Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Here is an example of trump success:
Government payments to farmers have surged to historic levels under President Donald Trump as the Agriculture Department floods the industry with cash to stem the financial losses from Trump’s tariff fights and the coronavirus pandemic.

What a conservative success.
So? What was wrong with that?
Then why do you post on a Political Message Board?

Why do you come on a thread to declare you don’t care about it?

Can you provide any relevant content?

How many posts do you have now, Mr Irrelevant

You missed content you tired, wheez.

I don't give two fcks who you think was a great POTUS and I don't care who you think I do.

Stop your fckn spamming
Wait all you want.

Jerks like you are the problem. You just have to divide and trust me, you're on the wrong side

Independent is likely a moderate, you're a far far far leftist loon
Thank you for your advice but Your politics indicates that opinion comes from a spurious source and without doubt qualifications insufficient to make that decision.

Does that sound Looney enough for you now you idiot.
Thank you for your advice but Your politics indicates that opinion comes from a spurious source and without doubt qualifications insufficient to make that decision.

Does that sound Looney enough for you now you idiot.

My political agenda is for the greater good for this nation

When you get there you'll be taken serious. Untill then? Gfy
Trump is 5? hahaha Divided the country. Economic policies failed. Tariffs failed and led to the big farmer bailout. Heck the guy had the biggest bailouts in history. Ran up deficits every single year even during a good economy. Lead us to the most covid deaths in the world. The guy was just plain awful. Even crime increased. Lets compare to Clinton
Strong economy
Balanced budget
Welfare reform
Crime plummeted

I still like Reagan even though his voodoo economics may have doomed us. It's not his fault republicans keep using it even though it was proved to fail under Reagan.
Democrats divided and nearly destroyed the country under Trump, and they're still trying to do that; kind of like the Nazis pointing the finger at the Jews while burning Europe to the ground.
How many posts do you have now, Mr Irrelevant

You missed content you tired, wheez.

I don't give two fcks who you think was a great POTUS and I don't care who you think I do.

Stop your fckn spamming
All he's doing is trying to build up his post and response totals. He doesn't care about any issue. He was on my thread pretending to take the Catholic position, so he could rip a protestant fundamentalist, just to get angry responses. He's not Catholic; he doesn't care. That's the worst kind of troll. I put him on perma-iggy ever since.
I've lived through all of them including Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy. Joey Xi is the worst of the bunch. I place Bai Dung at the head of the worst presidents in the history of this country. He and his crime family has sold out America to the highest bidder China,
That was Trump

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Trump did not mention in that tweet or its follow-ups that on Thursday, the developer of a theme park resort outside of Jakarta had signed a deal to receive as much as $500 million in Chinese government loans, as well as another $500 million from Chinese banks, according to Agence France-Presse. Trump’s family business, the Trump Organization, has a deal to license the Trump name to the resort, which includes a golf course and hotels.

Gee, drop US sanctions on a company doing business in N. Korea and Iran and get a $1 billion check from China?
You would vote for the two most corrupt presidents of all time.

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president in American history.
Until Trump came along and stole the title.

Reagan's happy.
Here's a clue for you. Democrats controlling Congress investigate Republican presidents no matter what. They never investigate Democrats. Do you think Pelosi is going to investigate Crooked Senile Joe on his massive fraud? And nobody investigated Chimpy, either.
Here's a clue for you. Democrats controlling Congress investigate Republican presidents no matter what.
They investigate because republicans are corrupt.
Republicans cover for their presidents.

Senate Republicans basically gave Trump a plea deal. The process to impeach a president is not the same as what a regular citizen would go through in a real trial case, but this was as close to a plea deal as he could get. The Republicans assured him they would call no more witnesses and allow no more documents, and I believe there can only be one explanation.

He has none to exonerate him. An innocent person who had witnesses in the room and on the call would be screaming for those people to testify on his behalf. Instead, he has chosen to have those people refuse to testify and will fight any subpoena that orders them to testify. That is the ultimate sign of guilt.

They never investigate Democrats. Do you think Pelosi is going to investigate Crooked Senile Joe on his massive fraud?
Could it be, no evidence?
Over 60 lawsuits, and.....................nothing.
Instead, they go on FOX, OAN, and AM radio and whine.
Now, republicans are making sure they win................ every time.
And nobody investigated Chimpy, either.
I take it, that means Obama?

He MUST be corrupt also, FOX claims it so.
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Well that was a lot to read. Going back to the OP the only reason he had Trump #1 was because of his insult comic routine. Weird what some people will worship. Some people are so lost to insecurity and hate that they feel kinship only at the expense of others.

According to OP Clinton had moral failures but Trump apparently was fine.

According to the OP Obama a Harvard educated lawyer editor of the Harvard Law Review Professor of University of Chicago and Senator was unqualified but comedic reality show host Trump was not an issue.

Racist comment about Obama only getting job cuz he was black?!?

Biden hasnt asked if he could nuke a hurricane or suggested injecting disinfectant or shining light inside your body as a Covid remedy so I’d say his competence is measuring up better than his predecessor.
Well that was a lot to read. Going back to the OP the only reason he had Trump #1 was because of his insult comic routine. Weird what some people will worship. Some people are so lost to insecurity and hate that they feel kinship only at the expense of others.

According to OP Clinton had moral failures but Trump apparently was fine.

According to the OP Obama a Harvard educated lawyer editor of the Harvard Law Review Professor of University of Chicago and Senator was unqualified but comedic reality show host Trump was not an issue.

Racist comment about Obama only getting job cuz he was black?!?

Biden hasnt asked if he could nuke a hurricane or suggested injecting disinfectant or shining light inside your body as a Covid remedy so I’d say his competence is measuring up better than his predecessor.
1. I listed the reasons I had Trump #1. Competence, Achievement and Courage.
2. Trump's problems were decades before he entered office. Clinton was doing sex acts with women not his wife right in the Oval Office.
3. President Trump was a BILLIONAIRE businessman. 50 year career. 0bummer was a zero. Never had a job, never an accomplishment. He's not qualified to shine Trump's shoes.
4. Being black IS the only reason the incompetent empty suit 0bummer got elected.
5. You didn't know penicillin is a disinfectant? Many pharmaceuticals are disinfectants. Trump is brilliant capable successful leader. Biden can't find the bathroom.

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