Bernie Sanders: We Will Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Over $29,000 To Fund Government Health Care

How many times has the banking industry needed bailed out? We should trust private industry?

Where the fuck have I ever said they should have been bailed out?

Did I ask you if you did? No. Why not just skip questions you don't want to answer?

What am I skipping? We're talking about government management of a private industry. I'm opposed to it and your argument is... to bring up another instance where government got involved that it shouldn't have? WTF?

You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected, and therefore have to do exactly what we want them to do.
That is way better than for profit corporations that admit they are out to screw us.
And we do not have to speak theoretically.
Public health is the world norm, and is well proven to be vastly superior.
Where the fuck have I ever said they should have been bailed out?

Did I ask you if you did? No. Why not just skip questions you don't want to answer?

What am I skipping? We're talking about government management of a private industry. I'm opposed to it and your argument is... to bring up another instance where government got involved that it shouldn't have? WTF?

You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected, and therefore have to do exactly what we want them to do.
That is way better than for profit corporations that admit they are out to screw us.
And we do not have to speak theoretically.
Public health is the world norm, and is well proven to be vastly superior.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected

When are the elections for your local DMV?

Do you know what bureaucrat means?
I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion.

I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.

I have better idea.

Why don't we for the time being keep the taxes where they are and cut back on spending? The money we cut back on we could use to pay the debt.

We could easily cut back a couple of trillion a year on Federal spending and still spend more money on the cost of government than almost any other country on earth.

When everything is paid off then we can reduce taxes by the amount we had been spending on the debt. Win win for everybody except the filthy welfare queens that suck on the teat of big government.

I pretty much agree except that there really is no federal welfare to speak of.
There is ADC, but no one can really live on that, and that is for the children, not adults.
It is military spending we need to cut back by trillions.

View attachment 291983

Federal government current transfer payments: Government social benefits: to persons | FRED | St. Louis Fed


That's an increase of a trillion a year since Q1 2008.

No, that is a steep DECREASE since it has not kept up with inflation.
I think it is around 2% per year, and that is over an 11 years span, so should be about 25% increase in total.
Did I ask you if you did? No. Why not just skip questions you don't want to answer?

What am I skipping? We're talking about government management of a private industry. I'm opposed to it and your argument is... to bring up another instance where government got involved that it shouldn't have? WTF?

You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected, and therefore have to do exactly what we want them to do.
That is way better than for profit corporations that admit they are out to screw us.
And we do not have to speak theoretically.
Public health is the world norm, and is well proven to be vastly superior.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected

When are the elections for your local DMV?

Do you know what bureaucrat means?

If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for, based on what their policies and attitude towards DMV is.
Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.
I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion.

I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.

I have better idea.

Why don't we for the time being keep the taxes where they are and cut back on spending? The money we cut back on we could use to pay the debt.

We could easily cut back a couple of trillion a year on Federal spending and still spend more money on the cost of government than almost any other country on earth.

When everything is paid off then we can reduce taxes by the amount we had been spending on the debt. Win win for everybody except the filthy welfare queens that suck on the teat of big government.

I pretty much agree except that there really is no federal welfare to speak of.
There is ADC, but no one can really live on that, and that is for the children, not adults.
It is military spending we need to cut back by trillions.

View attachment 291983

Federal government current transfer payments: Government social benefits: to persons | FRED | St. Louis Fed


That's an increase of a trillion a year since Q1 2008.

No, that is a steep DECREASE since it has not kept up with inflation.
I think it is around 2% per year, and that is over an 11 years span, so should be about 25% increase in total.

No, that is a steep DECREASE since it has not kept up with inflation.

$1.321 trillion in Q1 2008 to $2.353 trillion in Q3 2019 (11.5 years) is 2% a year?

Looks more like 5.148% a year.
What am I skipping? We're talking about government management of a private industry. I'm opposed to it and your argument is... to bring up another instance where government got involved that it shouldn't have? WTF?

You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected, and therefore have to do exactly what we want them to do.
That is way better than for profit corporations that admit they are out to screw us.
And we do not have to speak theoretically.
Public health is the world norm, and is well proven to be vastly superior.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected

When are the elections for your local DMV?

Do you know what bureaucrat means?

If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for, based on what their policies and attitude towards DMV is.
Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.

If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for,

I want to vote out every bureaucrat in that entire building.
None of them seem to be on any ballot. Ever.

Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.

I don't have to buy their product.....unlike the DMV, eh?
You're missing the point... it CANNOT be "fixed" by changing who pays and how the bills get paid, it can only be fixed by altering the trajectory of the demand for health care services which involves Americans changing their eating and exercise habits (aka lifestyle) along with re-coupling consumption with actual COST of consumption.

If you don't fix the root causes of accelerating demand our health care costs coupled with the loss of productivity brought about by chronic disease will BANKRUPT the United States and effectively destroy the productive economy.

