Bernie Sanders: We Will Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Over $29,000 To Fund Government Health Care

Liberal morons think the same people that can’t get homeless people in shipping container houses for less than 600k a unit are going to get them cheaper healthcare.

Fricken idiots.

That is just a lie.
The shipping container tiny home route is working fine and costs less than $20k per unit.

Tiny Home Village

Government is running Medicare and the VA now, at administrative costs about only 10% of what insurance companies and medical provider corporations charge.
One of the main reasons for this is that currently, tens of billions are wasted on all the insurance form paperwork and the admin expertise on how to fill it all out.
You’re one of the idiots. Less paperwork with government? LMAO!

The VA and Medicare show a long standing history of less paperwork because doctors do not have to have dozens of experts on filling out claims forms for hundreds of private insurance companies.
With the VA, there is almost no paperwork at all.
The doctors are already on salary.
I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion.

I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.
Greenspan, was a brilliant idiot. You can't trust people to do the right thing, when government is directly suing people to do the wrong thing.

The banks did it when they were freed up and the government gaurantees the loans.

And there is where the rub comes. If the government guaranteed the loans..... then the banks didn't do it.

The banks were always 'freed up'. There was never anything that prevented banks from making a sub-prime loan. Any bank could have made a subprime loan before the 90s, or the 80s, or even the 70s. Nothing ever prevented a bank from making a bad loan.

They simply didn't. Why? Because it was a bad loan. Without government backing the loan, they would have lost money. So they simply didn't make the loan.

It was government, not the banks, which changed the market incentives, which caused banks to make bad loans.

This is why I say it's 99% government. You are pointing to 1% of the cause. If government had not guaranteed those loans.... we wouldn't be discussing a subprime crash, because it never would have happened.

Before 1997, when Freddie Mac guaranteed sub-prime loans, and allowed them to be bundled with prime loans.... subprime was a niche market. Flat growth from the graph I posted before.

At least I am grateful you are aware of the issue unlike others.
Yeah, quite the polished presentation. Of course there's some truth to every assertion. Way beyond Andy's normal capabilities though so vastly lifted from a Koch Bros think tank bucket no doubt. Problem is some of us were quite alive and aware throughout. Typical rw nutjob rewriting of history. Corporate corruption? Oh np, we'll just skip ahead to everyone freaking out over the outcome and look back very selectively so as to put all the blame on govt. Greedy private lenders, bundlers, financial advisors, investors, insurers? All innocent as the driven snow. Govt made me do it! Bad govt, BAD! Government changed the market incentives causing banks to make bad loans!

Yeah, right. Cry me a river. Who corrupted the govt officials to play along? No higher govt position or salary is lucrative enough for any professional to take on such huge personal risk. It takes a system wide concerted effort by groups of private shitheads with deep, deep pockets and a common commitment to steal all they possibly can in order to keep gaining vastly more. We corrupted them and then they helped us. See? Their fault! We're victims!

First you get some money, then you corrupt some power, then you get boatloads more money!
Want to know who's really to blame? Same as ever.. duh!.. follow the money! Proof that greed uber alles capitalism has been attempted enough and run its course. The supposed "free market" is and always was bullshit doomed to fail. Significant public transparency and oversight is absolutely required. Legal ability to hide and take zero responsibility is the problem.

Government was only responsible for the real estate collapse in that they had repealled Glass-Steagall, and allowed banks to make incredibly risky loans to each other, knowing the government would then be forced to bail them out.
The claim banks were forced to make risky loans to poor and Blacks through prosecution of discrimination cases again banks is a lie.
None of those prosecutions were to help unqualified buyers.

Unqualified buyers had nothing at all to do with the 2008 real estate collapse.
The buyers were not defaulting on payments until after the the ARM rates almost doubled, and no ordinary person could have made those increased payments.
And the defaults were caused by the banks refusing to refinance at fixed rates.

