Best Insight of the Clintons verse Trump Yet


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
From a National Post OP:
"Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are."
The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clinton camp are like a deer in the headlights.
Watch for Bill to quietly recede back under his rock where he can predate on little girls on more 'Lotita Flights'.
The Clinton's believed Trump would be too in awe and afraid of the Clinton machine like everyone has been in the past to really get his hands dirty.
Not this time.
From a National Post OP:
"Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are."
The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clinton camp are like a deer in the headlights.
Watch for Bill to quietly recede back under his rock where he can predate on little girls on more 'Lotita Flights'.
The Clinton's believed Trump would be too in awe and afraid of the Clinton machine like everyone has been in the past to really get his hands dirty.
Not this time.
The other day one the the MSM 'Gotcha' LIB reporters demanded of Trump: "You say Bill Clinton's past is fair game! Is your past fair game? Good old Donald just looked at her and said "Yes". The bitch gulped and walked away.
She knew Trump's past and Bills past are night and day different. She attempted to intimidate and 'dog-whistle' threaten him. He craps bigger than the bitch.
From a National Post OP: "Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are." The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
From a National Post OP: "Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are." The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?

Class? Class? ROFLMAO!!!! Class?
From a National Post OP: "Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are." The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?

Class? Class? ROFLMAO!!!! Class?
I know the hillbillys stole things from the white house when they left. Real classy.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
Class? Class? ROFLMAO!!!! Class?
Unfamiliar with the concept? Look what the Clintons have gone through and how they carry themselves. Compare that to Trump and his advantages and he's as crude as they come. YES, CLASS. They've got it and he doesn't.
From a National Post OP: "Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are." The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
You've just put up the fucking dumbest post in a month.
The Clintons were deeply involved in cocaine smuggling in AK. Children were mysteriously run over by a train next to the airfield the Clintons were using to bring in the cocaine. Hillary's law firm. How she made tens of thousands of money 'inside trading'. The sexual predations by Bill. Hillary's attempts to 'discredit the women accusers. The Clintons literally stealing the White house furniture.......which they had to return.
A very close associate commits suicide a day before he was going to testify against the Clintons. Hillary's illegal email server.
Their kid being fathered by a man other than Bill. These are not exactly the definition what 'classy' people..
These are only a few of the criminal/illegal activities the Clintons have been caught doing.
Think of what the public doesn't know.
The Clinton's are the poster couple for classic S. White Trailer Trash.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
Class? Class? ROFLMAO!!!! Class?
Unfamiliar with the concept? Look what the Clintons have gone through and how they carry themselves. Compare that to Trump and his advantages and he's as crude as they come. YES, CLASS. They've got it and he doesn't.
They caused the troubles they went through. Again no class.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
Class? Class? ROFLMAO!!!! Class?
Unfamiliar with the concept? Look what the Clintons have gone through and how they carry themselves. Compare that to Trump and his advantages and he's as crude as they come. YES, CLASS. They've got it and he doesn't.

Hillary is a corrupt lying old hag.....Bill is a rapist....hint: Not classy
From a National Post OP: "Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are." The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
You've just put up the fucking dumbest post in a month.
The Clintons were deeply involved in cocaine smuggling in AK. Children were mysteriously run over by a train next to the airfield the Clintons were using to bring in the cocaine. Hillary's law firm. How she made tens of thousands of money 'inside trading'. The sexual predations by Bill. Hillary's attempts to 'discredit the women accusers. The Clintons literally stealing the White house furniture.......which they had to return.
A very close associate commits suicide a day before he was going to testify against the Clintons. Hillary's illegal email server.
Their kid being fathered by a man other than Bill. These are not exactly the definition what 'classy' people..
These are only a few of the criminal/illegal activities the Clintons have been caught doing.
Think of what the public doesn't know.
The Clinton's are the poster couple for classic S. White Trailer Trash.
Let's not forget about Hillary being g thrown off the Nixon trail for lying.
From a National Post OP: "Trump has the reckless audacity to play the political game on the same hard terms as the Clintons have always played it. And that’s as hard and vicious as it may be played. Put it this way: should it be Trump v. Clinton in 2016, it will be great fun, because the Clintons will finally be up against someone as shameless and ambitious as they are." The Clintons have finally met their match. No one plays harder than Trump does.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?

:disagree: Clintons----class. not even close. they are the most classless people ever to show up on the US political scene.
For democrats , we have to vote to feel the berne or feel the slime. With hillary, you get two slimeballs for one - her and bill.
The Clintons have it all over Trump in class. Count on the electorate to realize that. Who wants a sourpuss like Trump representing the country?
Class? Class? ROFLMAO!!!! Class?
Unfamiliar with the concept? Look what the Clintons have gone through and how they carry themselves. Compare that to Trump and his advantages and he's as crude as they come. YES, CLASS. They've got it and he doesn't.

Your definition of class must mean Lying to the Families of Dead Americans.

Not the same as the one I use.

Just sayin'.
Let's not forget about Hillary being thrown off the Nixon trail for lying.
You're a lousy speller and a liar. You know that isn't true, but repeat it, regardless.

Speaking of liars you never did address that whopper you told about the last Dem debate having a record number of viewers and quoted a figure of about half what was actually true. I'd watch calling anyone a liar

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