Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

this entire thread is just more liberal stupidity.

if you can't make ends meet on what walmart pays, don't work for them or find a second job.

Damn, libs, take responsibility for your own lives. The govt does not owe you a living, an Iphone, or a place to sleep.

Or collect from the government. Cause if employers won't take care of them the government will.

total socialist bunk. Our government does not exist to "take care" of us. Our government's primary role is national defense, not social engineering and welfare.

you libs don't understand what real freedom means. You want be a sheep and depend on momma govt to give you the tit every time you whine. you make me sick.

As long as poor people have a vote it is reality. I live in the real world.

most poor people do not want to remain poor and be wards of the state. They want a chance to improve their station in life. Generational welfare destroys poor people, it does not help them.

and you are wrong about voting, the poor will vote for a candidate who will give them a chance to experience the american dream. not one that wants to buy their votes with free cheese.


I never met a socialist who wasn't coercive!

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the triumvirate of Evil at the hollow core of Socialism.
this entire thread is just more liberal stupidity.

if you can't make ends meet on what walmart pays, don't work for them or find a second job.

Damn, libs, take responsibility for your own lives. The govt does not owe you a living, an Iphone, or a place to sleep.

Or collect from the government. Cause if employers won't take care of them the government will.

total socialist bunk. Our government does not exist to "take care" of us. Our government's primary role is national defense, not social engineering and welfare.

you libs don't understand what real freedom means. You want be a sheep and depend on momma govt to give you the tit every time you whine. you make me sick.

As long as poor people have a vote it is reality. I live in the real world.

most poor people do not want to remain poor and be wards of the state. They want a chance to improve their station in life. Generational welfare destroys poor people, it does not help them.

and you are wrong about voting, the poor will vote for a candidate who will give them a chance to experience the american dream. not one that wants to buy their votes with free cheese.

Well said, Redfish.
Funny how I never whined, only pointed out a fact. :alirulz:
Yes, dumbass, it is WHINING when you ask for "justification" of earned wealth
The Walton family is among the richest families in the world. Their wealth inherited from Bud and Sam Walton, founders of the world's largest retailer, Walmart.[1] The three most prominent living members (Jim, Roband Alice) have consistently been in the top ten of the Forbes 400 since 2001, as were John (d. 2005) and Helen (d. 2007) prior to their deaths. Christy Walton took her husband John's place after his death.

Collectively, the Waltons own over 50% of the company, and are worth a combined total of $147 billion (as of January 2015).[2] In 2010, six members of the Walton family had the same net worth as either 28% or 41% of American families combined (depending on whether household net indebtedness is counted).[3]

So what?
this entire thread is just more liberal stupidity.

if you can't make ends meet on what walmart pays, don't work for them or find a second job.

Damn, libs, take responsibility for your own lives. The govt does not owe you a living, an Iphone, or a place to sleep.

Or collect from the government. Cause if employers won't take care of them the government will.

total socialist bunk. Our government does not exist to "take care" of us. Our government's primary role is national defense, not social engineering and welfare.

you libs don't understand what real freedom means. You want be a sheep and depend on momma govt to give you the tit every time you whine. you make me sick.

As long as poor people have a vote it is reality. I live in the real world.

most poor people do not want to remain poor and be wards of the state. They want a chance to improve their station in life. Generational welfare destroys poor people, it does not help them.

and you are wrong about voting, the poor will vote for a candidate who will give them a chance to experience the american dream. not one that wants to buy their votes with free cheese.

And you say that as welfare grows and grows with our government. You can't be serious.
this entire thread is just more liberal stupidity.

if you can't make ends meet on what walmart pays, don't work for them or find a second job.

Damn, libs, take responsibility for your own lives. The govt does not owe you a living, an Iphone, or a place to sleep.

Or collect from the government. Cause if employers won't take care of them the government will.

total socialist bunk. Our government does not exist to "take care" of us. Our government's primary role is national defense, not social engineering and welfare.

you libs don't understand what real freedom means. You want be a sheep and depend on momma govt to give you the tit every time you whine. you make me sick.

As long as poor people have a vote it is reality. I live in the real world.

most poor people do not want to remain poor and be wards of the state. They want a chance to improve their station in life. Generational welfare destroys poor people, it does not help them.

and you are wrong about voting, the poor will vote for a candidate who will give them a chance to experience the american dream. not one that wants to buy their votes with free cheese.