Government was only responsible for the real estate collapse in that they had repealled Glass-Steagall, and allowed banks to make incredibly risky loans to each other, knowing the government would then be forced to bail them out.

Glass-Steagall didn't prevent banks from writing bad mortgages.

It prevented the banks from getting money that wasn't theirs involved.

Bank deposits aren't the banks money? Why not?
Of course you have no proof of this.

You want proof that Obama sued banks in Chicago?
Or that he forced them to make more loans in black neighborhoods?

There were banks sued for redlining.

Banks must make loans to poor people with bad credit scores.

What's the worst that could happen?

Banks were turning down loans for people who would otherwise qualify for a loan based solely on the neighborhood.

Now you may argue a business should be able to do this. Overall I would agree......except for when they take money from the government which they all do.

Banks were turning down loans for people who would otherwise qualify for a loan based solely on the neighborhood.

The data doesn't support your feeling.

I can provide many examples but this one stuck out because it is Trump's justice Dept doing the suing.

Justice Department Sues KleinBank for Redlining Minority Neighborhoods in Minnesota

Thanks for the link.
Where is the part that showed the minority borrowers had lower default rates than other borrowers?

Ask Trump.

I should ask Trump to back up your claim? DURR
Still making the doctors employees of the state. In other words slaves. You want to enslave an entire profession so you can get something for free.

If government took over and didn't pay the doctors what they are getting paid today, we would end up with a huge doctor shortage. You don't go to school for years and years, only to make five figures when it's all said and done.

Doctors make more money under public health care than they do under private insurance.
That is because over half the current overhead for running a medical practice is hiring the huge staff needed to fill out all the insurance paperwork. We are talking about tens of billions wasted.
Also the corporate layers currently skimming are removed, such as the insurance companies and the large medical corporations that have bought up all the medical providers, into monopolies.

Without insurance companies dictating which doctors you have to see, then you have a wider range of choice, so you need fewer doctors and can just keep them more busy.

Another advantage of public health care that people do not realize, is that private insurance often is not taken by out of state providers or in other countries. Travelers do not realize they are not covered at all. And all those prepaid insurance premiums are useless and lost if you change jobs.

Wrong. Providers and doctors are paid less with government patients; typically they only get 2/3 of what they bill out. That's why some are refusing new Medicare and Medicaid patients. It's also why when you see medical facilities close down, it's in lower income neighborhoods where most of the patients are government patients. There is nowhere to recoup those losses.

So how do they recover that lost money? Simple, they increase prices, and private insurance ends up paying the loss. Government is part of the reason insurance premiums keep going up. We baby boomers are retiring.

So what happens with Medicare for All? The same thing that happened in those lower income areas.

Survey: More doctors report they cannot afford to take new Medicaid, Medicare patients

Doctors limit new Medicare patients -

Insurance only pays a fraction of the bill also.

Correct, but working people are more likely to pay the rest than a senior citizen.

Nobody pays it.

Bill: $9000

Insurance: pays $3800.

You owe: $240.
I would vote for anybody that ran on that platform.

You would be an idiot if you didn't also vote for him/her.

It takes courage to do the right thing and undo government screw ups. Too bad we don't have very many politicians with courage. Those same gutless assholes are the ones that you stupid Moon Bats want to run your health care. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

Medicare is one of the most successful programs in the whole country, with admin costs less than 10% that of private health care. The only reason Medicare is not better is that it does not hire its own doctors and nurses directly, like the VA does, and would be even more efficient.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected ... › 2018/06/05 › medicare-outlook-2026-625908

Jun 5, 2018 - Medicare's hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program's trustees said ...

If the military isn't going to go broke, Medicare isn't either.

Bad news Buckwheat.. they're both going to go broke unless the way government operations are conducted drastically changes for the better.

Contrary to popular delusion resources aren't infinite, even in the good ole US of A.

"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." -- Herbert Stein

I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion. If we are going to go down I would prefer doing it by helping people as opposed to needlessly blowing people up.

