ideals...and the young people see that.

I also find the Latino emphasis difficult to understand. Most Latinos live in 5 states...Texas (they haven't turned it Blue yet)...California, New York & New Jersey, which have all turned Deep Blue (Feeling the Bern Blue) long ago...and lastly Florida. If Trump wins nomination he will likely pick Rubio as his VP.....which should get him Florida...and more Latino votes all around than are currently expected...if it matters. Colorado is the next state where there are a lot of Latinos...and either side can win without Colorado.

In short, the argument that Republicans must get 47%, or any percentage, of Latino votes seems suspicious to me. The majority of them live in Texas, California, New York, and New Jersey---and it doesn't matter what percentage either Party gets in those States.

History, and Stats based on History, may not count anyway. This may be more of a Revolution than an election.
link pussy? (t3h Donald put-down ;) )

Go do your own research, or, as Mr. Trump would say--Go Fuck Yourself.

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