best new bumper sticker


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It's a simple oval with 45.2. By the time the crazy angry left figures it out it's too late for them the vandalize your car. About $2.00 each but be careful to get guaranteed fast shipping. They are cheap from China but they might get here after the election.
If lefties ask what it means tell them it was Biden's body temperature after his last embolism.
I picked up two free Trump 2020 (red) bumper stickers at the republican booth at the county fair. The one I put on the car didn't last a day in my local college town when it disappeared. I'm happy the car didn't get vandalized but I'm hoping that the democrat base that doesn't have an IQ much above 45.2 won't recognize the significance and I can wink at smarter republicans who get it.
To me, the best bumper sticker out there is the one that I saw while sitting at a red light one day. The car in front of me had a sticker that said on it, "Do you follow the Lord this closely?" :) :) :)

God bless you and the car owner always!!!


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