O'Rourke,Gillibrand want to tear down existing border walls

First Beto O'Rourke and now Kirsten Gillibrand: Democrats mull destroying current barrier on southern border

Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

I would tear down any walls Trump builds using if necessary a national emergency. A wall is un-American and a complete repudiation of what we stand for.
There are hundreds of millions of people living in poverty and near poverty from Mexico to Tierra Del Fuego. All of that bull crap you spiel will mean nothing if someone takes what you have.

There are more things than economics. The drug cartels have taken over several Central American countries. These people are in fear of their lives. You are the one spewing hateful bull crap because that is what you are.

At one time the KKK had a lot of control of the south. At one time Italian gangs ran cities, killed countless people, and maimed even more. At one time people bought other people as slaves to work on their properties and thus free labor.

When your society is experiencing problems, you don't run. You have to figure a way to defeat them. If you don't want to fight for your country, then you simply tolerate it. But don't bring your problems here because of your lack of courage.

Women and children should fight? The fact is they do not have the resources to fight back. The problem we have is white supremacists like you. Unfortunately the only thing to do is take away your power in 2020.
The brown women and children should be considered expendable.
I support Ronald Reagan's vision.

"Rather than making them … we’re talking about putting up a fence. Why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here? And when they want to go back, they can go back and they can cross. And open the border both ways by understanding their problems. This is the only safety valve they have with that unemployment that probably keeps the lid from blowing off down there. And I think we could have a fine relationship and it would solve the problem you mentioned also."

You conveniently left out the context of that quote. Ironically, he was addressing the threat of Cuba's communist regime getting its hooks into Mexico, which threatened not only the spread of communism, but the potential of an enemy existing directly at our southern border. In this talking point, he first mentioned the high unemployment rate in Mexico, and said "now this cannot continue without the possibility arising—with regard to that other country that we talked about, of Cuba and everything it is stirring up—of the possibility of trouble below the border. And we could have a very hostile and strange neighbor on our border" -- those were the words immediately preceding the quote you plucked.

Very different geopolitical climate underlying that statement. Reagan was actively working to avert the spread of the kind of ideals being espoused by the people that are now trying to use this quote in support of their agenda. Using a Ronald Reagan quote in connection with the proliferation of a socialized, single-payer economic model would be a pretty funny meme if it was meant as hyperbole. Unfortunately, the people doing this are actually serious.
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One more thing, Busybee, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 that Reagan signed into law was designed specifically to secure the U.S. border, and included a compliment of laws aimed at doing just that--most of which have been ignored from day one--to wit, strengthened enforcement procedures at the U.S. border and for dealing with future illegal immigrants that weren't amnestied under the bill, and changes to the legal immigration system to include, among other things, background checks. The failure to enforce those laws at the federal, state and local level for the past 30 years is what gave rise to the current situation and the heated debate on immigration and border security.
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First Beto O'Rourke and now Kirsten Gillibrand: Democrats mull destroying current barrier on southern border

Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

I would tear down any walls Trump builds using if necessary a national emergency. A wall is un-American and a complete repudiation of what we stand for.
There are hundreds of millions of people living in poverty and near poverty from Mexico to Tierra Del Fuego. All of that bull crap you spiel will mean nothing if someone takes what you have.

There are more things than economics. The drug cartels have taken over several Central American countries. These people are in fear of their lives. You are the one spewing hateful bull crap because that is what you are.

At one time the KKK had a lot of control of the south. At one time Italian gangs ran cities, killed countless people, and maimed even more. At one time people bought other people as slaves to work on their properties and thus free labor.

When your society is experiencing problems, you don't run. You have to figure a way to defeat them. If you don't want to fight for your country, then you simply tolerate it. But don't bring your problems here because of your lack of courage.

Women and children should fight? The fact is they do not have the resources to fight back. The problem we have is white supremacists like you. Unfortunately the only thing to do is take away your power in 2020.

Always with the women and children, yet when we have footage of those people, it's loaded with males in their 20's marching ahead until they get to the border, then MSM brainwashes you by showing how they put the women and children in front of the caravan once they get there.

