Bernie Sanders, who's parents were Holocaust survivors, defends Hamas..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Listening to Bernie Sanders saying Americans are asking 'Why is Israel doing such awful things to
Palestinians" And Bernie is right about some Americans!
To those of you "Americans" that think Israel is in the wrong and Hamas is the victim...
Here is the results of Hamas and some Americans desire for Israel..

Listening to Bernie Sanders saying Americans are asking 'Why is Israel doing such awful things to
Palestinians" And Bernie is right about some Americans!
To those of you "Americans" that think Israel is in the wrong and Hamas is the victim...
Here is the results of Hamas and some Americans desire for Israel..

View attachment 870878
Bernie said "Palestinians" (civilians)...not "Hamas" (terrorists).
And he is correct. Which is not antisemitic.

You've just cemented my opinion that you are full of shit. :)
There are lots of them chuckles. And by my hasty math, Palestinians have suffered an almost 8 to 1 ratio of dead since 10/7.

But hey, don't listen to me. Here's some numbers from people who would know firsthand. And even these numbers..look low.

There are lots of them chuckles. And by my hasty math, Palestinians have suffered an almost 8 to 1 ratio of dead since 10/7.

But hey, don't listen to me. Here's some numbers from people who would know firsthand. And even these numbers..look low.

Gaza could have been the Singapore of SW Asia/North Africa. They got BILLIONS of dollars of aid. In 2020 alone, the UN Agencies spent over 600 MILLION Dollars. Over 4 - 1/2 BILLION dollars from 2014 to 2020.

But instead of building schools, instead of educating their people, instead of building reliable infrastructure, they chose violence. Against insurmountable odds. They have no Army, they have no -- They're just shit people. Garbage.

Murdering, raping, torturing complete and total scum. ALL of them can got to Hell sooner rather than later.
There are lots of them chuckles. And by my hasty math, Palestinians have suffered an almost 8 to 1 ratio of dead since 10/7.

But hey, don't listen to me. Here's some numbers from people who would know firsthand. And even these numbers..look low.

The source of the death numbers is the Gaza Health Ministry according to ...
Luke Baker, a former Reuters bureau chief in Jerusalem, is among those calling on news organisations to show scepticism.

“It seems obvious that any self-respecting news organisation would make clear that Gaza’s health ministry is run by Hamas. Hamas has a clear propaganda incentive to inflate civilian casualties as much as possible. I’m not denying there are civilians being killed,” Baker posted on X.

The Palestinian Health ministry was also the source many MSM sources that you probably believe wrote this:
Questioning of the reliability of the Gaza health ministry’s numbers follows the dispute over who was responsible for a large explosion at al-Ahli Arab hospital, and how many died in it.

The ministry claimed there were at least 500 deaths in an Israeli airstrike. Later accounts suggested that a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket aimed at Israel was responsible and that there was a lower death toll, of between 100 and 300 people, although a final figure has not been settled on.
Now here is the important part!!!
"that a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket aimed at Israel was responsible "
Do you understand? Hamas shot the rocket that the ministry blamed Israel for 500 deaths!
As a consequence they revised the number down.
By the way here is what was hit and NOT the hospital as the Hamas first claimed!
On 17 October 2023, an explosion took place in the parking lot of the courtyard of al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City during the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, resulting in a large number of fatalities and injuries among displaced Palestinians seeking shelter there. c. 6:59–7:00 p.m.
There are lots of them chuckles. And by my hasty math, Palestinians have suffered an almost 8 to 1 ratio of dead since 10/7.

But hey, don't listen to me. Here's some numbers from people who would know firsthand. And even these numbers..look low.

Many are buried in rubble also. Not sure the numbers include those as missing or unaccounted for which would raise the numbers significantly.
Gaza could have been the Singapore of SW Asia/North Africa. They got BILLIONS of dollars of aid. In 2020 alone, the UN Agencies spent over 600 MILLION Dollars. Over 4 - 1/2 BILLION dollars from 2014 to 2020.

But instead of building schools, instead of educating their people, instead of building reliable infrastructure, they chose violence. Against insurmountable odds. They have no Army, they have no -- They're just shit people. Garbage.

Murdering, raping, torturing complete and total scum. ALL of them can got to Hell sooner rather than later.
Yeah, and if you believe that, I've got a bridge in Lower Manhattan I'd like to sell you. I swear, I own it. :)
Again, to recap for those of you with short attention spans, these people were essentially imprisoned behind a wall in a 25 mile strip of land that is some of the most heavily surveilled real estate on the planet. All while the government that imprisoned them built up Hamas as a counterbalance to the PA that would have demanded more from Israel. So after doing this, and NOT building any bridges with the people of Gaza (like helping to build schools, build reliable infrastructure, and help educate their people), who did you think the people of Gaza were going to turn to???...yep..the worst of their lot.

