Best Thing About Obama's Base; Too Naive,Uninformed & Too Lazy To Vote On November 7.

Mar 16, 2012

Lets take a look at Obama's Base:
1) Uninformed
2) Uneducated
3) No idea how the economy works
4) Live with parents cause they are lazy and expect mommy to pamper them
5) Think "Mandate" means when a man dates a man
6) Think Obama-Care means Free Health-Care for all
7) Cannot name one of the 100 US Senators
8) Learn from watching Sesame Street and Nickelodian programs
9) Think both Bushes and Reagan have caused all of our economic problems.
10) And finally, so dumb and lazy that they wont feel like voting on November 7th, then again, they don't have cars to drive to the precinct, and don't want to leave home to miss any of their favorite shows on CNN and MSNBC.
There's more than enough fraudulent votes for Obama to make up for those Obama supporters who lack the mental capacity to vote.
i left out that many of them will be crapping on cars and front doorsteps to protest the election.
There's more than enough fraudulent votes for Obama to make up for those Obama supporters who lack the mental capacity to vote.

the best way to prevent voter fraud is to limit every district to registered voters. i know there are some districts out there that have more registered voters than the adult population,,,lets hope all swing states take charge of that.

How utterly and hopelessly insane.

Too lazy to vote on Nov. 7th?

Is that what you said prior to Nov. 7, 2008?

I bet it was.


Insane and asinine

Lets take a look at Obama's Base:
1) Uninformed
2) Uneducated
3) No idea how the economy works
4) Live with parents cause they are lazy and expect mommy to pamper them
5) Think "Mandate" means when a man dates a man
6) Think Obama-Care means Free Health-Care for all
7) Cannot name one of the 100 US Senators
8) Learn from watching Sesame Street and Nickelodian programs
9) Think both Bushes and Reagan have caused all of our economic problems.
10) And finally, so dumb and lazy that they wont feel like voting on November 7th, then again, they don't have cars to drive to the precinct, and don't want to leave home to miss any of their favorite shows on CNN and MSNBC.
I simply cannot understand why the Right cannot attract those who traditionally vote Democrat.
why is it lairs think putting numbers in front of their lies makes them less lieish?
why is it lairs think putting numbers in front of their lies makes them less lieish?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

TM I really don't think that's a word and what the heck are you claiming anyone is lying about now.

Don't you have some rocks that need washing or something??
Obama supporters have that reputation of being naive&uninformed,,look at who he speaking to,,,,,kids& college freshmen. the ones who arent as smart and informed as their parents,,,does anyone expect Obama to ever hold a campaign rally infront of 10,000 average,concerned and angry americans in ohio and pennsylvania?

Lets take a look at Obama's Base:
1) Uninformed
2) Uneducated
3) No idea how the economy works
4) Live with parents cause they are lazy and expect mommy to pamper them
5) Think "Mandate" means when a man dates a man
6) Think Obama-Care means Free Health-Care for all
7) Cannot name one of the 100 US Senators
8) Learn from watching Sesame Street and Nickelodian programs
9) Think both Bushes and Reagan have caused all of our economic problems.
10) And finally, so dumb and lazy that they wont feel like voting on November 7th, then again, they don't have cars to drive to the precinct, and don't want to leave home to miss any of their favorite shows on CNN and MSNBC.

If only you were right.
Obama and Holder are working on legislation to allow dogs to vote in all purple states. and they will only be allowed democratic ballots.
Best Thing About Obama's Base; Too Naive,Uninformed & Too Lazy To Vote On November 7.
Actually Libs have jobs which keeps their voting numbers down, unlike the lazy slacker CON$ervoFascist welfare queens. The GOP knows this, which is why they always block making election day a federal holiday or moving it to the weekend.
The GOP is so concerned about the Democratic vote that they're manufacturing reasons to deny them their vote.
didnt MSNBC declare that no one will beat Obama in 2010,,that Obama was unbeatable? if so,,then why is he campaigning?

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