Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

A Candidate has a right to use Constitutional means to challenge election results.
That includes recounts, audits and court challenges

He does not have a right to send an angry mob to prevent Congress and the VP from certifying the election
He didn't! Why do you lie?
Yes, I am ignoring what you posted

I agree the Reagan economic miracle was built on debt. The Clinton economy was built on an emerging Internet and Cell Phone segment.

Wages and jobs skyrocketed under Clinton

I totally disagree with your assessment
It isn't an assessment. It is a fact.
The "Clinton economy" you speak of was already winding down before he left office.
You blamed this on Reagan, yet you rated Reagan higher than Clinton.
I didn't inject opinion. Just a fact. The 80s - 90s economic boom was awesome. Like you, I worked and lived through that awesomeness. But it was a castle made of sand. And all of the folks involved in creating this boom - knew it was going to end badly. They didn't care. Not one bit. Because they all became wealthy by investing in the process.

For me, it is difficult to rate Presidents. I would put Reagan probably at the very top. And that is mostly due to I believe he was the last honest President we had who really believed in what he was trying to do. For honest reasons and a love for the country. Everyone else after Reagan was not. Bush Jr. to a degree also was honest, but he was not engaged enough in what was happening. He let a series of vipers to run things, and wasn't sophisticated or engaged enough to know it. Clinton, on the other hand - also allowed vipers to run things. But he knew it. And that puts him farther down the list. He was corrupt.
You left content because you're a dishonest coward. I couldn't give a flying fuck that "Trump couldn't even see 3% growth". Neither did Obama and the record shows Trump's GDP was greater DESPITE the fact Obama saw the floor drop. If you had what you pretend to have then you'd know when our economy strikes bottom it's supposed to rebound in big numbers, which are numbers Obama never saw.

You know, like Trump's 31% GDP growth the qtr. before Xiden was appointed? But thanks for bringing that up, I just painted you another facial for that effort.

The unemployment rate didn't drop on Obama until the Republicans took Congress. Fun huh? say something else.
Oh this is too funny. So you mean the economy is supposed to rebound in big numbers like it did for Biden? Cause that is what happened. But Trump one the other hand could never hit 3%.
Oh this is too funny. So you mean the economy is supposed to rebound in big numbers like it did for Biden? Cause that is what happened. But Trump one the other hand could never hit 3%.
Trump mocked Obama for not reaching 3 percent and promised 5-6 Percent GDP
He never broke 3 percent

It was Biden who delivered a year of 6 percent GDP
Best to worst, Ike through demented rapist Biden:

1) Ike
2) Ford
3) Carter
4) Reagan
5) Trump
6) Clinton
7) JFK

And from here we fall off the cliff, ranging from bad to horrendously bad...

8) Biden*
9) Bush I
10) Obama
11) LBJ
12) Nixon
13) Bush II

*Biden has plenty of time to plummet further down...
Trump is 5? hahaha Divided the country. Economic policies failed. Tariffs failed and led to the big farmer bailout. Heck the guy had the biggest bailouts in history. Ran up deficits every single year even during a good economy. Lead us to the most covid deaths in the world. The guy was just plain awful. Even crime increased. Lets compare to Clinton
Strong economy
Balanced budget
Welfare reform
Crime plummeted

I still like Reagan even though his voodoo economics may have doomed us. It's not his fault republicans keep using it even though it was proved to fail under Reagan.
How so?

Why are people pining for the good old days when he was in the White House? What exactly did he do wrong?
Divided the country. Economic policies failed. Tariffs failed and led to the big farmer bailout. Heck the guy had the biggest bailouts in history. Ran up deficits every single year even during a good economy. Lead us to the most covid deaths in the world. The guy was just plain awful. Even crime increased. Constant riots.
I don't do conspiracy theory garbage. Here are some real facts:
Deficit increased every year with Trump
Economy couldn't hit 3% gdp growth with trump economic policy
Crime increased
Trump lead us to the most pandemic deaths in the world.
Now let the repub excuses begin.
The deficit always increases, you fucktard!

Who needs a 3% GDP? I was doing fine without it and so was the rest of America!

Crime increased? BULLSHIT!

Trump led us to the most pandemic deaths in the world. Yeah right? How many Chinese died? Besides, Biden's death toll is higher AFTER we got 3 vaccines!

What planet do you inhabit?
The deficit always increases, you fucktard!

Who needs a 3% GDP? I was doing fine without it and so was the rest of America!

Crime increased? BULLSHIT!

Trump led us to the most pandemic deaths in the world. Yeah right? How many Chinese died? Besides, Biden's death toll is higher AFTER we got 3 vaccines!

What planet do you inhabit?
No, deficits don't always increase. They decreased with Clinton and Obama. They always increase with Republicans.
The debt needs more growth. Trump cut taxes and promised over 5% growth. He didn't deliver while growing deficits.
Yes crime increased.
So you are just in denial or making excuses. Fact is he was a failure.
Divided the country. Economic policies failed. Tariffs failed and led to the big farmer bailout. Heck the guy had the biggest bailouts in history. Ran up deficits every single year even during a good economy. Lead us to the most covid deaths in the world. The guy was just plain awful. Even crime increased. Constant riots.
The Democrats divided the country fucktard!

Best economy in my lifetime was a failure, dumbass!

You entire post is nothing but lies. You should be shot!
The Democrats divided the country fucktard!

Best economy in my lifetime was a failure, dumbass!

You entire post is nothing but lies. You should be shot!
Are you crying cause you can't deal with facts? That's just sad. Even now trump divides the country because he's a sore loser.
Here is an example of trump success:
Government payments to farmers have surged to historic levels under President Donald Trump as the Agriculture Department floods the industry with cash to stem the financial losses from Trump’s tariff fights and the coronavirus pandemic.

What a conservative success.

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