If it's so bad where they live, WTF are they having children in the first place? I don't have any children because I didn't want the financial burden. I have illnesses I don't wish to pass on to others. I don't recall any of those people requesting arms from the US. We'd be happy go provide them. The truth is they don't want to fight. Just come to the US and bring all your problems with you.
Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

Probably a good idea, walls and fences are counter productive.

You see, before we started putting up walls, we didn't have a large undocumented population. People came in, worked for a while, and then went home.

Once they started putting up walls to placate the bigots, people came over, and just stayed, because going back was too much trouble.

If you guys really, really wanted to discourage illegal immigration, the way to do that is to go after the people who hire them. The main reason why illegal immigration across the Southern Border is down 80% from where it was in 2000 was because when they get here, it's harder to find a job with E-Verify.

The other reason why it is down is because the economy in Mexico is doing really well right now.
Beta and Gillibrand are shamelessly pandering to the vastly growing racist Aztlan Nationalist wing of the Democratic Party who want to change America to a Latino country.
Beta and Gillibrand are shamelessly pandering to the vastly growing racist Aztlan Nationalist wing of the Democratic Party who want to change America to a Latino country.

Yes, there's a evil Latino hiding under your bed. Any minute now he's going to pop out and clean your house.
First Beto O'Rourke and now Kirsten Gillibrand: Democrats mull destroying current barrier on southern border

Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

I would tear down any walls Trump builds using if necessary a national emergency. A wall is un-American and a complete repudiation of what we stand for.

We stand for foreigners just waltzing on in and making themselves at home on our dime?

Apparently Busybutthead does.

She doesn't care that these illegals are costing we the tax payer billions each year. She also doesn't care that American citizens are being raped, robbed and murdered.

Nor does she care that they are bringing drugs across the border.

She cares more for illegals than she does for American citizens.

She's an illegal loving anti American who should move to Mexico. Moron.
I would tear down any walls Trump builds using if necessary a national emergency. A wall is un-American and a complete repudiation of what we stand for.
So brave. So righteous.

How many illegals live in your house? None?

Not as many illegals that worked at Trump golf courses and hotels.
First Beto O'Rourke and now Kirsten Gillibrand: Democrats mull destroying current barrier on southern border

Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

I would tear down any walls Trump builds using if necessary a national emergency. A wall is un-American and a complete repudiation of what we stand for.
So you will tear down ALL walls around former leftist presidents,politicians,movie stars,musicians homes as well right? Or are you a hypocrite like they are.

What they do is their business not mine. People can build a wall if they want and it does not make them hypocrites. As usual you are using talking points and nothing else.
So you are a hypocrite and correct WE ARE going to build a wall because we want one. 30 states,2,626 counties out of roughly 3,000 in America and over 60 million people voted for a WALL.
So brave. So righteous.

How many illegals live in your house? None?

Why would they need to? They are mostly capable of working for their own room and board.

the real problem is that they are willing to do jobs that Willie White Trash doesn't want to do because he can get section 8 housing.
First Beto O'Rourke and now Kirsten Gillibrand: Democrats mull destroying current barrier on southern border

Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

They are trapped. Meh, it’s all a plan anyway. 29 of the DNC’s back benchers come out to run in a primary so molester Joe can come and look sane.
/——/ Or Manchella.
First Beto O'Rourke and now Kirsten Gillibrand: Democrats mull destroying current barrier on southern border

Man this stuff gets better every day! Keep showing centrist and independent Americans why they shouldn't vote for you! I love this crap. Alienating more and more people!

I would tear down any walls Trump builds using if necessary a national emergency. A wall is un-American and a complete repudiation of what we stand for.
There are hundreds of millions of people living in poverty and near poverty from Mexico to Tierra Del Fuego. All of that bull crap you spiel will mean nothing if someone takes what you have.

There are more things than economics. The drug cartels have taken over several Central American countries. These people are in fear of their lives. You are the one spewing hateful bull crap because that is what you are.
What do you think the drug cartels are? THEY are the drug cartels. The drug cartels are the fathers, uncles and brothers of the people fleeing. MS-13 flees Los Zetas who flees the 18th street gang who flees Sinaloa who flees Felix. There are no innocents.

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