Best case scenario: two decades before GOP can be seen as other than the "racist party"

If the republican claim of being the big tent is true then racists should be welcome , if not it's a contradiction.

If the republican claim of being the big tent is true then racists should be welcome ,

You're right, we should welcome dem racists.
Never said there were no racist democrats so your attempt at being pithy goes down in flames.
Nah, the left will be calling their opposition "racist" as long as there are dummies out there who buy into it, which means they'll be doing it forever.

Well, I guess that all the minorities are dummies, then, since they are all buying it. But, your calling all minorities 'dummies' is not really racist, is it?
They are "all" buying into it? Now look whos being racist. Apparently you think minorities cant think like individuals. Only a dumb racist would believe that.

OK, I guess that all the polls are wrong about minorities voting democratic party.
Do the polls say "all" minorities vote democrat? Maybe its just YOU whos wrong about everything. Ever consider that?

I admit that I am colorblind. I have trouble mostly with reds and greens. Yet, I enjoy looking at Trump rallies and counting the dark faces. I typically find maybe 5 out of a shot of a couple of hundred. But, then, I could be be wrong. Out here in AZ, I suppose that it is possible that latinos are holding midnight republican rallies in underground parking garages. I wouldn't even know about it.
You are NOT color blind. You definitely see color.
Back when African Americans were a minority, one could get away with being racist. Hell, they couldn't even vote. but, it takes a special kind of stupid to be a racist in a society in which you are about to become a minority.

Then maybe it's time to thin some herds.
Is that what Republicans are trying to do with health care?
Republicans crying about their rallies being interrupted and then talk about "thinning herds". Wow.
Ahahaha, in 2008 liberals claimed Democrats would control congress for another 40 years and they got booted out in less than 2. Libs and their fantasies.
Republicans crying about their rallies being interrupted and then talk about "thinning herds". Wow.

Then he woke up

No Ayers hasn't woken up yet.

Ayers is 71 I'm not too worried.

You're a lefty, you wouldn't be on his hit list...........

And you would?
I think you are overestimating your importance in the grand scheme of things.
Then he woke up

No Ayers hasn't woken up yet.
Ayers is 71 I'm not too worried.

You're a lefty, you wouldn't be on his hit list...........
And you would?
I think you are overestimating your importance in the grand scheme of things.

I said that? Where?
No need to say it it's obvious from your posts and the way you respond to certain events.
Nearly 2/3's of the Republican Party are against this kind of racist talk and stuff going on with Mr.Trump and his followers....and truly, it's not even all of the Trump supporters.

I don't think you can "label" the Republican party as a whole, racist.... And if the Republicans get their chance at a brokered convention due to all of the shenanigans going on they'll have good reason, I believe the GOP believes this can save themselves from the "racist Party label"....
No Ayers hasn't woken up yet.
Ayers is 71 I'm not too worried.

You're a lefty, you wouldn't be on his hit list...........
And you would?
I think you are overestimating your importance in the grand scheme of things.

I said that? Where?
No need to say it it's obvious from your posts and the way you respond to certain events.

So I never said I'd be on the hit list. Glad we agree.
Ayers is 71 I'm not too worried.

You're a lefty, you wouldn't be on his hit list...........
And you would?
I think you are overestimating your importance in the grand scheme of things.

I said that? Where?
No need to say it it's obvious from your posts and the way you respond to certain events.

So I never said I'd be on the hit list. Glad we agree.
You didn't need to.

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