Besa: Muslims Who Saved Jews in World War II

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The video contains a very interesting interview with the photographer Norman Gershman

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Besa during the World War II

During World War II, Albanians, 70% of whom are Muslim, saved over 2000 Jews from Nazi persecution. Both Albanian Christians and Muslims adhere to the besa code and saved Jews during World War II. Rather than hiding the Jews in attics or the woods, Albanians gave them clothes, gave them Muslim names, and treated them as part of the family. The concept of besa is incorporated into their religion. Before World War II only about 200 Albanians were Jewish. At the end of the war about 2000 Jews were living in Albania. Albanians are noted for their lack of religious hatred.
Albanian Muslims do not have the same pattern as Arabian Muslims though. During that time, the Grand Mufti was clear that Arabian Muslims wished to go another route.

[ame=""]Arabian Grand Mufti Learns at Hitlers Side[/ame]
I posted a thread that was very positive about jewish and muslim relations.

The photographer Norman Gershman is a jew looking to bring understanding and healing to both communities.

So Ropey, why do you seek to denigrate it with your negative post?
I believe that it is a mistake to attach the Albanian Muslims to a view that Arabian Muslims think the same way.

This is not the case....

We saw that the Albianian Muslism saved some Jews whilst the Arabian Muslims led by the Grand Mufti went on a different path.

I posted that path.
I posted a thread that was very positive about jewish and muslim relations.

The photographer Norman Gershman is a jew looking to bring understanding and healing to both communities.

So Ropey, why do you seek to denigrate it with your negative post?
Indeed. It still is about them. It is also now about the Arabian Muslims who were doing different things at the same time.

Open your eyes to all...

I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

You pretend moderation, but you are transparent.
OK, Ropey, you have completed your mission of destroying the thread.

I had hoped that by posting something positive about jews and muslims working together to overcome adversity would be inspiring and bring hope.

But, your hatred runs to deep to acknowledge there was a time of cooperation between jews and muslims.
OK, Ropey, you have completed your mission of destroying the thread.

I had hoped that by posting something positive about jews and muslims working together to overcome adversity would be inspiring and bring hope.

But, your hatred runs to deep to acknowledge there was a time of cooperation between jews and muslims.

I don't believe that you changed thinking that quickly.

So now you don't think that the worlds Jews should suffer a mass pogrom to move them from society?

For their own protection? :razz:
Ropey this thread isn't about you or me.

It was about brave people who risked their lives to save other people.

But, you have decided to wreck the thread for your personal revenge and inner hatred.

Hope you are happy; as it could have been a good topic for discussion. :(
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Ropey this thread isn't about you or me.

It was about brave people who risked their lives to save other people.

But, you have decided to wreck the thread for your personal revenge and inner hatred.

Hope you are happy; as it could have been a good topic for discussion. :(

Although, Hitler wasn't fond of the Jews

He was more of a friend than a foe.

Even his #2 was a Jew. :cool:

You think Hitler was more of a friend than a foe to Jews?

Of course your threads are about you. They are about "What You Think".

To pretend otherwise is obfuscation... One post pretending to moderation belies your other posts.

That's what I am saying when I say you are transparent.
Think and say what you want Ropey.

I thought the thread should have been judged by it's subject and contents.

ie, the Albanians and Jews involved in the story.

Not by your prejudice against the poster.

Anyway, you have accomplished your goal and wrecked the thread.

So I am out of here. :doubt:
Think and say what you want Ropey.

I thought the thread should have been judged by it's subject and contents

You thought other things too. I posted a few of your thoughts here as well...
Anyone who saved their fellow man from being exterminated should be commended.

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