ROFLMAO! you can't "pay down the 23 trillion", the operating budget deficit is STRUCTURAL and nobody has the will to make the sacrifices necessary to balance it, let alone "pay down the debt". Even if you could muster the willpower to attempt it, paying down the debt would result in a deflationary spiral that would make the Great Depression look like an Easter Egg hunt.

Our monetary system relies on ever increasing debt to keep the party going, get rid of the debt and you have NO monetary system because our currency is BASED on debt.

Higher taxes just means more VOTE BUYING by our boys and girls in Washington, haven't you been paying attention to federal finances for the last 50 years?
The banks were indeed also culpable for what went on. See, I don't try and hide the government's involvement here unlike you and others do with the banks.

So how did we address the mess? We kicked people out of their houses, sometimes illegally, sometimes people who could have stayed but then gave banks billions.
The loans were mostly paid back.

The loans were mostly paid back.

The US Treasury made tens of billions on bank TARP.

No they didn't. We've done this already. Tarp was paid back in large part by Harp. It was all a scam.

You're so dumb.

HARP was about $20 billion.
Bank TARP was $245 billion.

Even a liberal should be able to see the difference.

But you are forgetting that banks work on leveraging.
With too many foreclosures all at once, the value of real estate holdings by banks dropped so low that they could no longer loan out any money.
They are required by law to retains some percentage of assets.
But with too many foreclosures, there were so many homes on the market, those real estate holdings were not worth enough to meet the required retained asset laws.
So banks were out of business completely if not for something like HARP, so slow down foreclosures.
HARP was intended entirely to help banks, and was part of their bail out.
You do not have to totally bail out banks if you can just slightly increase the value of what they are leveraging.

But you are forgetting that banks work on leveraging.

Leverage has nothing to do with pknopp's ignorant claim.

So banks were out of business completely if not for something like HARP

I would vote for anybody that ran on that platform.

You would be an idiot if you didn't also vote for him/her.

It takes courage to do the right thing and undo government screw ups. Too bad we don't have very many politicians with courage. Those same gutless assholes are the ones that you stupid Moon Bats want to run your health care. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

Medicare is one of the most successful programs in the whole country, with admin costs less than 10% that of private health care. The only reason Medicare is not better is that it does not hire its own doctors and nurses directly, like the VA does, and would be even more efficient.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected ... › 2018/06/05 › medicare-outlook-2026-625908

Jun 5, 2018 - Medicare's hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program's trustees said ...

If the military isn't going to go broke, Medicare isn't either.

Bad news Buckwheat.. they're both going to go broke unless the way government operations are conducted drastically changes for the better.

Contrary to popular delusion resources aren't infinite, even in the good ole US of A.

"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." -- Herbert Stein

I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion. If we are going to go down I would prefer doing it by helping people as opposed to needlessly blowing people up.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
That's right, rather than address my point get triggered and call me names.


You should be called names because you are confuses about this big time. You don't get a pass when you take idiotic positions. It doesn't get any more idiotic than advocating that the fucking government control our health care.

I did answer your confusion by saying that the right thing to do is for you pay for your health care and I pay for mine and we leave the worthless corrupt bloated oppressive government out of it.

Do you think any politician would ever get elected on running on ending Medicare?

I would vote for anybody that ran on that platform.

You would be an idiot if you didn't also vote for him/her.

It takes courage to do the right thing and undo government screw ups. Too bad we don't have very many politicians with courage. Those same gutless assholes are the ones that you stupid Moon Bats want to run your health care. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

Medicare is one of the most successful programs in the whole country, with admin costs less than 10% that of private health care. The only reason Medicare is not better is that it does not hire its own doctors and nurses directly, like the VA does, and would be even more efficient.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected ... › 2018/06/05 › medicare-outlook-2026-625908

Jun 5, 2018 - Medicare's hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program's trustees said ...

