Beto/Gabbard 2020: no more wars without end with casualties that number in the infinities

Vietnam was an insane mirage, none of it needed to happen

Iraq was an insane mirage, none of it needed to happen

Afghanistan was an insane mirage, none of it needed to happen...and still it goes on and on and on!
They won't be getting any of my kids as cannon fodder for corporate wars for profit.
NO WAR WITH IRAN! This would be an unmitigated disaster. We must stop Trump and his national security advisor, John Bolton—someone who likes endless wars.
I still think there’s time for Beto to reset because he has charisma and inspiration. But what he needs to do is get more detailed policy proposals and more strategic in his campaign approach.
Donald Trump's advisors are edging us toward a dangerous war with Iran. we know how this ends. But it is not too late to stop this mistake.
BWAHAHAHA! That's what Typhoid Barry Obamaggot ran on in 2008 - yet he turned out to be the only American "president-like-thing" who was at war every single day of his 8 year American Dark Ages.
Trump doesn't want to get in a ground war with Iran. Instead he sent the carrier strike group and bomber wing, demonstrating force in a way that plays to our advantage.

Trump doctrine?
He's polling at like 9%. He's done.


Even CNN says so:

Beto O'Rourke is polling worse than ever - CNNPolitics

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