Bernie Sells Out To Hillary

Sanders Finally Endorses Clinton After Heated Primary

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton at New Hampshire Rally

Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, capping off a contentious presidential primary and solidifying the former secretary of state's hold on the Democratic party.

"I have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton," Sanders said while standing next to Clinton at an event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

"This campaign is not really about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. This campaign is about the needs of the American people and addressing the very serious crises that we face," Sander said. "And there is no doubt in my mind that as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that."

The event helped fuse two wings of the Democratic party together that, despite their real differences, seem to be closer together than their counterparts across the aisle. Many of Trump's primary challengers have yet to endorse him.

Sanders may not formally suspend his campaign, however, for procedural reasons related to the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Sanders and Clinton are not particularly close, and have not seen each other face-to-face since a private meeting at a Washington hotel last month. But they have been on the same side of political fights before.

Gee. Isn't he the same guy who told his supporters last month that HItlery would make a lousy POTUS?? And now here he is kissing her skank ass??

Don't think his supporters will be pleased. They supported him because they didn't like HItlery.

Well they can vote for Trump or stay home.

Should be interesting.
her speech could have been written for Sanders.

She can read a teleprompter and make a good speech, but I nearly got sick listening to her and didn't believe a word

What has she been doing the last 16yrs? Now she sees the light and decides to do a 180?
her speech could have been written for Sanders.

She can read a teleprompter and make a good speech, but I nearly got sick listening to her and didn't believe a word

What has she been doing the last 16yrs? Now she sees the light and decides to do a 180?

She sees the light at the end of the tunnel, and will say anything to achieve her goal
her speech could have been written for Sanders.

She can read a teleprompter and make a good speech, but I nearly got sick listening to her and didn't believe a word

What has she been doing the last 16yrs? Now she sees the light and decides to do a 180?
I think even her followers can't stand her screeches.

I mean speeches.

They probably turn the volume down and read the captions.
So, what do you figure?

Head of NSA?

Nothing. She won't get elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. Half of the Republican party won't vote for Trump, and we know Democrats won't vote for him.

Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Republicans for Hillary? -

In fact, the only hope for Republicans was a Bernie Sanders nominee. In fact, Republicans were doing a lot of operation Bernie voting in a lot of these open primary states, looking for the weakest candidate for Trump to beat in the General.

This country is center, it always has been it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist, that has communist leanings.

If Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Just sounds to me like both are saying that seven and a half years of the first Black President has been a total failure and that somehow Hillary is magically going to make everything right that Obama failed in accomplishing. More freebies for the "victims" the Democrat Party's policies have created.
her speech could have been written for Sanders.

She can read a teleprompter and make a good speech, but I nearly got sick listening to her and didn't believe a word

What has she been doing the last 16yrs? Now she sees the light and decides to do a 180?
I think even her followers can't stand her screeches.

I mean speeches.

They probably turn the volume down and read the captions.

It is better than the volume and tone of her speaking

Getting so fed up with this elections and we still have months to go............
What do you expect Sanders should do? Like Jeb Bush or Kasich support to Trump?
I see lots of my countrymen panicking.
Do what Ron Paul did in 2012..not support/endorse/campaign for Romney.

Ron Paul (like him or hate him) isn't/wasn't a sell out and has principles. Bernie on the other hand is a douche bag for selling out his supporters and lying to them.

Trump will benefit from Bernie's ass-hatterie
What do you expect Sanders should do? Like Jeb Bush or Kasich support to Trump?
I see lots of my countrymen panicking.
Do what Ron Paul did in 2012..not support/endorse/campaign for Romney.

Ron Paul (like him or hate him) isn't/wasn't a sell out and has principles. Bernie on the other hand is a douche bag for selling out his supporters and lying to them.

Trump will benefit from Bernie's ass-hatterie
I admit, I am disappointed. He struck me as honest and incorruptible no matter his politics.
is Hillary taking up bernies rhetoric about free college, healthcare etc?
Yes, obviously you don't watch or read much.
I was making a point. I find it funny hill supporters say those goals werent in the realm of possibility, yet, now, the **** has changed half her platform LOL
Did you see her silly ass head bobbing through Sanders speech :lol: :lol: :lol: Everything she never ran on was suddenly "yes" "yes" "uh huh" "uh huh"


hot sauce in her purse and free college for everyone
is Hillary taking up bernies rhetoric about free college, healthcare etc?
Yes, obviously you don't watch or read much.
I was making a point. I find it funny hill supporters say those goals werent in the realm of possibility, yet, now, the **** has changed half her platform LOL
Did you see her silly ass head bobbing through Sanders speech :lol: :lol: :lol: Everything she never ran on was suddenly "yes" "yes" "uh huh" "uh huh"


hot sauce in her purse and free college for everyone

She sure is generous with other peoples money.

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