That is silly because any government program is prohibited from making money, so is always going broke.
The Boomer bubble that will cause 10 years of Social Security shortfall, will also cause a Medicare shortfall, but it is minor, only 10% or so, and will only last a decade or so.
That is not nearly as bad as private health insurance which cost over 100% more, and increasing forever..
Just 10% more for a decade is great in comparison.
You should be called names because you are confuses about this big time. You don't get a pass when you take idiotic positions. It doesn't get any more idiotic than advocating that the fucking government control our health care.

I did answer your confusion by saying that the right thing to do is for you pay for your health care and I pay for mine and we leave the worthless corrupt bloated oppressive government out of it.

First of all, anyone claiming that single payer or public health care takes control of anyone's health care, is just lying.
The whole rest of the civilized world has single payer or public health care, and no where has government taken control.
You can still buy whatever private health care you want in any nation.
All public or single payer does is provide a minimal medical safety net, to break private monopoly and ensure there is at least SOME competition, to bring down prices.
You could do the same thing by allowing hospitals and doctors to advertise their prices and services. Paying cash, by allowing Health Savings Accounts, is another way to lower cost.

The best way to lower cost is simply to get the government out of the business of regulating health care and let the market establish the price.

I trust a company trying to put out a quality product at a competitive cost in a competitive market a lot more than I trust a government bureaucrat with my health care.

Without government regulation, everything since the Industrial Revolution would be a monopoly you could not afford unless you were very wealthy.
It would be a return to feudalism, with company towns and private security armies like Pinkerton busting heads of anyone trying to do anything like form a union.
Do you not understand that unregulated capitalism always reverts to feudalism and slavery?
I grew up in the coal fields of West Virginia. Unions were needed back in that time. Not so much anymore.
Do you think any politician would ever get elected on running on ending Medicare?

I would vote for anybody that ran on that platform.

You would be an idiot if you didn't also vote for him/her.

It takes courage to do the right thing and undo government screw ups. Too bad we don't have very many politicians with courage. Those same gutless assholes are the ones that you stupid Moon Bats want to run your health care. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

Medicare is one of the most successful programs in the whole country, with admin costs less than 10% that of private health care. The only reason Medicare is not better is that it does not hire its own doctors and nurses directly, like the VA does, and would be even more efficient.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected ... › 2018/06/05 › medicare-outlook-2026-625908

Jun 5, 2018 - Medicare's hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program's trustees said ...

If the military isn't going to go broke, Medicare isn't either.
The military is in the constitution. Medicare is not.

A standing military is NOT in the constitution except for coast guard and training facilities.
Medicare is in the constitution because anything that can not be done by the states is in the constitution, and since people move from state to state, there is no other way to track their pension contributions.
And Medicare is financed off pension contributions to SS and FICA.
If government took over and didn't pay the doctors what they are getting paid today, we would end up with a huge doctor shortage. You don't go to school for years and years, only to make five figures when it's all said and done.

Doctors make more money under public health care than they do under private insurance.
That is because over half the current overhead for running a medical practice is hiring the huge staff needed to fill out all the insurance paperwork. We are talking about tens of billions wasted.
Also the corporate layers currently skimming are removed, such as the insurance companies and the large medical corporations that have bought up all the medical providers, into monopolies.

Without insurance companies dictating which doctors you have to see, then you have a wider range of choice, so you need fewer doctors and can just keep them more busy.

Another advantage of public health care that people do not realize, is that private insurance often is not taken by out of state providers or in other countries. Travelers do not realize they are not covered at all. And all those prepaid insurance premiums are useless and lost if you change jobs.

Wrong. Providers and doctors are paid less with government patients; typically they only get 2/3 of what they bill out. That's why some are refusing new Medicare and Medicaid patients. It's also why when you see medical facilities close down, it's in lower income neighborhoods where most of the patients are government patients. There is nowhere to recoup those losses.

So how do they recover that lost money? Simple, they increase prices, and private insurance ends up paying the loss. Government is part of the reason insurance premiums keep going up. We baby boomers are retiring.