Well said, Redfish.

Just not in the realm of reality.
No one is calling for that, liberals believe in progressive taxation
Which is economically regressive. OKA: Seizing Wealth.

{Liberals believe in: } capital gains tax
which is economically regressive, OKA: Seizing Wealth.

{Liberals believe in: } raising the SS contribution
Which is not only economically regressive, OKA: Seizing Wealth, it's a total fuckin' SCAM, OKA: FRAUD. Meaning that "Liberals believe in: FRAUD.

{Liberals believe in: } taxing Wall Street speculation
Which is economically regressive; OKA: Seizing Wealth.

Not seizing wealth.


You can NOT make this crap UP!
Or collect from the government. Cause if employers won't take care of them the government will.

total socialist bunk. Our government does not exist to "take care" of us. Our government's primary role is national defense, not social engineering and welfare.

you libs don't understand what real freedom means. You want be a sheep and depend on momma govt to give you the tit every time you whine. you make me sick.

As long as poor people have a vote it is reality. I live in the real world.

most poor people do not want to remain poor and be wards of the state. They want a chance to improve their station in life. Generational welfare destroys poor people, it does not help them.

and you are wrong about voting, the poor will vote for a candidate who will give them a chance to experience the american dream. not one that wants to buy their votes with free cheese.

Well said, Redfish.

Just not in the realm of reality.

Based upon what, Ass-hat?
No one is calling for that, liberals believe in progressive taxation
Which is economically regressive. OKA: Seizing Wealth.

{Liberals believe in: } capital gains tax
which is economically regressive, OKA: Seizing Wealth.

{Liberals believe in: } raising the SS contribution
Which is not only economically regressive, OKA: Seizing Wealth. And it's a total fuckin' SCAM, OKA: FRAUD. Meaning that "Liberals believe in: FRAUD.

{Liberals believe in: } taxing Wall Street speculation
Which is economically regressive; OKA: Seizing Wealth.

Not seizing wealth.


You can NOT make this crap UP!
See, libs believe that people dont own wealth, government does. A fter all, "you didnt build that." So when gov't imposes high tax rates they are merely taking what is theirs to begin with.
No one is calling for that, liberals believe in progressive taxation
Which is economically regressive. OKA: Seizing Wealth.

{Liberals believe in: } capital gains tax
which is economically regressive, OKA: Seizing Wealth.

{Liberals believe in: } raising the SS contribution
Which is not only economically regressive, OKA: Seizing Wealth. And it's a total fuckin' SCAM, OKA: FRAUD. Meaning that "Liberals believe in: FRAUD.

{Liberals believe in: } taxing Wall Street speculation
Which is economically regressive; OKA: Seizing Wealth.

Not seizing wealth.


You can NOT make this crap UP!
See, libs believe that people dont own wealth, government does. A fter all, "you didnt build that." So when gov't imposes high tax rates they are merely taking what is theirs to begin with.

Yes indeed, sir. But hey... such is the nature of evil.
Soaking the Poor, State by State | Mother Jones
Mother Jones
Feb 3, 2012 - Many poor and elderly Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay ... with the poor and middle classes paying higher rates than the rich. ... Those include state income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and fees of various kinds. ... In the worst states, the poorest 20 percent pay five to six times the rate ...


goes off on one and hasn't even checked out who he is on his team...

The Walton Family are the lowest charity givers among billionaires and use that money to carry favours for new stores...

They are the biggest users of Chinese labour in US... Want to know who lobbied to close down American plants, it was them...

They are biggest receiver in Corporate welfare in America as they pay there employees under the living wage, thus forcing the government to give there employees food stamps...

But you keep going there, top class idiot...

Must have been right, got no answers... Usual ignore crap when you win..

i'm sorry leftard; teach me to be a petty jealous loser like you!! ;)
is anyone forced to work at walmart or shop at walmart? If you libs hate them so much stop working and shopping there.

Ah, they like the pricing and jobs just fine but they need to whine to feel alive.

"Older socialists dreamed of a world in which all classes would share in the fruits of the world. Yet when a permutation of this emerges, it is resented if it represents capitalism. An institution beyond the imaginings of socialists of old: Wal-Mart.

Within Wal-Mart we see a cornucopia of goods designed to improve human well-being, at prices that make them affordable for all. Millions of jobs are created, and prosperity is spread throughout areas where it was sorely needed. An entity owned by share-holders, people of mostly moderate incomes who have invested their savings, worker-capitalists."

