Beto O'Rouke Blows up Press Conference on Texas Shooting

No gun ran down to that school and shot itself off. It was a mentally deranged man raised in a destructive household.Bobby O'Rourke blew up his campaign with his stunt. Hopefully it is permanent this time.

Not just a mentally deranged man, one that either supported or was part of the BLM Klan - the terrorist wing of the democrat party.
All your rants point to you wanting to see a disarmed society.

I guess you don’t realize that you were already disarmed if you plan on overthrowing the federal government with your toys. You get along given your consent that you cannot on weapons to match the fire power of the US military and all the law-enforcement in the entire country. If you’re armed to defend your homes and protect yourself and hunt varmints dinner By all means, God bless you and stay safe. But if you arming up to help another DJT try to pull off another coup attempt, you are leaning fascist and should not be considered “trusted” to be law-abiding citizens anymore.

All your rants point to you wanting to see a disarmed society.

Hell no. You are just a liar. You don’t know that

You are paranoid. A Trumpflake. Behave yourselves and keep your stupid guns. There’s no reason to take away guns from people that already have them. Absolutely no reason.

So tell me,

You you already know Everything. So what do you want me to tell you.

It was a mentally deranged man raised in a destructive household.

So let’s just not let anybody who turns 18 walking to the store with some cash and walk out legally with two assault rifles, 30 round clips, ready for combat with no questions asked what are you going to do with it. What if one of these birthday boy loners but himself a shiny new assault rifle one bunch of rounds of ammunition was out to his pick up truck loads it up turns around and walks back in Shoots the guy or people that sold to him just to test it out. The timing of this purchase so close to this massacre makes you think the usual NRA preferred response - thoughts and prayers - wait till we bury the dead and then we’ll discuss maybe doing something about it - or not is not going to happen.
Oh, "rational sane people" who waged a two year Kristallnacht - a literal armed insurrection against the nation.
Oh you mean this guy?

LEFTY RIOTER - during the CHAUVIN protest on May30 Martin J. Engelhart looted stores, and took part in a beating


Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.​
Keeping track: Over 50 people facing felony charges in vandalism, looting, violence during protests

A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors.​
On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.​
I am sure the above referenced criminal acted alone. But if you have a link where he was ‘attacking the Nation’ As a member of the Democratic party or BLM please please please fill us in
Body armor did not kill nineteen Robb Elementary ten year olds and two teachers in Uvalde County on May 24.

Being a Hispanic Trannie did not kill nineteen Robb Elementary ten year olds and two teachers in Uvalde County on May 24.

An easily purchased AR15 glamorized (see photos) by 49 NRA purchased white US Senators and white Donald Trump Jr and his white sore loser father who all support the “NRA’s easy” in easily fucking purchased AR15 and the 30 round clips is what killed nineteen Robb Elementary ten year olds and two teachers in Uvalde County on May 24 and terrorize every ten year old in a society that care more about this

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More than they care about kids being mass murdered - even for the right of whackos.

Glamorized and sexualized to attract young men

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Nineteen Robb Elementary ten year olds and two teachers in Uvalde County Texas last saw a man with a human killing tool that looked like the glorified weapon that Trump JR is so proud to own and okay with.
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NRA Poster Big Bend Texas tried to tell me the easily purchased assault rifle used to mass murder Nineteen Robb Elementary ten year olds and two teachers in Uvalde County Texas is not what those terrified kids last saw. He suggests the final image processed by their ten year old brains before being splattered all over the classroom walls and floor - the last thing seen was an Hispanic trannie.

It’s why Big Bend Texas cannot have a soul. The easily purchased assault rifle didn’t kill 19 kids - a Hispanic trannie did

Here DJT jr blames crazy teachers
“We can't acknowledge what the actual causes are, it's not a drug-addict mother and a missing father and a lack of religion, indoctrination programs in our schools, crazy teachers teaching some of the crap I've talking about in these videos. It's none of those things," he said. "It never ends man."​

So called assault rifles don't kill anyone, they don't accept clips either.

If he'd been armed solely with revolvers he could have killed and wounded the exact same number of people in the exact same amount of time.

This is a 75yo man with a revolver.

