Bernie supporter loves gulags and hopes to put American rich people in them to teach them a lesson..

Now besides all the other policy reasons not to vote for parasite Bernie there is this glimpse into the sort of people
that help run his campaign. Frightening stuff!


A Neo-Nazi Trump supporter wants to exterminate all non-whites.....

"Lin praised Adolf Hitler and said he wanted all nonwhite people to be wiped off the planet"

Neo-Nazi Trump Fan Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Murder Miami Hispanics

The fun part is......of the 2 positions....only one of them has ACTUALLY HAPPENED all thru out most of modern history.....I don't recall any policies about rich people being thrown in gulags....

Got a link??
That's Bernie for you. Kicked out a commune, never worked a job in his life. And many of you want him? Fukin retards.
Golly gee whizz

I wonder what they're trying to frantically erase

Any left winger tells ya that this latest guy is an exception not the rule ....they're just useful idiots

Golly gee normies and indies ....what does the left label all those who simply disagree with them .....couldn't be racist nazi would it

The good news your stay in a gulag pays a living wage
Apparently, there are many communist thugs,working for Bernie, exactly like that Gulag supporter

Why are people surprised at this? Bernie is a fucking communist. The asshole went to the Soviet Union and praised it for Christ’s sake.
If there is another thread on the Project Veritas video of the Bernie Sanders supporter and Iowa coordinator praising Soviet Gulags and his hope that when the win the election they can send Americans who oppose them to Gulags.....please merge this....

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"
It's long overdue to stop calling the major political party against Republicans, Democrats. We all need to call them out as to what they really are: Marxists or Communists.
They are neither Democratic, nor Progressive.
A Neo-Nazi Trump supporter wants to exterminate all non-whites.....

"Lin praised Adolf Hitler and said he wanted all nonwhite people to be wiped off the planet"

Neo-Nazi Trump Fan Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Murder Miami Hispanics

The fun part is......of the 2 positions....only one of them has ACTUALLY HAPPENED all thru out most of modern history.....I don't recall any policies about rich people being thrown in gulags....

Got a link??

Totally random guy vs an actual campaign worker. Way to compare apples and bowling balls.
DES MOINES, IA—After a Bernie Sanders organizer waxed poetic over the beauty of gulags and the need for reeducating the people, Sanders clarified that his gulags will actually be democratic gulags.

"These aren't your regular, totalitarian, Soviet gulags -- not that there's anything wrong with that -- these are democratic gulags," he said in a clarifying speech. "We vote on the prison camps so it's not like a nasty dictatorship thing."

He then sent a memo to his staff reminding them that the gulags weren't supposed to be revealed until phase 2 of his plan.

Sanders was reportedly angered and disappointed at the staffer who let the cat out of the bag in a video released by Project Veritas.

"Remember, we start with promises of free stuff, then we throw everybody in the gulags once we're in office," an exasperated Sanders said to a group of his campaign volunteers gathered backstage at last night's debate. "It's a total bush league move to talk about the gulags, mass starvation, and millions of deaths before phase 2 kicks in."

"Come on, people -- stick to the playbook."

The presidential candidate instructed his staffers to stick to talking points like free healthcare, free internet, free Krispy Kreme donuts, and to avoid any talk of the gulags the Sanders campaign has had elaborate plans drawn up for since the day Sanders announced his candidacy.

Sanders Clarifies His Gulags Will Be Democratic Gulags
If there is another thread on the Project Veritas video of the Bernie Sanders supporter and Iowa coordinator praising Soviet Gulags and his hope that when the win the election they can send Americans who oppose them to Gulags.....please merge this....

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Wonderful idea, but I doubt most of you could be re-educated.

So the liars at Project Veritas found someone to rant, took it out context, to get you guys all worked up. That's nice.
The democrats have a long history of throwing Americans into concentration camps.
If there is another thread on the Project Veritas video of the Bernie Sanders supporter and Iowa coordinator praising Soviet Gulags and his hope that when the win the election they can send Americans who oppose them to Gulags.....please merge this....

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Wonderful idea, but I doubt most of you could be re-educated.

So the liars at Project Veritas found someone to rant, took it out context, to get you guys all worked up. That's nice.

Hard to say it's a lie when folks are on video. I got to hand it to you libtards, y'all take denial to a whole new level.
If there is another thread on the Project Veritas video of the Bernie Sanders supporter and Iowa coordinator praising Soviet Gulags and his hope that when the win the election they can send Americans who oppose them to Gulags.....please merge this....

Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"

Wonderful idea, but I doubt most of you could be re-educated.

So the liars at Project Veritas found someone to rant, took it out context, to get you guys all worked up. That's nice.

"I think it's a great idea"

"The guy who said it has nothing to do with what people like me think, nothing to see here"

It's amazing you can be such a fucking hypocrite in one single post.

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