Bernie Sells Out To Hillary

Did you see her silly ass head bobbing through Sanders speech :lol: :lol: :lol: Everything she never ran on was suddenly "yes" "yes" "uh huh" "uh huh"


hot sauce in her purse and free college for everyone

And all of it ain't going to happen. Frankly, I am a little disappointed that she felt she even had to mention some of his from Mars rhetoric, because be assured after the convention she is going to do a hard right to get all of the never Trump people which is half of the Republican party, and they aren't going to vote for free college education. Of course neither would Democrats--LOL

You have your yuppie generation (30--40 year olds) that paid for their own college education, and of course the baby boomer generation (the largest) that paid for their own college education, and they aren't going to vote for anyone who says they have to pay for the millennials. Regardless if they're democrat or republican.
So if half of the #nevertrump are Republicans how the hell did Trump amass well over 1M more votes than Romney did and accumulate more votes than anyone in the history of the Republican party? (in a Primary)

While he won the nomination, it's very clear that the majority of Republicans did not vote for him. And in that--is the problem.

"Not only did Trump receive less than 50 percent of the vote during the primary, he also set another record – for most votes against a frontrunner. More than
16 million people cast votes for another candidate, according to a Washington Post analysis."
In Raleigh, Trump claims he received most-ever GOP votes

And here is how it happened:
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

With SIXTEEN OTHER CANDIDATES running against him, and the Hildebeast ALMOST getting beat by a fucking guy that wasn't even a DemoRAT a little over a years ago, you seem to think you're on some sort of high ground....while you sink from your lack of common sense!

When Donald Trump was the ONLY candidate left in this race, there were still Republicans voting for other already dropped out candidates to the tune of 14% to 30% in the final primary states. That's not a good sign of support for Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton had a fierce competitor (Bernie Sanders) all the way through to the last primary, and she still came out with 2,504,664 more popular votes that Donald Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote!

I imagine that is because there are more DemoRAT voters registered than Republicans...Independents make up the MOST!
And all of it ain't going to happen. Frankly, I am a little disappointed that she felt she even had to mention some of his from Mars rhetoric, because be assured after the convention she is going to do a hard right to get all of the never Trump people which is half of the Republican party, and they aren't going to vote for free college education. Of course neither would Democrats--LOL

You have your yuppie generation (30--40 year olds) that paid for their own college education, and of course the baby boomer generation (the largest) that paid for their own college education, and they aren't going to vote for anyone who says they have to pay for the millennials. Regardless if they're democrat or republican.
So if half of the #nevertrump are Republicans how the hell did Trump amass well over 1M more votes than Romney did and accumulate more votes than anyone in the history of the Republican party? (in a Primary)

While he won the nomination, it's very clear that the majority of Republicans did not vote for him. And in that--is the problem.

"Not only did Trump receive less than 50 percent of the vote during the primary, he also set another record – for most votes against a frontrunner. More than
16 million people cast votes for another candidate, according to a Washington Post analysis."
In Raleigh, Trump claims he received most-ever GOP votes

And here is how it happened:
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

With SIXTEEN OTHER CANDIDATES running against him, and the Hildebeast ALMOST getting beat by a fucking guy that wasn't even a DemoRAT a little over a years ago, you seem to think you're on some sort of high ground....while you sink from your lack of common sense!

When Donald Trump was the ONLY candidate left in this race, there were still Republicans voting for other already dropped out candidates to the tune of 14% to 30% in the final primary states. That's not a good sign of support for Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton had a fierce competitor (Bernie Sanders) all the way through to the last primary, and she still came out with 2,504,664 more popular votes that Donald Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote!

I imagine that is because there are more DemoRAT voters registered than Republicans...Independents make up the MOST!

You mean you finally figured that out--LOL. Democrats do outnumber Republicans in the country. Republicans are actually the minority party.

They are around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46-47 million, and Independents make up for the largest voting block, representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Now you have some kind of idea what's going to happen on election night, especially when you have half of the Republican party that won't be casting a vote for Donald Trump.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News
So if half of the #nevertrump are Republicans how the hell did Trump amass well over 1M more votes than Romney did and accumulate more votes than anyone in the history of the Republican party? (in a Primary)

While he won the nomination, it's very clear that the majority of Republicans did not vote for him. And in that--is the problem.

"Not only did Trump receive less than 50 percent of the vote during the primary, he also set another record – for most votes against a frontrunner. More than
16 million people cast votes for another candidate, according to a Washington Post analysis."
In Raleigh, Trump claims he received most-ever GOP votes

And here is how it happened:
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

With SIXTEEN OTHER CANDIDATES running against him, and the Hildebeast ALMOST getting beat by a fucking guy that wasn't even a DemoRAT a little over a years ago, you seem to think you're on some sort of high ground....while you sink from your lack of common sense!

When Donald Trump was the ONLY candidate left in this race, there were still Republicans voting for other already dropped out candidates to the tune of 14% to 30% in the final primary states. That's not a good sign of support for Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton had a fierce competitor (Bernie Sanders) all the way through to the last primary, and she still came out with 2,504,664 more popular votes that Donald Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote!

I imagine that is because there are more DemoRAT voters registered than Republicans...Independents make up the MOST!

