Best Health Care, Huh?

not even a little bit, steffie. there has always been disagreement on these issues... even back when the constitution was ratified.

so i always find it amusing when someone like you says "this is what it says" "this is what it means".

when the reality is there is over 200 years of decisions governing constitutional construction. so to ignore that is kind of incomprehensible.

With all due respect...:lol:
"Enumerated Powers" from our very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers.

They knew eventually the nuts would come out of the woodwork.

They didn't create the constitution to be a willy nilly piece of paper, and that's why they came up with Enumerated Powers to keep the power of the feds in check.

Indeed, those same very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers, who also made a way for the Constitution to be amended as needed, realizing that it was not a holy writ.

Yes, those Founding Fathers.

Thanks for your support in this matter, [MENTION=17949]Meister[/MENTION]!

No shit, sherlock. Please explain for all of us what the procedure is to amend the constitution? Hmmmm
When jumping through all the hoops it wouldn't be willy nilly, would it stat?

But, thank you for your thought. Always appreciated [MENTION=46168]Statistikhengst[/MENTION]
With all due respect...:lol:
"Enumerated Powers" from our very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers.

They knew eventually the nuts would come out of the woodwork.

They didn't create the constitution to be a willy nilly piece of paper, and that's why they came up with Enumerated Powers to keep the power of the feds in check.

Indeed, those same very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers, who also made a way for the Constitution to be amended as needed, realizing that it was not a holy writ.

Yes, those Founding Fathers.

Thanks for your support in this matter, [MENTION=17949]Meister[/MENTION]!

more than that... they said the taxing and spending clause is for the general welfare. it isn't that complex.
What you consider is General Welfare, is not the same as what the FF's General Welfare.
What can I say..wingnuts always change the definition to fit their premise.
Indeed, those same very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers, who also made a way for the Constitution to be amended as needed, realizing that it was not a holy writ.

Yes, those Founding Fathers.

Thanks for your support in this matter, [MENTION=17949]Meister[/MENTION]!

more than that... they said the taxing and spending clause is for the general welfare. it isn't that complex.
What you consider is General Welfare, is not the same as what the FF's General Welfare.
What can I say..wingnuts always change the definition to fit their premise.

and your general welfare is not the same as the founders.
With all due respect...:lol:
"Enumerated Powers" from our very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers.

They knew eventually the nuts would come out of the woodwork.

They didn't create the constitution to be a willy nilly piece of paper, and that's why they came up with Enumerated Powers to keep the power of the feds in check.

Indeed, those same very wise and intelligent Founding Fathers, who also made a way for the Constitution to be amended as needed, realizing that it was not a holy writ.

Yes, those Founding Fathers.

Thanks for your support in this matter, [MENTION=17949]Meister[/MENTION]!

more than that... they said the taxing and spending clause is for the general welfare. it isn't that complex.

general welfare was never for picking and choosing individuals or a group of certain people.
general welfare was for ALL, and it was never set up to take from one group and give to another group. Well, maybe in the twisted minds of lawyers....but not from the FF's.
The simple question is where is the GOP alternative for people to look at as far as health care? Crickets.

Questions are always easy. Answers tend to be more difficult.
I am unsure why liberals usually seem to think that the government holds a viable solution since their track record has been abysmal.
For example, 40 years of the war on poverty has resulted in a poverty rate almost the same today as it was 40 years ago.
For example, 30 years of the war on drugs has resulted in the rate of drug use remaining almost the same.
For example, 40 years of affirmative action has resulted in black student college graduation rates remaining about the same.

Thinking that the government, be it Dem or Rep, is going to solve stuff for you is foolish.
Same old song, just a different piano player.
[ame=]Billy Joel "Pianoman" Original Video - YouTube[/ame]
Our friends and family know we come from a generation that is living soul , and the best healthcare if our American family's was to die was to go to the eye doctor and the hospital even the dentist and get x rays. I like it when king tut obama give x rays on obama care , it helps us a lot I got mine at rush hospital city of Chicago.
The simple question is where is the GOP alternative for people to look at as far as health care? Crickets.
Check your premise, Jimminy Cricket.

What makes it incumbent upon anyone else to come up with a stupid government program, to supplant another stupid government program?

Stupid government programs are always the solution to solve previous stupid government programs that have failed.
Just ask a liberal if you don't believe me.
Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

UHC Propaganda 101...

If you admit this are you afraid you will turn into a frog?

I actually had a 21 year old idiot on another board tell me he didn't go to college because he didn't want to be taught by "liberals". he earned $8,000 a year, refused to go on his parents' health care when the law allowed him to stay on til he was 26 (because he didn't want any part of "obamacare") and couldn't afford his own health care, wouldn't take medicare and couldn't afford a car to go to work so walked miles...

but he had money for pot.

so there ya go.

sounds more like a bunch of bull to push some buttons......

We have one like that on this board.

And, I've recently written about another one I know.

Lazy RWs want it given to them. They don't want to work for anything. And they sure as hell don't want to work for an education.

lots of lazy "LWs" too .....ill say it because you would never say that...
So there. It always goes back to that damn freeing of the slaves!!!!.....

Actually in my mind the much greater travesty and much more damaging act was the freeing of the women in the early 20th Century.

I have no issue with the concept of slavery, though I am opposed to it based solely on race. On the other hand I have a significant issue with allowing women to be involved in society as they are now, no matter what their age, race, or social status is.
So there. It always goes back to that damn freeing of the slaves!!!!.....

Actually in my mind the much greater travesty and much more damaging act was the freeing of the women in the early 20th Century.

I have no issue with the concept of slavery, though I am opposed to it based solely on race. On the other hand I have a significant issue with allowing women to be involved in society as they are now, no matter what their age, race, or social status is.

Ok, that was weird.
So there. It always goes back to that damn freeing of the slaves!!!!.....

Actually in my mind the much greater travesty and much more damaging act was the freeing of the women in the early 20th Century.

I have no issue with the concept of slavery, though I am opposed to it based solely on race. On the other hand I have a significant issue with allowing women to be involved in society as they are now, no matter what their age, race, or social status is.

geezus....go find the Doctor and ask him to drop you off in 1650......
The NIH is great, as long as you don't mind dying.

The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive. On a composite "healthy lives" score, which includes deaths among infants and patients who would have survived had they received timely and effective healthcare, the UK came 10th.

NHS is the world's best healthcare system, report says | Society | The Guardian

read this slowly. your opinion on general welfare is not the same as the founders you moronic twat.

You don't even know my opinion, I was just stating the FF's position. Shows what little you know. Hey....are you dot com's sock? You're posting just like her.

It is so sad when we have people like Schillian and Spamaball pontificating on the USC.

If they have kids...they'll be screwed up for sure.

Add "The font of all knowledge" to that list. (Deridio_Te)
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