Beta O'Rourke: "I Would ‘Absolutely’ Tear Down Existing Walls at Border"

Leave it to today's Dimocrats, and any deterrent to illegal immigration would be destroyed.
At least their leaders more and more are being honest about it.

Beto O’Rourke: I Would ‘Absolutely’ Tear Down Existing Walls at Border

Private citizen and possible 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke spoke with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on Thursday about the border, the wall, and O’Rourke’s hometown of El Paso. Hayes passed along a tweeted from Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) and O’Rourke’s answer was probably not what most would have expected.

Hayes introduced the below question to O’Rourke by saying that Crenshaw is a representative in Texas, but not a border district, and that he tweeted it on his timeline, not to Hayes specifically. “I’m passing it along,” he said.

Do you suppose Beta ever wonders if maybe, just maybe, THIS is why he lost his election IN FREAKING TEXAS?!

Excuse me but O'Rourke narrowly lost in red Texas. A lot of Texans voted for a Republican for Governor and a Democrat for Senate.
If Beta becomes a serious candidate, Republicans just need to play this clip with Chrissy Hayes over and over.

That will help O'Rourke as Americans mostly oppose a wall and a even larger amount oppose a national emergency.
The poll question that needs to be asked is "should the wall along the southern border be torn down, or strengthened and extended?"
Tear that sucker down

Donate the pieces to museums as a testament to prejudice and hatred so future generations can see what we once were
If Beta becomes a serious candidate, Republicans just need to play this clip with Chrissy Hayes over and over.

That will help O'Rourke as Americans mostly oppose a wall and a even larger amount oppose a national emergency.
The poll question that needs to be asked is "should the wall along the southern border be torn down, or strengthened and extended?"
Tear that sucker down

Donate the pieces to museums as a testament to prejudice and hatred so future generations can see what we once were
I hope you and the rest of the dems still have that opinion in 2020 during the debates, along with the "Green New Deal". The voters will never have a starker choice.
Not to the short-sighted you preach to.

But to those who care greatly about those tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands being preyed upon and those who are victims of the process which you defend, it IS an emergency.

And to those who pay for these illegals, it is a treasury-draining Cloward-Piven slow frog boiling emergency.

They cost us approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes,

The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration
Mexican immigrants add to our economy.

I do not fear people who come to mow our lawns, make our beds or build our golf courses just because they are brown and speak a different language

Repeating the same disproven lies and half truths is all you can do when you have no better argument.
Mexicans are providing low cost labor

That is not an emergency
Any illegal who enters the country is a national emergency!

The white supremacists and neo-nazis who have taken over the Republican Party are a national emergency.
Got a link for that bullshit? Didn't think so, thanks for playing. C'mon back in 2020 and try spewing that bullshit again, maybe you'll find some low IQ dems who believe it.
Beto was a forceps baby and the doctor applied way too much pressure.
Besides, political office wise, what has he ever won?
He will sure get oprah's vote and every other liberal that lives safely behind walls themselves.
If Beta becomes a serious candidate, Republicans just need to play this clip with Chrissy Hayes over and over.

That will help O'Rourke as Americans mostly oppose a wall and a even larger amount oppose a national emergency.
The poll question that needs to be asked is "should the wall along the southern border be torn down, or strengthened and extended?"
Tear that sucker down

Donate the pieces to museums as a testament to prejudice and hatred so future generations can see what we once were
I hope you and the rest of the dems still have that opinion in 2020 during the debates, along with the "Green New Deal". The voters will never have a starker choice.

Tear that sucker down

Better yet ..... Do like Republicans do
Just defund it, stop all maintenance and defund border agents

Then deny you did anything at all
" Profiteering Open Sails On Schism Races "

* Importing More And More Brick Layers To Build Brick Houses For Brick Layers *
Excuse me but O'Rourke narrowly lost in red Texas. A lot of Texans voted for a Republican for Governor and a Democrat for Senate.
The 2018 election of rafael edward " ted " cruz over " oh roar our urk key " gauged the numerical support base of staunch republicans against staunch democrats .

An american public need not pander to violations against the self ownership or self determination of its composite citizen individuals to determine membership for their selves , and may naturally wedged themselves against politicians indemnifying ones self to others as barter for favors as a pezzonovante .

The theft of private citizen property through an impractical and imbalanced immigration system should be offensively addressed with self defense by its citizenry even by claims for tort against state body actions .
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If Trump call build it by declaring an emergency, a democratic president can tear it down by declaring an emergency; an environmental emergency, for example. Apparently, Trump has not thought this far in advance. He is prolly being distracted by the lie on the 4th green at the golf club.
Can't butterflies and squirrels get threw the steel slates?
Think what Nancy's lawnmowers are doing to all the insects at the border!
If Beta becomes a serious candidate, Republicans just need to play this clip with Chrissy Hayes over and over.

That will help O'Rourke as Americans mostly oppose a wall and a even larger amount oppose a national emergency.
The poll question that needs to be asked is "should the wall along the southern border be torn down, or strengthened and extended?"
Tear that sucker down

Donate the pieces to museums as a testament to prejudice and hatred so future generations can see what we once were
I hope you and the rest of the dems still have that opinion in 2020 during the debates, along with the "Green New Deal". The voters will never have a starker choice.