All this BS about bickering over who handles insurance and what "system" we should adopt is just an exercise in rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

We are 23 Trillion in debt. When do we hit bankruptcy? If we do not have to pay for bombs and bailouts, why do we have to pay for healthcare?

Almost all of the national debt is defense spending.
Most of our annual budget is defense once you include things like VA and GIBill costs.
The national debt still includes SDI, Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
There is essentially no social services in the national debt.
There will be some when SS temporarily short falls by 10% or so, but nothing significant yet.

Almost all of the national debt is defense spending.

You misspelled "entitlement spending".

That is not at all true.
First of all, you can not include self funding programs like Social Security of Medicare.
Second is that not only is about 50% of the rest of the national budget for defense, but all of the interest on past debt is also defense. So the real total for defense spending is more like 75% of the discretionary budget.
You are full of it.

Federal Spending Breakdown
Almost two-thirds of federal spending goes toward paying the benefits required by Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These are part of mandatory spending. Those are programs established by prior Acts of Congress.

The interest payments on the national debt consume 10% of the budget. These are also required to maintain faith in the U.S. government.

The remaining 30% of spending goes toward discretionary spending. This pays for all federal government agencies. The largest is the military.

NO federal spending goes toward paying the benefits required by Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.
They are all pretty much self funding currently, through FICA.
They are not currently part of the federal budget at all.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is our own money being given back to us.
Over the last century, FICA has been running a surplus, which has been used to pay the national debt.
It is only in the next 10 years or so that Social Security will start to run a slight deficit and need federal funding.

Military spending has always been more than half the federal budget.
I love the "tax the corporations" ploy.

Tax corp's and they raise the price of their product that you and I pay for.

Tax big oil & the price of gasoline goes up & you and I pay for it.

We already subsidize corporations with socialism.

Then lets stop the socialism welfare state and let the chips fall where they may.

There is no welfare state in the US, except for corporations.
Bernie the angry elder and his angry younger minions want to punish those who put this country on their back, sacrificed and saved, and made the USA great, They are angry because the would not and did not do it themselves and they feel justified to take..take..take..
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Bernie the angry elder and his angry younger minions want to punish those who put this country on their back, sacrificed and saved, and made the USA great, They are angry because the woikd not and did not do it themselves and they feel justified to take..take..take..

Who is working for the billions the Fed just pumped into wall street?
I see no one demanding higher taxes to pay down the 23 Trillion.

I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.

I have better idea.

Why don't we for the time being keep the taxes where they are and cut back on spending? The money we cut back on we could use to pay the debt.

We could easily cut back a couple of trillion a year on Federal spending and still spend more money on the cost of government than almost any other country on earth.

When everything is paid off then we can reduce taxes by the amount we had been spending on the debt. Win win for everybody except the filthy welfare queens that suck on the teat of big government.
We have a militarist global empire to maintain for the Wall Street banksters and "job creator" class.

Is that why Obama was at war for every day of his administration? To pay back the Wall Street Bankers that contributed considerably more to him than they did to McCain or Romney?

Is that why he also bailed out banks and corporations?

I can't argue with you there.
Obama did badly on being involved in so many wars, especially since he was voted in to get out of wars.
We are 23 Trillion in debt. When do we hit bankruptcy? If we do not have to pay for bombs and bailouts, why do we have to pay for healthcare?

Almost all of the national debt is defense spending.
Most of our annual budget is defense once you include things like VA and GIBill costs.
The national debt still includes SDI, Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq, etc.
There is essentially no social services in the national debt.
There will be some when SS temporarily short falls by 10% or so, but nothing significant yet.

Almost all of the national debt is defense spending.

You misspelled "entitlement spending".

That is not at all true.
First of all, you can not include self funding programs like Social Security of Medicare.
Second is that not only is about 50% of the rest of the national budget for defense, but all of the interest on past debt is also defense. So the real total for defense spending is more like 75% of the discretionary budget.
You are full of it.

Federal Spending Breakdown
Almost two-thirds of federal spending goes toward paying the benefits required by Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These are part of mandatory spending. Those are programs established by prior Acts of Congress.

The interest payments on the national debt consume 10% of the budget. These are also required to maintain faith in the U.S. government.

The remaining 30% of spending goes toward discretionary spending. This pays for all federal government agencies. The largest is the military.

NO federal spending goes toward paying the benefits required by Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.
They are all pretty much self funding currently, through FICA.
They are not currently part of the federal budget at all.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is our own money being given back to us.
Over the last century, FICA has been running a surplus, which has been used to pay the national debt.
It is only in the next 10 years or so that Social Security will start to run a slight deficit and need federal funding.