12 accurately placed shots in under 3 seconds.

I'm nowhere in his league and with a 5 shot .41 can put 25 accurate shots on target in 1 minute.

Like most on this subject you are clueless.
It is not fascism to participate in elections by voting for representatives of your choice.

It is fascism for a sitting president of the United States to try and undo the will of 88 million people and disenfranchise every single one of those votes against him.

Rational sane people in this country have not been given a chance to reduce mass shootings because the evil corrupt National Rifle Association President lll on the United States Senate through the filibuster. They only way to find out if America can resolve the mass shooting epidemic as the majority sees it to stop evil dark NRA Money from owning at least ten US SENATORS that are doing their evil “easy gun acces to wackos whoever want to buy assault weapons and ammo without a realistic background check, psychological testing and training and licensing us to fire them from the US Senate.
Funny, Fascists always come to power in popular elections.
Agree. There are at least 10 United States Republican senators who are owned by the NRA snd who oppose restrictions on wackos from being able to easily buy assault weapons and ammo to kill little kids.
Why are you lying? The NRA fully supports fully and faithfully enforcing existing laws which can prevent the mentally ill from legally owning and buying firearms.

Let's try doing that for a decade and then come back with a decade's worth of data and see what more might be needed and what can be done without infringing on the rights of 330,000,000 Americans.
I guess you don’t realize that you were already disarmed if you plan on overthrowing the federal government with your toys. You get along given your consent that you cannot on weapons to match the fire power of the US military and all the law-enforcement in the entire country. If you’re armed to defend your homes and protect yourself and hunt varmints dinner By all means, God bless you and stay safe. But if you arming up to help another DJT try to pull off another coup attempt, you are leaning fascist and should not be considered “trusted” to be law-abiding citizens anymore.

Hell no. You are just a liar. You don’t know that

You are paranoid. A Trumpflake. Behave yourselves and keep your stupid guns. There’s no reason to take away guns from people that already have them. Absolutely no reason.

You you already know Everything. So what do you want me to tell you.

So let’s just not let anybody who turns 18 walking to the store with some cash and walk out legally with two assault rifles, 30 round clips, ready for combat with no questions asked what are you going to do with it. What if one of these birthday boy loners but himself a shiny new assault rifle one bunch of rounds of ammunition was out to his pick up truck loads it up turns around and walks back in Shoots the guy or people that sold to him just to test it out. The timing of this purchase so close to this massacre makes you think the usual NRA preferred response - thoughts and prayers - wait till we bury the dead and then we’ll discuss maybe doing something about it - or not is not going to happen.
We wouldn't need to match their firepower or advanced weapons anymore than the VC or Taliban did.
Oh you mean this guy?

LEFTY RIOTER - during the CHAUVIN protest on May30 Martin J. Engelhart looted stores, and took part in a beating

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Martin J. Engelhart, 21, Madison, was charged July 16 with looting two shoe stores at East Towne Mall and taking part in beating a man who had tried to stop the looting of a State Street shop earlier the same night.​
Keeping track: Over 50 people facing felony charges in vandalism, looting, violence during protests

A criminal complaint charges Engelhart with substantial battery as party to a crime, two counts of burglary as party to a crime and one count of attempted burglary as party to a crime, all felonies, for events he is accused of taking part in May 30, the first night of protests that began Downtown. He was also charged with criminal damage to property a party to a crime and bail jumping, both misdemeanors.​
On Aug. 5, he was charged in a separate complaint with another count of felony burglary as party to a crime.​
I am sure the above referenced criminal acted alone. But if you have a link where he was ‘attacking the Nation’ As a member of the Democratic party or BLM please please please fill us in
He certainly did not act alone, he was acting as part of a mob.