Tear that sucker down Better yet ..... Do like Republicans do
Just defund it, stop all maintenance and defund border agents

Then deny you did anything at all

BINGO!! Can you imagine the Budget battle for the 2020 Budget that's about to happen? It will make the 35-day shutdown look like a picnic. Trump already said that he will NOT sign another "omnibus" spending bill concocted behind closed doors. If the dems cut Defense and Homeland and ICE, and fund migrant benefits programs and any of the "New Green Deal" can you imagine the result? OMG, buckle up...

2019 Federal Budget $4.04T
Mandatory spending $2.74T
Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary $1.3T
Defense $893.0b
HHS $70.0b
Education $59.9b
VA $83.1b
Homeland $52.7b
Energy Dept $29.2b
NNSA $15.1b
HUD $29.2b
State Dept $40.3b
NASA $19.0b
Foreign Aid $55.0b
All Other Agencies $78.1
Thing is the Rs in congress love open borders too.

This issue is a perfect example of how the extreme wealthy control the nation. The people want border security, well the ones not duped by the .01% controlled MSM, but they have little power.
DJT wants to drain the swamp of ALL it's nasty critters, Democrat AND Republican.

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I don't think pushing for more illegal immigration is a winning strategy. Is that what this is? What is the purpose of tearing down pre-existing walls?
That stinking pig is America's Justin Trudeau - right down to that utterly vacant, oblivious grin I want to smack right the fuck off his face. If that smarmy motherfucker had lived in England 500 years ago he would have been hung/drawn/quartered for treason and deservedly so. WHAT THE FUCK is it with you liberals and your bursts of American-self-hatred? Is that the only manner in which your little penises get an erection or something? Cocksuckers.
" Political Call Lee Crazy Ashed Theories "

* Incongruity Cums Two Mind *

That stinking pig is America's Justin Trudeau - right down to that utterly vacant, oblivious grin I want to smack right the fuck off his face. If that smarmy motherfucker had lived in England 500 years ago he would have been hung/drawn/quartered for treason and deservedly so. WHAT THE FUCK is it with you liberals and your bursts of American-self-hatred? Is that the only manner in which your little penises get an erection or something? Cocksuckers.
Much said could be based upon numbers and origin .

The left have disavowed any association for genealogy with a geography and have disavowed predominance of an association with japheth , or pheopheth with a geography ; and , the left are orchestrating suicidal theatrics .

Melanin - Wikipedia
There are three basic types of melanin: eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin. The most common type is eumelanin, of which there are two types—brown eumelanin and black eumelanin. Pheomelanin is a cysteine-derivative that contains polybenzothiazine portions that are largely responsible for the color of red hair, among other pigmentation. Neuromelanin is found in the brain.

The three sons of noah has been described as a pseudo scientific attempt to understand genus , where ham represented a homogeneous traits for black eumelanin , shem represented a homogeneous traits for brown eumelanin and japheth represented a homogeneous traits with out eumelanin , as the paradigm fails to determine pheomelanin ( red ) as a distinct pigmentation .

Given interests of fairness - for political correctness to be willfully ignorant of protein racemization distinctions , and ignores analysis of expectation an consequence - and stated with very much cynicism , " Which percentage of representation globally should each of four clads be entitled , as compared with percentage of representation of three clads ? " .
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You are missing another appellation* under your name.


*Definition of appellation. 1 : an identifying name or title : designation was entitled to the appellation "doctor" 2 : a geographical name (as of a region, village, or vineyard) under which a winegrower is authorized to identify and market wine also : the area designated by such a name.
Mexico is not our enemy

Mexico is not invading America.

People who violate our laws by illegally crossing our border to come into the USA make themselves enemies of every citizen of the United States.

Immigration Gumballs (6:08)

America: No Documents Needed

America's Great Wall

Trespassers are not a national emergency

Not to the short-sighted you preach to.

But to those who care greatly about those tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands being preyed upon and those who are victims of the process which you defend, it IS an emergency.

And to those who pay for these illegals, it is a treasury-draining Cloward-Piven slow frog boiling emergency.

They cost us approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes,

Center for Immigration Studies

The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration

"Based on the NAS data, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of approximately $74,722 during their lifetimes, excluding any costs for their U.S.-born children. If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall." 1

The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration

Mexican immigrants add to our economy.

I do not fear people who come to mow our lawns, make our beds or build our golf courses just because they are brown and speak a different language

So just let them all in then, right ?
So glad you are not in charge of anything.

By the way, "immigrants" or "illegal immigrants" ?
Mexican immigrants add to our economy.

You lie they are a net loss to our economy :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You are the liar. They are a plus on many fronts. Many of the red states rely on federal money. They are a net loss to the country.

By all means, tell us these "many fronts" on which illegals are a "plus". And then tell us why you're far more resentful of actual citizens benefiting from their own government than you are people who have no legal right to be here doing so.

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