You mean you finally figured that out--LOL. Democrats do outnumber Republicans in the country. Republicans are actually the minority party.

They are around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46-47 million, and Independents make up for the largest voting block, representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Now you have some kind of idea what's going to happen on election night, especially when you have half of the Republican party that won't be casting a vote for Donald Trump.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

Rasmussen National Poll: Trump 43%, Clinton 39% – Trump Leads with Independents 45% to 27%...
Rasmussen National Poll: Donald Trump 42%, Hillary Clinton 37%…trump-43-clinton-39-...
Jun 30, 2016 - With Independent Voters (no party affiliation) Trump leads Clinton 45/27: ... Basic Math: Take the 28% undecided from 100 you get 72% remain.
This so true...
While he won the nomination, it's very clear that the majority of Republicans did not vote for him. And in that--is the problem.

"Not only did Trump receive less than 50 percent of the vote during the primary, he also set another record – for most votes against a frontrunner. More than
16 million people cast votes for another candidate, according to a Washington Post analysis."
In Raleigh, Trump claims he received most-ever GOP votes

And here is how it happened:
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

With SIXTEEN OTHER CANDIDATES running against him, and the Hildebeast ALMOST getting beat by a fucking guy that wasn't even a DemoRAT a little over a years ago, you seem to think you're on some sort of high ground....while you sink from your lack of common sense!

When Donald Trump was the ONLY candidate left in this race, there were still Republicans voting for other already dropped out candidates to the tune of 14% to 30% in the final primary states. That's not a good sign of support for Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton had a fierce competitor (Bernie Sanders) all the way through to the last primary, and she still came out with 2,504,664 more popular votes that Donald Trump.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote!

I imagine that is because there are more DemoRAT voters registered than Republicans...Independents make up the MOST!

You mean you finally figured that out--LOL. Democrats do outnumber Republicans in the country. Republicans are actually the minority party.

They are around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46-47 million, and Independents make up for the largest voting block, representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Now you have some kind of idea what's going to happen on election night, especially when you have half of the Republican party that won't be casting a vote for Donald Trump.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

Rasmussen National Poll: Trump 43%, Clinton 39% – Trump Leads with Independents 45% to 27%...
Rasmussen National Poll: Donald Trump 42%, Hillary Clinton 37%…trump-43-clinton-39-...
Jun 30, 2016 - With Independent Voters (no party affiliation) Trump leads Clinton 45/27: ... Basic Math: Take the 28% undecided from 100 you get 72% remain.

Did you read the internals of this poll--1000 people participated in this Rasmussen (online) poll you're touting, out of 240 million voters. In fact it's the only poll that shows Trump with any kind of lead.

There is a lot of blue in this one.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I'm sure if it was Bernie that got 3.75 million more votes in the primaries then Hillary would be selling out to him. It is the way it works.
he didn't "sell out" he relinquished the party nomination with dignity as every losing candidate should.
here's a little perspective from 2008 when hillary relinquished the nomination...........

One week after Sen. Hillary Clinton made a public show of unity with Sen. Barack Obama, a new survey suggests supporters of the New York senator are increasingly less likely to follow her lead.

A growing number of Clinton supporters polled say they may stay home in November instead of casting their ballot for Obama, an indication the party has yet to coalesce around the Illinois senator four weeks after the most prolonged and at times divisive primary race in modern American history came to a close.

...only 60 percent of Clinton backers polled said they planned on voting for Obama. In the latest poll, that number has dropped to 54 percent.

In early June, 22 percent of Clinton supporters polled said they would not vote at all if Obama were the party's nominee, now close to a third say they will stay home.

In another sign the wounds of the heated primary race have yet to heal, 43 percent of registered Democrats polled still say they would prefer Clinton to be the party's presidential nominee.
Watch why Clinton supporters are struggling with supporting Obama »

That number is significantly higher than it was in early June, when 35 percent of Democrats polled said they preferred Clinton to lead the party's presidential ticket.

Poll: Some Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama -
I'm flabbergasted that anyone is surprised that Bernie is a sellout.
I'm flabbergasted that anyone is surprised that Bernie is a sellout.
He struck a lot of people as an honest man, including me.

Not me. An honest Independent would never have run for the Democrat spot in the first place.
He was honest about his communist agenda.

Well yes, but he didn't call it Communism (at least when I bothered to pay attention).
I'm flabbergasted that anyone is surprised that Bernie is a sellout.
He struck a lot of people as an honest man, including me.

Not me. An honest Independent would never have run for the Democrat spot in the first place.
He was honest about his communist agenda.

Well yes, but he didn't call it Communism (at least when I bothered to pay attention).
They never do.
I'm flabbergasted that anyone is surprised that Bernie is a sellout.
He struck a lot of people as an honest man, including me.

Not me. An honest Independent would never have run for the Democrat spot in the first place.
He was honest about his communist agenda.

Well yes, but he didn't call it Communism (at least when I bothered to pay attention).
They never do.

And that is why they, including Bernie, are dishonest. Democrat and Liberal are Orwellian in the present day.
Everyone will have to change their bumper stickers from "Feel the Bern" to "Feeling Burned"....

I'd give credit to the person who said that, but I can't recall where I read it.

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