So what happens with Medicare for All? The same thing that happened in those lower income areas.

Survey: More doctors report they cannot afford to take new Medicaid, Medicare patients

Doctors limit new Medicare patients -

Insurance only pays a fraction of the bill also.

Correct, but working people are more likely to pay the rest than a senior citizen.

Nobody pays it.

Bill: $9000

Insurance: pays $3800.

You owe: $240.

No, we all pay for it. Do you think doctors and hospitals operate at a loss? They get that lost money back from other places.

It's also why these figures are all wrong by Sander's or anybody else. They are calculating what it would cost for all of us to be on Medicare, not figuring in how to pay for those losses since private pay and private insurance would no longer be doing it.
Greenspan, was a brilliant idiot. You can't trust people to do the right thing, when government is directly suing people to do the wrong thing.

The banks did it when they were freed up and the government gaurantees the loans.

And there is where the rub comes. If the government guaranteed the loans..... then the banks didn't do it.

The banks were always 'freed up'. There was never anything that prevented banks from making a sub-prime loan. Any bank could have made a subprime loan before the 90s, or the 80s, or even the 70s. Nothing ever prevented a bank from making a bad loan.

They simply didn't. Why? Because it was a bad loan. Without government backing the loan, they would have lost money. So they simply didn't make the loan.

It was government, not the banks, which changed the market incentives, which caused banks to make bad loans.

This is why I say it's 99% government. You are pointing to 1% of the cause. If government had not guaranteed those loans.... we wouldn't be discussing a subprime crash, because it never would have happened.

Before 1997, when Freddie Mac guaranteed sub-prime loans, and allowed them to be bundled with prime loans.... subprime was a niche market. Flat growth from the graph I posted before.

At least I am grateful you are aware of the issue unlike others.
Yeah, quite the polished presentation. Of course there's some truth to every assertion. Way beyond Andy's normal capabilities though so vastly lifted from a Koch Bros think tank bucket no doubt. Problem is some of us were quite alive and aware throughout. Typical rw nutjob rewriting of history. Corporate corruption? Oh np, we'll just skip ahead to everyone freaking out over the outcome and look back very selectively so as to put all the blame on govt. Greedy private lenders, bundlers, financial advisors, investors, insurers? All innocent as the driven snow. Govt made me do it! Bad govt, BAD! Government changed the market incentives causing banks to make bad loans!

Yeah, right. Cry me a river. Who corrupted the govt officials to play along? No higher govt position or salary is lucrative enough for any professional to take on such huge personal risk. It takes a system wide concerted effort by groups of private shitheads with deep, deep pockets and a common commitment to steal all they possibly can in order to keep gaining vastly more. We corrupted them and then they helped us. See? Their fault! We're victims!

First you get some money, then you corrupt some power, then you get boatloads more money!
Want to know who's really to blame? Same as ever.. duh!.. follow the money! Proof that greed uber alles capitalism has been attempted enough and run its course. The supposed "free market" is and always was bullshit doomed to fail. Significant public transparency and oversight is absolutely required. Legal ability to hide and take zero responsibility is the problem.

Government was only responsible for the real estate collapse in that they had repealled Glass-Steagall, and allowed banks to make incredibly risky loans to each other, knowing the government would then be forced to bail them out.
The claim banks were forced to make risky loans to poor and Blacks through prosecution of discrimination cases again banks is a lie.
None of those prosecutions were to help unqualified buyers.

Unqualified buyers had nothing at all to do with the 2008 real estate collapse.
The buyers were not defaulting on payments until after the the ARM rates almost doubled, and no ordinary person could have made those increased payments.
And the defaults were caused by the banks refusing to refinance at fixed rates.

Government was only responsible for the real estate collapse in that they had repealled Glass-Steagall, and allowed banks to make incredibly risky loans to each other, knowing the government would then be forced to bail them out.

Glass-Steagall didn't prevent banks from writing bad mortgages.

