Beto Backtracks on AR-15 Confiscation: ‘I’m not Interested in Taking Anything From Anyone’

The obvious answer is that he realized that he was wrong, so he recanted. I respect someone who
admits a mistake, unlike some people who never admit that they were wrong and just doubles down on the faux pas. Do You? Beto has beliefs that won't fly in Texas, so he will not foist them on you.
John Kennedy was pro-life, and he said that his personal beliefs would not interfere with women's
overwhelming support of pro-choice. Beto has obviously taken the same stance, and it wasn't a lie then and it isn't a lie now. He is supporting the people in his state.

No, he isnt changing his mind. He is saying what he needs to in order to get on office.

This story I linked below was just a few months ago and you don't do a sudden about face on a subject like this out of the blue, especially when he has been so passionate about it for so long. You don't spend a very long time saying "I'm gonna take your guns" and suddenly right as soon as he is running for a office you change your tune?

No that's disingenuous.

No, he isnt changing his mind. He is saying what he needs to in order to get on office.

This story I linked below was just a few months ago and you don't do a sudden about face on a subject like this out of the blue, especially when he has been so passionate about it for so long. You don't spend a very long time saying "I'm gonna take your guns" and suddenly right as soon as he is running for a office you change your tune?

No that's disingenuous.

You and I both know damned well that wasn't a decision Beto made for himself. Someone took him aside and told him "Look, lay off the AR-15 ban thing until after you get elected. This is going to hurt your chances of winning."

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
He's a fucking liar and an idiot.

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
When Libtards like Beto move their lips they are lying.

You can never trust a Liberal when it comes to anything having to do with reasonable firearm determinations because their agenda is to take the right to keep and and bear arms away from the American people.

Liberals are lying bastards.
No, he isnt changing his mind. He is saying what he needs to in order to get on office.

This story I linked below was just a few months ago and you don't do a sudden about face on a subject like this out of the blue, especially when he has been so passionate about it for so long. You don't spend a very long time saying "I'm gonna take your guns" and suddenly right as soon as he is running for a office you change your tune?

No that's disingenuous.

He is going to do what his constituents want when he is in office. He has reversed his stance on gun control. His personal beliefs will not interfere with his term in office. Respect that decision. I do.
Look what trump promised to do when elected. He simply didn't do much of it.
-Demonstrate- that he realized he was wrong.
What has he said in support of the idea he came to the conckuion his former position was, based on the facts of the issue, an error?

Now, it's obvious Beto looked around and realized he's running for office in Texas, not California, and so he has to at least act like he has some respect for the right to keep and bear arms.

The obvious questions for our friends on the lleft:
Was Beto lying then, or is he lying now?
And then: Why does he need to lie to get elected?
And THEN: Why is getting elected more important than "the right hing to do"?
I wouldn't trust that lying POS to take out the trash. He's looking for a gravy train to ride.
He is going to do what his constituents want when he is in office. He has reversed his stance on gun control. His personal beliefs will not interfere with his term in office. Respect that decision. I do.
Look what trump promised to do when elected. He simply didn't do much of it.
We have seen the Progs for too long now with their lies. Their movement to totalitarianism with their political class childlike Sesame Street verbiage done with a stern response is dangerous. Trump did do a lot. He tried to get more. You lie! If we do not get this inflation under control, the ugliness of people will increase.
We have seen the Progs for too long now with their lies. Their movement to totalitarianism with their political class childlike Sesame Street verbiage done with a stern response is dangerous. Trump did do a lot. He tried to get more. You lie! If we do not get this inflation under control, the ugliness of people will increase.
Stop calling me a liar, because you sound like a 5th grader. What lies, lamb chop?
-Demonstrate- that he realized he was wrong.
What has he said in support of the idea he came to the conckuion his former position was, based on the facts of the issue, an error?
Demonstrate? What the hell does that mean? He changed his stance and that is the demonstration.
Demonstrate? What the hell does that mean? He changed his stance and that is the demonstration.
Yes. Demonstrate that he changed his stance, in any part, because he thought his previous statnce was in error.
Like you said he did.
I recall pointing out that Trump called for people to get their gun rights removed and then worry about their due process later and his supporters made the same excuses.
I recall pointing out that Trump called for people to get their gun rights removed and then worry about their due process later and his supporters made the same excuses.
This is the best you can up with?

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