Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

What amazes me is he claims to be a Teacher

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You are a failure! every post you make is a lie!
You entire post is nothing but lies. You should be shot!
Nice collection of lies, there Brain-damaged!
He hasn't come close to an intelligent response. Just the typical right wing screaming liar. Even though the facts prove me right every time. But I guess the conspiracy theory crowd threw away facts long ago.
Hey guys. I just thought I would do a little correcting of the economic record since I was there. Just to, you know, counteract the leftwingers' rewriting of history. Here's how it went the last 30 years,

1993 Bill Clinton and the Democrat Congress pass the biggest tax hike in history. Zero republicans on board.
1994 Econony languishes. Democrats lose their asses in the midterm. GOP takes Congress for first time in 40 years,
1995 GOP Congress, the legendary historic 104th Congress forces the red-nosed philanderer to either get on board or get run over by the "Contract With America". It passes. Stock market begins its meteoric rise almost immediately. Late 90s BOOMED, not because of the red-nosed philanderer, but because of conservative Congressional action. Big tax cuts.
2000 Clinton dot-com bust begins. Algore loses his ass in an election he should have won by 20 points. Voters punished Clinton for lying under oath. The did the job the 5 Democrat senators didn't do when they let the red-nosed philanderer escape conviction.
2001 George W. Bush saves America from Clinton neglect after Clinton allowed the 9-11 terrorists to train right here in America right under his big red philandering nose. Bush begins a six-year period of prosperity.
2007 Because of faux-claims of made-up racism, Democrats take both houses of Congress, escalate the formation of faulty derviatives based on thousands of bad loans to unqualified (largely black) home buyers resulting in the Great Recession.
2008 0bummer is allowed to steal election based on zero coverage of his radical Communist history and associations and an orchestrated 'collapse' of banks six weeks before the election, Meanwhile, reporters are camped out at Sarah Palin's house, the marxist media machine in full operation to destroy her. Meanwhile, Idiot Boy is never examined.
2009. 0bummer takes office and immediately plunges the DJIA into the 6000s. When the market returns back to 9000 a level well below the Bush high of 14,000, Democrats claim to have 'saved' the economy.
2010. Democrats force through the hated 0bummercare bill, and Democrats lose their ass in the midterms.
2012: 0bummer JD prohibits Tea Party groups from forming, allowing 0bummer to steal another election. Economy is still in the tank, but improves under the new GOP House.
2014. Democrats again, lose their asses in the midterm.
2016. Americans are so damn sick of the 0bummer malaise and Marxist policies, they overwhelmingly elect Superstar Donald J Trump
2017-20. America enjoys unprecedented economic prosperity and revitalization under Trump. Meanwhile Democrats use every vile trick in the book to undermine him, investigate him, impeach him.
2020. Democrats shutdown the economy unnecessarily. Trump delivers vaccine as promised. America reaches a low water mark when a presidential election that Trump won by a landslide is stolen and given to a guy with Alzheimer's.
2021-22. The illegitimate Biden pisses away all of Trump's gains, and makes us energy dependent once again. Store shelves are empty, thanks to Democrats paying people not to work.

There you go, boys. Mashmont was forced to correct the record.
Your dishonesty is impressive.
The trump economy was weak:

He increased debt bigly:

His tariffs lead to huge bailouts:

He failed to reduce the number of illegals as promised:

His policies were a huge failure.
Question: What is the test for the designation of "historian"? It's self-identified. Meaning anyone can call themselves a "historian". Those interviewed were likely leftwing pinheads who interviewed their little club of likeminded leftwing pinhead friends. In other words, this is meaningless Marxist claptrap. The idea that Chimpy is anywhere near the top disqualifies this survey out-of-hand.
It seems Mashmont is brainwashed. Sad, we have more and more of his kind joining the idiot fringe and not reading and comprehending anything other the Internet's tabloids, listening to AM Radio talking heads and roving the Internet to get stuff to hear what he believes.

Not anyone can be a historian. Those who are smart, and know that the RED SCARE is obsolete; in fact those who call others commies must believe that there are Unicorns, mermaids, dragons, and griffins.
The trump economy was weak:

He increased debt bigly:

His tariffs lead to huge bailouts:

He failed to reduce the number of illegals as promised:

His policies were a huge failure.
Thank you for a considered, clear and concise response to what is nothing more than a child who believes in imaginary animals.
My list included Presidents from both parties at the top and bottom
I couldn't care if it included Ronald mcdonald. The post was designed to get a rise ftom the Democrat haters.
Don't insult my intelligence
to think I'm not awake to that. Try again.
I couldn't care if it included Ronald mcdonald. The post was designed to get a rise ftom the Democrat haters.
Don't insult my intelligence
to think I'm not awake to that. Try again.
Like you post to get a rise of Republican haters???
An actor and a carnival barker.

Both very SUCCESSFUL actors and carnival barkers (I hear Trump also dabbled as a real estate developer too). Both earned millions and billions in their lives OUTSIDE of government in the private sector.

CARTER - Peanut farmer.

CLINTON - career politician to support his dope and under age girl habit.

OBUMMA - social organizer for the mob before getting whisked into politics purely on an affirmative action agenda.

BIDDUM - career plagiarist in between being active lobbyist for foreign governments.
I couldn't care if it included Ronald mcdonald. The post was designed to get a rise ftom the Democrat haters.
Don't insult my intelligence
to think I'm not awake to that. Try again.
Really, there was not rise from anyone, he tried to trigger everyone, and his cap pistol didn't work.
No, deficits don't always increase. They decreased with Clinton and Obama. They always increase with Republicans.
The debt needs more growth. Trump cut taxes and promised over 5% growth. He didn't deliver while growing deficits.
Yes crime increased.
So you are just in denial or making excuses. Fact is he was a failure.
You love making shit up and denying you did so, while providing no links to your data. Do you have a tumor?

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