Writing bad mortgages had nothing at all to do with the 2008 real estate collapse.
What caused the collapse was bundling the bad mortgages into derivatives that then were traded as stocks, as if they were of far greater value than they really were, both allowing banks to pretend they had more assets than they really did, and to essentially force government to secure risky stock investments the government would not have had to secure if Glass-Steagall had not been repealled.

The proof these were not bad mortgages in the first place, is that people had been successfully making payments on them for many years.
It was the changes in 2008 that doubled their monthly payment that caused the home buyers to default, and that was NOT their fault. Blaming individual home buyers is totally incorrect.

Writing bad mortgages had nothing at all to do with the 2008 real estate collapse.

That's hilarious!!

The proof these were not bad mortgages in the first place, is that people had been successfully making payments on them for many years.

Refinancing during the growth phase of a bubble is easy.

It was the changes in 2008 that doubled their monthly payment that caused the home buyers to default

You mean that mortgages that were current at 1% interest and in default at 5% interest were good mortgages?

and that was NOT their fault.

People who took out loans they couldn't afford are entirely blameless?
You ignoring that everything has gone up but only condemning it one area is the one doing the diverting.

Did Obamacare address any portion of costs? No, it was a total failure and a sell out to wall street.

Inflation is not the cause of increased health care costs.
Health care costs are rising at over twice the rate of inflation.
Health care costs are rising due to insurance companies deliberately creating prepaid medical monopolies that prevent people from being able to shop around and get reasonable prices.

That's only part of the root cause (and a small part of it), the majority of the price increase goes back to good old SUPPLY AND DEMAND, namely supply isn't keeping up with accelerating demand, in part because the consumer has been decoupled from the COST (leading to over consumption) and in part because the citizenry is FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD due to poor lifestyle choices (diet and exercise).

If we keep going the way we're going with our lifestyle choices, health care costs due to treatment of chronic diseases and lost productivity will be so high that the nation will be bankrupt no matter what "system" of health insurance we adopt.

Regardless of whether the 3rd party decoupled the consumer of the costs and consequences of their life style, or whether it decoupled them from being able to contest pricing or quality of services, clearly 3rd party, prepaid, health care, has totally and completely failed.
It is not working and can not be fixed without getting rid ot the third party.
And the third party is the insurance company, which adds nothing and greatly takes away.
It is not even the profits they skim that is the worst, but the vast overhead they add in administrative costs for all their required paperwork for claims.

Likely we should switch from a pre-paid system of premiums, to where government underwrites guarantees medical loans you post pay, after you get medical services. That way payments could be based on ability to pay and people below poverty level have their medical loans forgiven.

You're missing the point... it CANNOT be "fixed" by changing who pays and how the bills get paid, it can only be fixed by altering the trajectory of the demand for health care services which involves Americans changing their eating and exercise habits (aka lifestyle) along with re-coupling consumption with actual COST of consumption.

If you don't fix the root causes of accelerating demand our health care costs coupled with the loss of productivity brought about by chronic disease will BANKRUPT the United States and effectively destroy the productive economy.

All this BS about bickering over who handles insurance and what "system" we should adopt is just an exercise in rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

We are 23 Trillion in debt. When do we hit bankruptcy? If we do not have to pay for bombs and bailouts, why do we have to pay for healthcare?

Almost all of the national debt is defense spending.
Most of our annual budget is defense once you include things like VA and GIBill costs.
The national debt still includes SDI, Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
There is essentially no social services in the national debt.
There will be some when SS temporarily short falls by 10% or so, but nothing significant yet.
Medicare is one of the most successful programs in the whole country, with admin costs less than 10% that of private health care. The only reason Medicare is not better is that it does not hire its own doctors and nurses directly, like the VA does, and would be even more efficient.
Medicare to go broke three years earlier than expected ... › 2018/06/05 › medicare-outlook-2026-625908

Jun 5, 2018 - Medicare's hospital trust fund is expected to run out of money in 2026, three years earlier than previously projected, the program's trustees said ...