Military spending has always been more than half the federal budget.
It is STUNNING that 40% of the under 35 crowd does not know nor even believe that We paid into social and Medicare for 30/40/50 years and that if properly invested by government those $200,000 amounts would have rightly doubled and now we are drawing off of what we have already paid for.
COMPLETELY different than food stamps, unemployment, housing vouchers and other moocher distributions.
Bernie the angry elder and his angry younger minions want to punish those who put this country on their back, sacrificed and saved, and made the USA great, They are angry because the woikd not and did not do it themselves and they feel justified to take..take..take..

Who is working for the billions the Fed just pumped into wall street?
Not the topic so lousy diversion and go ahead and answer your deflective smoke screen yourself.
I am. Have been for years. I think taxes should automatically go up (across the board, not the usual "targeted" bullshit - the increase needs to hit everyone) until we reach a balanced budget. It's the only way we'll get a true read on how much government people actually want. As it is, with no one paying for it, people will vote for every "free shit" program that is proposed.

I have better idea.

Why don't we for the time being keep the taxes where they are and cut back on spending? The money we cut back on we could use to pay the debt.

We could easily cut back a couple of trillion a year on Federal spending and still spend more money on the cost of government than almost any other country on earth.

When everything is paid off then we can reduce taxes by the amount we had been spending on the debt. Win win for everybody except the filthy welfare queens that suck on the teat of big government.

I pretty much agree except that there really is no federal welfare to speak of.
There is ADC, but no one can really live on that, and that is for the children, not adults.
It is military spending we need to cut back by trillions.

View attachment 291983

Federal government current transfer payments: Government social benefits: to persons | FRED | St. Louis Fed


That's an increase of a trillion a year since Q1 2008.

No, that is a steep DECREASE since it has not kept up with inflation.
I think it is around 2% per year, and that is over an 11 years span, so should be about 25% increase in total.

No, that is a steep DECREASE since it has not kept up with inflation.

$1.321 trillion in Q1 2008 to $2.353 trillion in Q3 2019 (11.5 years) is 2% a year?

Looks more like 5.148% a year.

You are right my math was off.
But when you expand the graph on both sides, you see the graph is steeper under Bush and Trump, than it is under Obama.
And I am still not sure what "federal government social benefits paid to persons" actually are?
You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected, and therefore have to do exactly what we want them to do.
That is way better than for profit corporations that admit they are out to screw us.
And we do not have to speak theoretically.
Public health is the world norm, and is well proven to be vastly superior.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected

When are the elections for your local DMV?

Do you know what bureaucrat means?

If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for, based on what their policies and attitude towards DMV is.
Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.

If you want DMV changed, then you change who you vote for,

I want to vote out every bureaucrat in that entire building.
None of them seem to be on any ballot. Ever.

Which is way better than private enterprise that just flat out admits they are out to gain all the money from you they can get.

I don't have to buy their product.....unlike the DMV, eh?

I personally like the DMV for the most part.
Although I would like the EPA to stop discriminating against diesels.

And you DO have to buy the product of private corporations when it comes to health care, because it is a monopoly.
Where the fuck have I ever said they should have been bailed out?

Did I ask you if you did? No. Why not just skip questions you don't want to answer?

What am I skipping? We're talking about government management of a private industry. I'm opposed to it and your argument is... to bring up another instance where government got involved that it shouldn't have? WTF?

You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

Private industry cry's to the government to bail them out and they do. I do not care that you say you do not support that, it's what happens.

Now again, try and end Medicare.

Then what the fuck are you even arguing with me about?

I already gave you my response on Medicare - just because it's "liked" doesn't mean it's viable. I don't have to do jack shit, it will implode on it's own. As will Social Security. Mathematics are immutable.
Bernie the angry elder and his angry younger minions want to punish those who put this country on their back, sacrificed and saved, and made the USA great, They are angry because the would not and did not do it themselves and they feel justified to take..take..take..

That makes no sense, because Bernie's Medicare for all would save EVERYONE lots of money.
It does not punish anyone.
Medicare for all would give to everyone.
Where the fuck have I ever said they should have been bailed out?

Did I ask you if you did? No. Why not just skip questions you don't want to answer?

What am I skipping? We're talking about government management of a private industry. I'm opposed to it and your argument is... to bring up another instance where government got involved that it shouldn't have? WTF?

You were complaining that the government makes bad decisions. I was pointing out that private business does also.

Actually I'm actually saying the government ALWAYS makes bad decisions. And why wouldn't they when there's no accountability? When they fuck up they can just dump it on the taxpayers.

When private industry fucks up, they either have to fix it or lose out to competition. So yeah, I have far more faith in private enterprise than a bunch of bureaucrats.

That makes no sense to be because the bureaucrats are elected, and therefore have to do exactly what we want them to do.
That is way better than for profit corporations that admit they are out to screw us.
And we do not have to speak theoretically.
Public health is the world norm, and is well proven to be vastly superior.

No it's not and no it isn't. There is a wealth of information about the failures of socialized medicine available at your fingertips. Read it.

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