[Wal-Mart owns 8,300 stores, of which 4,000 are in 44 different countries. Its 2010 revenues are expected to top $500 billion. Putting Wal-Mart's revenues in perspective, they exceed the 2009 GDP of all but 18 of the world's 181 countries. Why is Wal-Mart so successful? Millions of people voluntarily enter their stores and part with their money in exchange for Wal-Mart's products and services. In order for that to happen, Wal-Mart and millions of other profit-motivated businesses must please people."
is anyone forced to work at walmart or shop at walmart? If you libs hate them so much stop working and shopping there.

Ah, they like the pricing and jobs just fine but they need to whine to feel alive.

"Older socialists dreamed of a world in which all classes would share in the fruits of the world. Yet when a permutation of this emerges, it is resented if it represents capitalism. An institution beyond the imaginings of socialists of old: Wal-Mart.

Within Wal-Mart we see a cornucopia of goods designed to improve human well-being, at prices that make them affordable for all. Millions of jobs are created, and prosperity is spread throughout areas where it was sorely needed. An entity owned by share-holders, people of mostly moderate incomes who have invested their savings, worker-capitalists."

[Wal-Mart owns 8,300 stores, of which 4,000 are in 44 different countries. Its 2010 revenues are expected to top $500 billion. Putting Wal-Mart's revenues in perspective, they exceed the 2009 GDP of all but 18 of the world's 181 countries. Why is Wal-Mart so successful? Millions of people voluntarily enter their stores and part with their money in exchange for Wal-Mart's products and services. In order for that to happen, Wal-Mart and millions of other profit-motivated businesses must please people."
The left hates Wal-Mart because it helps drive capitalism.
Bernie: "Today the Walton family of Walmart own more wealth than the bottom 40 percent of America."

If those Waltons hadn't done what they did, would the people who have been in the Wal-Mart company have more money? Or less?

And would the people buying from Wal-Mart for the last 30 years have more? Or less?

(The leftist fanatics seem to be avoiding these questions like vampires avoid sunlight. Not hard to figure out why.)
is anyone forced to work at walmart or shop at walmart? If you libs hate them so much stop working and shopping there.

Ah, they like the pricing and jobs just fine but they need to whine to feel alive.

"Older socialists dreamed of a world in which all classes would share in the fruits of the world. Yet when a permutation of this emerges, it is resented if it represents capitalism. An institution beyond the imaginings of socialists of old: Wal-Mart.

Within Wal-Mart we see a cornucopia of goods designed to improve human well-being, at prices that make them affordable for all. Millions of jobs are created, and prosperity is spread throughout areas where it was sorely needed. An entity owned by share-holders, people of mostly moderate incomes who have invested their savings, worker-capitalists."

[Wal-Mart owns 8,300 stores, of which 4,000 are in 44 different countries. Its 2010 revenues are expected to top $500 billion. Putting Wal-Mart's revenues in perspective, they exceed the 2009 GDP of all but 18 of the world's 181 countries. Why is Wal-Mart so successful? Millions of people voluntarily enter their stores and part with their money in exchange for Wal-Mart's products and services. In order for that to happen, Wal-Mart and millions of other profit-motivated businesses must please people."
The left hates Wal-Mart because it helps drive capitalism.

It helps grow government
As long as poor people have a vote it is reality. I live in the real world.
"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury." - Alexander Tyler, 1787

....and the liberals (in both parties) are doing their best to hasten the day when people regularly do this.
Seriously? When one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america, there is a problem. This isn't envy.

So Walmart should have stopped after 10 stores...20 stores....100 stores...
They should have stopped after making $100 million...$200 million...$500 million.....

Should a CEO only get paid what Libs feel is fair compensation....
Should an athlete make only $1 million a year?...$5 million...
Should an actor/actress only get $1 million per film because there are people in this country only making $ 25,000 a year.
No one is saying they should've stopped, except for you... I'm just pointing out that one family owns more wealth then the bottom 40% of america.. This is the beginning of a plutocracy.

So once they hit a certain threshold decided by the Libs they should have given all their wealth away.....
You guys are unreal....
Pretty funny when you guys spew this shit.
Never said that at all, I can only imagine a future where one family owns 90% of everything and you clowns are still telling everyone else they're lazy.

yeah scooter..I've noticed that you "imagine" a lot of things...

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