If the military isn't going to go broke, Medicare isn't either.

Bad news Buckwheat.. they're both going to go broke unless the way government operations are conducted drastically changes for the better.

Contrary to popular delusion resources aren't infinite, even in the good ole US of A.

"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." -- Herbert Stein

I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion. If we are going to go down I would prefer doing it by helping people as opposed to needlessly blowing people up.

ROFLMAO! you can't "pay down the 23 trillion", the operating budget deficit is STRUCTURAL and nobody has the will to make the sacrifices necessary to balance it, let alone "pay down the debt". Even if you could muster the willpower to attempt it, paying down the debt would result in a deflationary spiral that would make the Great Depression look like an Easter Egg hunt.

Our monetary system relies on ever increasing debt to keep the party going, get rid of the debt and you have NO monetary system because our currency is BASED on debt.

Higher taxes just means more VOTE BUYING by our boys and girls in Washington, haven't you been paying attention to federal finances for the last 50 years?
Federal tax revenue was $3.3 trillion in 2018 but they spent $4.1 trillion. The deficit went up $113 billion.
Inflation is not the cause of increased health care costs.
Health care costs are rising at over twice the rate of inflation.
Health care costs are rising due to insurance companies deliberately creating prepaid medical monopolies that prevent people from being able to shop around and get reasonable prices.

That's only part of the root cause (and a small part of it), the majority of the price increase goes back to good old SUPPLY AND DEMAND, namely supply isn't keeping up with accelerating demand, in part because the consumer has been decoupled from the COST (leading to over consumption) and in part because the citizenry is FAT, SICK AND NEARLY DEAD due to poor lifestyle choices (diet and exercise).

If we keep going the way we're going with our lifestyle choices, health care costs due to treatment of chronic diseases and lost productivity will be so high that the nation will be bankrupt no matter what "system" of health insurance we adopt.

Regardless of whether the 3rd party decoupled the consumer of the costs and consequences of their life style, or whether it decoupled them from being able to contest pricing or quality of services, clearly 3rd party, prepaid, health care, has totally and completely failed.
It is not working and can not be fixed without getting rid ot the third party.
And the third party is the insurance company, which adds nothing and greatly takes away.
It is not even the profits they skim that is the worst, but the vast overhead they add in administrative costs for all their required paperwork for claims.

Likely we should switch from a pre-paid system of premiums, to where government underwrites guarantees medical loans you post pay, after you get medical services. That way payments could be based on ability to pay and people below poverty level have their medical loans forgiven.

You're missing the point... it CANNOT be "fixed" by changing who pays and how the bills get paid, it can only be fixed by altering the trajectory of the demand for health care services which involves Americans changing their eating and exercise habits (aka lifestyle) along with re-coupling consumption with actual COST of consumption.

If you don't fix the root causes of accelerating demand our health care costs coupled with the loss of productivity brought about by chronic disease will BANKRUPT the United States and effectively destroy the productive economy.

All this BS about bickering over who handles insurance and what "system" we should adopt is just an exercise in rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

We are 23 Trillion in debt. When do we hit bankruptcy? If we do not have to pay for bombs and bailouts, why do we have to pay for healthcare?
Actually with unfunded liabilities it is closer to $130 trillion. Most is inter government debt.

But by the time those payouts are required, there will be lots more paid in.
Going into debt is not bad, as long as you can invest to ensure pay ins later except the debt and interest.
And with interest around 3% now, it makes sense to increase debt almost as much as possible.
Of course you have no proof of this.

You want proof that Obama sued banks in Chicago?
Or that he forced them to make more loans in black neighborhoods?

There were banks sued for redlining.

Banks must make loans to poor people with bad credit scores.

What's the worst that could happen?

Banks were turning down loans for people who would otherwise qualify for a loan based solely on the neighborhood.

Now you may argue a business should be able to do this. Overall I would agree......except for when they take money from the government which they all do.

