Beta O'Rourke: "I Would ‘Absolutely’ Tear Down Existing Walls at Border"

Mexico is not our enemy

Mexico is not invading America.

People who violate our laws by illegally crossing our border to come into the USA make themselves enemies of every citizen of the United States.

Immigration Gumballs (6:08)

America: No Documents Needed

America's Great Wall

Trespassers are not a national emergency

Not to the short-sighted you preach to.

But to those who care greatly about those tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands being preyed upon and those who are victims of the process which you defend, it IS an emergency.

And to those who pay for these illegals, it is a treasury-draining Cloward-Piven slow frog boiling emergency.

They cost us approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes,

Center for Immigration Studies

The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration

"Based on the NAS data, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes, excluding any costs for their U.S.-born children. If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall." 1

The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration

Mexican immigrants add to our economy.

I do not fear people who come to mow our lawns, make our beds or build our golf courses just because they are brown and speak a different language

So just let them all in then, right ?
So glad you are not in charge of anything.

By the way, "immigrants" or "illegal immigrants" ?

If they obey our laws and want to work
Should all border walls come down, not just the El Paso one? “I think there is a role for physical barriers in some places," O'Rourke says, noting he was making pt. w/ Hayes based on EP's specific situation. BO advocates working w/ "local stakeholders" on best security solution.

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