Again, if you think 10/7 happened in a vacuum, you aren't paying attention.
Listening to Bernie Sanders saying Americans are asking 'Why is Israel doing such awful things to
Palestinians" And Bernie is right about some Americans!
To those of you "Americans" that think Israel is in the wrong and Hamas is the victim...
Here is the results of Hamas and some Americans desire for Israel..


View attachment 870878
I listened to radical Margaret Brennan bashing him why he is against a ceasefire. She is worse than him.
Be a Jew, be a homo, be Christian, be atheist be right, be left... stop the crap though not everyone has to be you
Many are buried in rubble also. Not sure the numbers include those as missing or unaccounted for which would raise the numbers significantly.
More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II―one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known.
Amazon product ASIN 0889225672.

Who's fault was these 9 million German deaths?
Who elected Hitler... the German people.
On August 19, 1934, Adolf Hitler, already chancellor, is also elected president of Germany in an unprecedented consolidation of power in the short history of the republic.

In 1932, German President Paul von Hindenburg, old, tired, and a bit senile, had won re-election as president but had lost a considerable portion of his right/conservative support to the Nazi Party. Those close to the president wanted a cozier relationship to Hitler and the Nazis. Hindenburg had contempt for the Nazis’ lawlessness but ultimately agreed to oust his chancellor, Heinrich Bruning, for Franz von Papen, who was willing to appease the Nazis by lifting the ban on Hitler’s Brown Shirts and unilaterally canceling Germany’s reparation payments, imposed by the Treaty of Versailles at the close of World War I.

So what was the result? WWII due to Germany's invasion of European countries,
and joined by Japan and Italy WWII!

The price of war!
The source of the death numbers is the Gaza Health Ministry according to ...
Luke Baker, a former Reuters bureau chief in Jerusalem, is among those calling on news organisations to show scepticism.

“It seems obvious that any self-respecting news organisation would make clear that Gaza’s health ministry is run by Hamas. Hamas has a clear propaganda incentive to inflate civilian casualties as much as possible. I’m not denying there are civilians being killed,” Baker posted on X.

The Palestinian Health ministry was also the source many MSM sources that you probably believe wrote this:
Questioning of the reliability of the Gaza health ministry’s numbers follows the dispute over who was responsible for a large explosion at al-Ahli Arab hospital, and how many died in it.

The ministry claimed there were at least 500 deaths in an Israeli airstrike. Later accounts suggested that a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket aimed at Israel was responsible and that there was a lower death toll, of between 100 and 300 people, although a final figure has not been settled on.
Now here is the important part!!!
"that a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket aimed at Israel was responsible "
Do you understand? Hamas shot the rocket that the ministry blamed Israel for 500 deaths!
As a consequence they revised the number down.
By the way here is what was hit and NOT the hospital as the Hamas first claimed!
On 17 October 2023, an explosion took place in the parking lot of the courtyard of al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City during the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, resulting in a large number of fatalities and injuries among displaced Palestinians seeking shelter there. c. 6:59–7:00 p.m.
View attachment 870891
What does this have to do with the number of dead in Gaza? Looking at what Israel had done in Northern Gaza the week prior with their bombings, it was clear to those know, that had thinking brain cells that this wasn't a bomb.
Again, almost 8 to 1 dead.

Never throw rocks at people with machine guns.
Never shoot missiles at people with F-16s.
Philosopher TroglocratsRdumb
More than 9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II―one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known.
Amazon product ASIN 0889225672.

Who's fault was these 9 million German deaths?
Who elected Hitler... the German people.
On August 19, 1934, Adolf Hitler, already chancellor, is also elected president of Germany in an unprecedented consolidation of power in the short history of the republic.

In 1932, German President Paul von Hindenburg, old, tired, and a bit senile, had won re-election as president but had lost a considerable portion of his right/conservative support to the Nazi Party. Those close to the president wanted a cozier relationship to Hitler and the Nazis. Hindenburg had contempt for the Nazis’ lawlessness but ultimately agreed to oust his chancellor, Heinrich Bruning, for Franz von Papen, who was willing to appease the Nazis by lifting the ban on Hitler’s Brown Shirts and unilaterally canceling Germany’s reparation payments, imposed by the Treaty of Versailles at the close of World War I.

So what was the result? WWII due to Germany's invasion of European countries,
and joined by Japan and Italy WWII!

The price of war!

The civilian death toll in Japan from Allied bombing was between 330,000 and 900,000 with an additional 112,000 killed from the atomic bombs.

Again... the price of the Japanese people letting the military run their country!
It is always the people who ultimately let their deaths occur....eventually!
What does this have to do with the number of dead in Gaza? Looking at what Israel had done in Northern Gaza the week prior with their bombings, it was clear to those know, that had thinking brain cells that this wasn't a bomb.
Again, almost 8 to 1 dead.

Again... Reuters' states.."according to "Gaza Health Industry"!
There is no way of any actual visual count of the dead and the cause of death!

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