Banks were turning down loans for people who would otherwise qualify for a loan based solely on the neighborhood.

The data doesn't support your feeling.

I can provide many examples but this one stuck out because it is Trump's justice Dept doing the suing.

Justice Department Sues KleinBank for Redlining Minority Neighborhoods in Minnesota

Thanks for the link.
Where is the part that showed the minority borrowers had lower default rates than other borrowers?

If minorities can't get loans as easily, then obviously they will have a lower default rate.
For example, if no loans are given to minorities at all, then they would have to have a zero default rate.

If minorities can't get loans as easily, then obviously they will have a lower default rate.

Show me.
You are really dumb Moon Bat, aren't you? Either that or confused about everything, which is evident.

Of course pathetic little Moon Bats like you don't worry about cost because you want the government to control health care so you can get it for free. You are a greedy Moon Bat that thinks you are entitled to free health care simply because you are alive and the government will give it to you.

I have a much better idea than the fucking government doing health care. I'll provide for my own health care and you provide for yours and we leave the corrupt bloated oppressive government out of it. How does that sound Sport?

That's right, rather than address my point get triggered and call me names.


You should be called names because you are confuses about this big time. You don't get a pass when you take idiotic positions. It doesn't get any more idiotic than advocating that the fucking government control our health care.

I did answer your confusion by saying that the right thing to do is for you pay for your health care and I pay for mine and we leave the worthless corrupt bloated oppressive government out of it.

Do you think any politician would ever get elected on running on ending Medicare?

I would vote for anybody that ran on that platform.

You would be an idiot if you didn't also vote for him/her.

It takes courage to do the right thing and undo government screw ups. Too bad we don't have very many politicians with courage. Those same gutless assholes are the ones that you stupid Moon Bats want to run your health care. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

Medicare is one of the most successful programs in the whole country, with admin costs less than 10% that of private health care. The only reason Medicare is not better is that it does not hire its own doctors and nurses directly, like the VA does, and would be even more efficient.

You are confused. Medicare is fucking disaster that the politicians keep raiding money from the program. It also controls what kind of health care you get and how much the payout will be. Who in their right mind would want to sign up for a program where a bureaucrat gets to decide what kind of health care you get?

You are forced by the government to pay for it when you earn money and then they control what you get as payback and that is a stupid program. It is better for you to take care of your own health care and leave the fucking government and their control out of it.

Of course if you a worthless Democrat voting welfare queen or Illegal you don't like the idea of being responsible for anything. You want other people to pay your bills.

Why would you even want to be forced into a program where you had to work in order to pay somebody else's bills? On a moron would sign up for something like that.
You are really dumb Moon Bat, aren't you? Either that or confused about everything, which is evident.

Of course pathetic little Moon Bats like you don't worry about cost because you want the government to control health care so you can get it for free. You are a greedy Moon Bat that thinks you are entitled to free health care simply because you are alive and the government will give it to you.

I have a much better idea than the fucking government doing health care. I'll provide for my own health care and you provide for yours and we leave the corrupt bloated oppressive government out of it. How does that sound Sport?

That's right, rather than address my point get triggered and call me names.


You should be called names because you are confuses about this big time. You don't get a pass when you take idiotic positions. It doesn't get any more idiotic than advocating that the fucking government control our health care.

I did answer your confusion by saying that the right thing to do is for you pay for your health care and I pay for mine and we leave the worthless corrupt bloated oppressive government out of it.

First of all, anyone claiming that single payer or public health care takes control of anyone's health care, is just lying.
The whole rest of the civilized world has single payer or public health care, and no where has government taken control.
You can still buy whatever private health care you want in any nation.
All public or single payer does is provide a minimal medical safety net, to break private monopoly and ensure there is at least SOME competition, to bring down prices.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Don't say it can't happen here.

I'm not against the idea of those who don't take care of themselves paying more.

I'm not against the idea of those who don't take care of themselves paying more.


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