Bernie Sells Out To Hillary

I simply cannot fathom their message. Both are whining and bitching about the state of the nation. Both have been United States Senators. Hillary has been Secretary of State. Hillary touted Obama as being the Black savior to America after he kicked her ass in the Democrat Primary. The Republicans in Congress have just about given Obama everything he wanted with very little real opposition. Still, after seven and a half years under Obama and the Democrats getting everything they wanted, according to Hillary and Bernie, the nation is in one hellova shape. How could this possibly be true?
You have either (1) been living under a rock or (2) on a very long drunk for the past 7 years if you think the GOP Congress has given BHO "everything" he wanted.

Sober up, and wake up.

Well, apparently many of Bernie's supporters have also been on a seven and a half year drunk as well since they walked out on the both of them.
Trump needs to spend about 10% of his ad budget keeping "millennials" limited attentions focused on Hillary's links to Wall Street. That is if he really thinks The Democrat Party can resist throwing her under the bus. Of course the WS link will work for Fauxahontas...........dunno about Mr. Ketchup, though. Probably no concern, his fortunes seem to be fading.
Trump needs to spend about 10% of his ad budget keeping "millennials" limited attentions focused on Hillary's links to Wall Street. That is if he really thinks The Democrat Party can resist throwing her under the bus. Of course the WS link will work for Fauxahontas...........dunno about Mr. Ketchup, though. Probably no concern, his fortunes seem to be fading.
Mr. Ketchup?
"Bernie Sells Out To Hillary"


No one buys this partisan tripe.

Apparently a lot of Bernie's supporters buy into it. You go right ahead and drink the Kool-Aid.
The large amounts of retweets from Trump supporters of Bernie supporters jumping on the Trump train tells me the rumors are true. He'll grab at least 20% if not more of the Bernie Bro's. Their platforms were pretty similar less Bernie's FREE things for everyone and the constant harping on confiscating people's wealth.

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