He certainly did not act alone, he was acting as part of a mob.
I asked go this;

“I am sure the above referenced criminal acted alone. But if you have a link where he was ‘attacking the Nation’ As a member of the Democratic party or BLM please please please fill us in”​

Where is there a Chauvin Riot DEM PARTY or BLM summer of 2020 equivalence to the indicted Oath Keepers militia members and leader coordinating and conspiring to attack a live session of Congress being associated with someone as high up as DJT and members of his immediate staff and Republican members of Congress leading up to the inside coup attempt by DJT and 84 fake electors coordinated from seven states snd the riotous attempt on Jan6 by the Oath Keepers and the accompanying mob?
We wouldn't need to match their firepower or advanced weapons anymore than the VC or Taliban did.
Your response was to this;

I guess you don’t realize that you were already disarmed if you plan on overthrowing the federal government with your toys. You have given your consent that you cannot own weapons to match the fire power of the US military and all the law-enforcement in the entire country.​
I am not aware of any moment in time whether the Viet Cong or the actually Taliban ever came close to overthrowing the Federal Government of the United States at any time.

But it shall be duly noted that an American insurgency is in your dreams to be compared to the insurgency of a theocratic male dominated sixteenth century medieval pack of woman rights abusers as the Taliban.

Yes I can see the male dominated white evangelical Christian/Republican Party militia movement being led by such ignorance and haters being stupid enough to thing the Assembly of God given guns will win many battles against a government that will shoot back. It went be ten year olds in classrooms or black grannies in supermarkets this time.

Thanks for the tip off though Mr American Taliban in Big Bend Texas.
He certainly did not act alone, he was acting as part of a mob
The mob was formed spontaneously after the video of Officer Chauvin murdering George Floyd went viral. Martin J. Engelhart committed crimes away from the protests because that is what criminals do sometimes simultaneous with other criminals who do so because they realize that peaceful protests require a large presence by local police specifically when not planned in advance.​

Where is your case that Engelhart was in fact looting and physically assaulting people by invitation and coordination in some nationwide movement for BLM or DNC leadership to “attack the nation” and violently overthrow the Trump Administration by stealing footwear on the same night George Floyd was murdered by cop?

As usual you did not respond to my question and explanation.

The January 6 attack on our democracy was planned snd attempted to be carried out by the most powerful man on earth who is butthurt because he lost re-election.

Two days later, on Nov. 7, Rhodes sent a similar message calling for an action at the Capitol: “[W]e must now do what the people of Serbia did when Milosevic stole their election. – Refuse to accept it and march en-mass on the nation’s Capitol.”

There is no equivalence between Engelhart and Stuart Rhodes planned attack on our nation for DJT that began planning on November 7 2020 because Biden won and DJT lost. No evidence of fraud.

Will you join Rhodes if and when he gets out of prison even though he will never be a law abiding citizen with a gun ever again .

We’re going to defend the president, the duly elected president” — by whom he meant Trump — “and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country,” Rhodes allegedly said. “Because if you don’t guys, you’re going to be in a bloody, bloody civil war, and a bloody — you can call it an insurrection or you can call it a war or fight.”​
By Dec. 31st, that indictment states, Rhodes had joined a private group text on Signal titled “DC OP: Jan 6 21.” The indictment describes Rhodes as hand-picking a top deputy, known as “PERSON TEN,” to be the “operations leader” for the group on Jan. 6. The indictment also alleges Rhodes put up money for hotel rooms for himself and “PERSON TEN” at the Hilton Garden Inn in Vienna, Virginia. And it describes how, on the day of the insurrection, Rhodes was in constant contact, via text and phone call, with people named in the alleged conspiracy.​
For example, Rhodes texted the group chat at 1:25 p.m. remarking: “Pence is doing nothing. As I predicted.” And then again at 1:40 p.m. he wrote: “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They’ve had enough.” Minutes later Rhodes texted that he was on his way to the Capitol.​
The new indictment released Thursday offers fresh details of Rhodes’ involvement in the alleged plot:​
It records a Signal message Rhodes sent two days after the election calling on his followers to refuse to accept the result: “We aren’t getting through this without a civil war. Too late for that. Prepare your mind, body, spirit.”​
Two days later, on Nov. 7, Rhodes sent a similar message calling for an action at the Capitol: “[W]e must now do what the people of Serbia did when Milosevic stole their election. – Refuse to accept it and march en-mass on the nation’s Capitol.”
Considering Trump isn't wearing body armor, shooting up a school or aiming at any of those kids much less being a Hispanic Trannie I'm fairly confident they didn't see a man looking like that just before they died.
I’m not so sure

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